I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1781: 3 times mental power and Primordial Underfire

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! These masters of the Universe Realm who have been annihilated are almost all from the first to the third.

They are all the bottom-most existences among the Universe Realm masters. Even so, they are also thousands of Universe Realm masters.

If it were placed outside, thousands of masters of the Universe Realm would have fallen in one breath, I'm afraid it would make a sensation in the whole world.

A battle of genocide, about it is just like this.

Now the group was wiped out almost all at once.

And the remaining Universe Realm masters are all wounded, not much better at all.

Even if they were as powerful as Huangfu Li, and Zibuyu, Meng Tianren, and Hu Qingxuan were all shot out of the shock at the same time, and they were directly hit hard.

It was only at this time that they finally understood why Chu Yunfan was severely injured when he first came into contact with the Primordial Phoenix Egg.

They subconsciously think that Chu Yunfan, who can ignore the Primordial Phoenix Egg, is much more powerful than them. After all, Chu Yunfan's appearance is also a dying old man, and it looks like someone who is suffering in a deep mountain forest. Repaired old monster.

Although they do not look down on others outwardly, at this time, they are more or less affected.

Even Chu Yunfan was forced to squirt out a mouthful of blood, so they were normal like this.

It's just that before, everyone was blinded by the temptation that might tame the Primordial Phoenix, and he didn't expect so much at all.

Only now did they realize that something was wrong. They clearly felt that after absorbing the essence and blood of thousands of masters of the Universe Realm, the aura of the creature in the Primordial Phoenix Egg became stronger and stronger, and even the sound of the heartbeat became stronger and stronger. Up.

Able to cultivate to the Universe Realm and become a big man, wherever there is a real fool, even if he was blinded by profit before, I am afraid it is reacting now.

There was a problem at the beginning.

Some people even thought of the more terrifying possibility, whether the opening of this Ten Fierce Cave Mansion was a conspiracy from beginning to end.

Otherwise, these ten fierce caves have been closed for so many years, and almost no one can find his cave. How could it suddenly open at this time, and the news soon spread all over the world, attracting so many masters.

If they hadn't thought of so much before, then they already feel that things are not normal.

From the beginning, this matter may have been a trap, attracting people like them to come and die.

Thousands of masters in the Universe Realm were annihilated by a single blow, and all their essence and blood turned into a terrifying torrent, which was absorbed by this Primordial Phoenix Egg.

What if they were deliberately attracted to become blood eaters?

Thinking of this, everyone just felt shuddering. If that was the case, it would be terrible, that is to say, they fell into the trap of others from the beginning.

And they didn't know it themselves, they thought they could be the last hunter, but they didn't want to, instead they became prey.

Thinking of this, they all fled outside with horror on their faces.

At this moment, they discovered that among them, the eyes of some people suddenly changed, from the original cultivator's piercing eyes to a gray, and then in an instant, they began to attack the people around them. stand up.

Originally there were only a thousand Universe Realm masters left, and one-third of them immediately became like this.

"No, run away. It's too evil. They must be controlled. If we don't run away, I'm afraid we will be controlled too!"

Someone yelled and said that even if everyone was not reconciled at this time, they also understood that these ten fierce caves were inexplicably dangerous and inexplicable, not as they had previously imagined, it was a pleasant treasure hunt.

On the contrary, it became their way to hell.

Many people reacted and fled madly outside. It was not easy for them to advance under the pressure of the Primordial Phoenix Egg, but it was very simple to escape in the opposite direction.

Even the strongest Huangfu Li, Meng Tianren, Hu Qingxuan and Zibuyu four of them can only give up. They were hit hard by the impact just now, and they were unable to fight again.

Moreover, the weird situation here also made them feel hairy in their hearts. This Primordial Phoenix's egg is really weird. From the very beginning, this matter revealed weird and unknown.

Several people glanced at each other, and quickly rushed toward the outside.

Only Chu Yunfan was left.

Suddenly, those masters who had controlled their minds chased them out, leaving only a part of them surrounding Chu Yunfan, who was cultivating cross-legged.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan opened his eyes suddenly, and a terrifying sharp light broke out in his eyes, and his whole person seemed to have changed completely.

In the short period of time just now, he had completely absorbed the spiritual power of the Primordial Phoenix Egg in his mind and transformed it into his own spiritual power.

It is equivalent to that Chu Yunfan’s mental power has tripled on the original basis~www.ltnovel.com~ This is of course very important for practitioners. The higher the spiritual power, the greater the level of cultivation. High, the easier it is to perceive the Tao of Heaven, and the understanding of the Tao is also twice the result with half the effort.

With just this sudden, Chu Yunfan's perception of the realm was raised to a higher level at the same time.

At the same time, some dark flames appeared faintly around Chu Yunfan's body. That was the flame of death. Just when he was refining those spiritual powers, Chu Yunfan also sorted out some of them with his godhead. Piecemeal information deduces a kind of flame from it.

This kind of flame is the Primordial Underfire!

The Primordial Ming Phoenix once relied on this kind of flame to ramp up the world. It can be said that as long as it is stained, it is a dead end, and even a master who is more powerful than Chu Yunfan will be severely injured.

However, there are not many Primordial Underworld Fire in Chu Yunfan's body, only a small part, and he needs to be warmed up slowly. When he warms up enough Primordial Underworld Fire, this is another powerful hole card.

Even if a master who has surpassed the Universe Realm is hit by a sufficient number of Primordial Underworld Fire, that is a dead end, and there is no way to escape. Once it is contaminated, it cannot be extinguished unless the opponent dies.

Chu Yunfan showed a look of surprise on his face. This clearly should belong to a special talented magical power. I didn't expect that his godhead would be deduced from these fragments of spiritual power, although it was only a primitive Primordial Underworld , But its power is beyond doubt.

In the face of these masters of the Universe Realm who had been slaughtered, Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it. He grabbed the Void directly, grabbed the Shanhe Ding, and smashed it at the Primordial Phoenix Egg.

All of this is caused by the Primordial Phoenix Egg making trouble behind its back. As long as this egg is destroyed, everything is naturally not a concern. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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