I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1782: This is the biggest gain this time

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There was a strange cry from the Primordial Underworld Phoenix Egg, and a spatial channel appeared in the void. The Primordial Underworld Phoenix Egg disappeared in front of Chu Yunfan's eyes in an instant, and escaped into the spatial turbulence. Among.

"You wait for me!"

After the Primordial Underworld Phoenix Egg disappeared, those who were controlled by the Primordial Underworld Phoenix Egg also began to flee cleanly at the same time.

It was a pity that Chu Yunfan couldn't help but, among these people, there were many masters of the Universe Realm with quite advanced cultivation, and the number was as many as hundreds. Even if Chu Yunfan tried desperately to intercept, only a dozen people would be intercepted and killed.

These corpses are all used to water the Brahma tree.

At this time, the Brahma sacred tree was densely covered with the Brahma sacred fruit, but the ordinary Brahma sacred fruit was relatively small, and obviously there were differences in efficacy.

But on the top of this Brahma sacred tree, there is a brahma sacred fruit that grows dazzlingly long. It has just begun to take shape, and it is several times larger than an ordinary Brahma sacred fruit.

This is exactly the Brahma divine fruit poured out with the blood of dozens of masters in the Universe Realm.

Yin Yin had already begun to diffuse the fragrance of medicine, and was stepping towards maturity at an astonishing speed, but at the same time, the middle-grade spirit stones on Chu Yunfan's body were also completely consumed as a result.

Fortunately, these masters of the Universe Realm have a lot of middle-grade spiritual stones, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions, and dozens of them add up to more than 20 million middle-grade spiritual stones, which can be called one. A huge sum of money.

Chu Yunfan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally retreated the scourge. In fact, even though he easily retreated the Primordial Phoenix Egg, only Chu Yunfan could do it.

In fact, this Primordial Phoenix Egg itself is not so strong, so that it will be afraid of being smashed by Chu Yunfan. The life conceived in it has already been formed, and consciousness has already been formed.

According to the memory of Emperor Pill, Chu Yunfan knew that after many of the beasts of the Primordial Age lay eggs, this situation would often appear. The offspring in the eggs had spiritual wisdom early, but they were not born, but had to absorb them. The essence of the world, the sun and the moon, absorbs the various treasures of the heavens and the earth prepared for them by their elders, and reaches a state of great perfection.

Such creatures are quite rare, but each one is a fierce beast that is numbered in the ancient times. Once it is born, it will have a very high level of cultivation.

Just like this Primordial Ming Phoenix Egg, once the Primordial Ming Phoenix is ​​born, at least it is a cultivation base that surpasses the Universe Realm and is truly a masterpiece.

But he hasn't been born yet, and he can't use many methods. He can only control these powerful men with his tyrannical mental power and use them for him.

Even if it is a powerful person who has surpassed the level of the Universe Realm, it will be difficult to escape the destiny of being controlled by such a surprise attack. At that time, it will not be allowed to dominate by this Primordial Phoenix Egg. He became a slave and his guard.

Only a freak like Chu Yunfan, with the protection of the godhead, basically ignored his mental attacks and the crushing of coercion, and directly acted on his body.

This shocked him away!

Unless he intends to be born now, but Chu Yunfan is sure that this Taikoo Minghuang will definitely not be born like this, otherwise, he will be unsatisfactory, and future achievements and future roads will not be complete, or even reach them. To the point where it could have been.

So instead of saying that Chu Yunfan repelled him, it was better to frighten him back.

Anyway, Chu Yunfan is barefoot and is not afraid of wearing shoes. If the Primordial Ming Phoenix is ​​forced to be born early, then he will be the real loser.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan found that there was a faint ray of divine consciousness in the center of his eyebrows. He immediately turned his thoughts and understood that it was the divine consciousness left by the Primordial Ming Phoenix in his body for the purpose of positioning. His position.

In the future, after the Primordial Phoenix is ​​born, he will have to personally retaliate. This is a curse. Ordinary people have nothing to do with this curse, and there is no way to eliminate it.

"It's really a must-have!"

Chu Yunfan sneered. Although this Primordial Ming Phoenix was startled by him, there is no doubt that Chu Yunfan also ruined his good deeds.

He already wants to understand everything, including the sudden opening of this Ten Fierce Cave Mansion, I'm afraid it was a trap from the beginning, in order to attract these people in, and then all become the blood or food of this Primordial Phoenix Egg. servant.

A trap design entraps tens of thousands of masters, among them there are more than 2,000 masters of the Universe Realm level, such a handwriting is not a big deal.

Worthy of being the descendant of the horrible Emperor Minghuang who had a terrible reputation in the ancient times.

Now he left a curse in Chu Yunfan's mind, so that he could come to Chu Yunfan to settle accounts after he was born.

If you change to an ordinary person, I'm afraid that there is really no way to take this curse, but Chu Yunfan is obviously not an ordinary person, and a method to break the curse is recorded in the Emperor's Battle, unless it is the curse of an emperor-level master. , Otherwise Chu Yunfan didn’t care about it at all~www.ltnovel.com~ Just as Chu Yunfan was about to deal with this curse, he suddenly saw that in the void where the Primordial Phoenix Egg just disappeared, it actually appeared A translucent phoenix appeared, which was about the size of a slap.

This phoenix kept fluttering its wings, screamed, and wanted to fly away.

Chu Yunfan looked at the light in front of him, and laughed loudly: "It's really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no time and effort. This is the biggest gain this time!"

When it was said that it was too late, Chu Yunfan shot like lightning, and immediately grabbed the phoenix in his hand.

This phoenix wanted to escape, but where could it be escaped, Chu Yunfan scribbled out a seal, and immediately grabbed the phoenix in his hand.


Chu Yunfan laughed loudly, even though his mental state cultivation was as deep as his, he couldn't help showing an expression of ecstasy.

Because he had recognized what this translucent phoenix was, it turned out to be a mass of vitality.

He suddenly understood why after so many years in the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion, that one Primordial Underworld Phoenix Egg, not only did not die because of lack of nutrition, but on the contrary, it became more and more powerful, even a master of the Universe Realm. All suffered directly.

It turns out that there is actually such a factor behind it.

The so-called vitality is a kind of energy that only some powerful people with extremely high cultivation bases condense their own life origin.

And to condense the vitality, it is to drain the vitality of that person's whole body, that is to say, that person is basically dead.

Therefore, in this situation, only some rare beasts that are even passed down from generation to generation will peel off their life force in this way and use them to pass on to their direct descendants. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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