I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1784: Life metamorphosis, the peak of the hole virtual realm

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! As this torrent of energy dissipated, Chu Yunfan slowly opened his eyes, and two bursts of his eyes burst out Golden light shines directly into the sky.

"It's great that I can still be so strong!"

Chu Yunfan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a somewhat ecstatic expression.

He counted this, and a whole month has passed since he retired and swallowed the Phoenix's life force. During this month, his body had completed an earth-shaking change.

The mana in the body alone has been increased by five times on the original basis. It is necessary to know that the original mana in Chu Yunfan's body is very strong, let alone a warrior of the same realm, and a warrior of the Universe realm. It's too powerful, let alone now five times in one breath.

What an amazing improvement this is!

This is the level of life, the origin of life is completely different!

Almost for a moment, the dense wounds all over his body surface were also recovering at an astonishing speed. In just a few seconds, the recovery was completed.

This is not Chu Yunfan's own strength, although his original recovery ability is also very amazing, but he has definitely not reached such a level.

Almost between breathing, he has recovered seven or eighty-eight, and he doesn't even need to consume much mana, but is similar to a kind of life instinct.

Chu Yunfan knew that this was the so-called innate supernatural power.

This kind of talented supernatural powers is not comparable to the supernatural powers cultivated by the day after tomorrow. The supernatural powers cultivated not only require physical fitness, but also practice hard day and night. If you do not practice properly, you will give up your previous work and even eat yourself back.

But this kind of innate supernatural power is different. Basically, it is born with a certain supernatural power, and only when you are old, you can naturally display this supernatural power.

This is almost different for every race. In the human race, there are occasionally people who can awaken this kind of talented supernatural power, but the probability is too low. On the contrary, some powerful monsters have such blood in their bodies. It can be opened easily and gains a powerful force that humans can hardly reach.

And his current amazing recovery ability is just like that, this is exactly the recovery ability that originally belonged to the Phoenix family.

The Phoenix family is known for its nirvana, that is to say, even if it is hit by an unimaginable heavy blow, it can be reborn from nirvana and reach a whole new realm.

In the area of ​​healing, the Phoenix clan can be said to be exceptionally talented, and it is not comparable to other races.

Although the Primordial Underworld Phoenix is ​​a rare beast since the beginning of the ancient times, it still comes from the Phoenix family and possesses the natural magical powers of the Phoenix family.

Although this kind of natal supernatural power is inconspicuous, but in terms of recovery ability, it is simply an immortal Xiaoqiang, especially when he encounters a master with almost the same strength, even a lot stronger than himself.

When the opponent thinks that you can kill you, you can easily recover. This is a huge deterrent to the enemy itself, and a protracted battle can kill the opponent alive.

In addition, it is the mastery of the Primordial Underworld. If he could only faintly emit some Primordial Underworld, but if the Primordial Underworld could harm him, then his physique has been exhausted now. It is completely capable of adapting to the Primordial Underworld.

I have never heard that the Primordial Underworld Phoenix would be injured by the Primordial Underworld Fire that he had cultivated, but once Chu Yunfan displayed it, he might burn himself. It can be said that it hurts others first and hurts himself. It is a double-edged sword.

But now, with the change of physique, Chu Yunfan has completely solved this weakness, and even if he displays the Primordial Underworld Fire, he is absolutely impossible to be hurt by it.

Because he could feel that his body seemed to have faintly undergone an unprecedented change, as if he had become half-human and half-phoenix. From the outside, he could not see any clues because of this profound change. It comes from changes in the genetic sequence.

He has completed the transformation of Chu Yunfan from the genetic level. In addition, Chu Yunfan's life span has also increased several times, although there is still a huge gap compared with the long life span of the Phoenix family.

But compared with ordinary people, this is already earth-shattering, just like in the Gregorian calendar era, ordinary people can only live five to seventy to eighty years old, while some people can easily live to five to six hundred years old. What a shocking thing this is.

Moreover, what a monk lacks most is actually time. Often many people have not yet cultivated to a higher level, and they have to regret their deaths because of the end of their lives.

But now Chu Yunfan has completely solved this problem. Although his life span has only increased several times, it is still a terrifying life span that ordinary people cannot look up to.

You know, even the emperors have to fight for a long-life qualification ~www.ltnovel.com~ which directly led to the collapse of ancient times.

Coupled with Chu Yunfan's five-fold increase in mana, it can be said that Chu Yunfan's whole person has completed an unprecedented transformation.

Even Chu Yunfan's cultivation base, under this kind of transformation, made a logical breakthrough to the peak of the Void Void Realm.

Compared with the original, Chu Yunfan was more than a few times stronger, and now even a master of the Universe Fourth Layer is not his opponent at all.

But this time, what made him happiest was not the increase in strength, but the transition of the essence of life, which brought him to a degree of transformation that ordinary people could not imagine. As for the increase in strength, it was only incidental.

At this time, he truly understood the essence and true meaning of cultivation, which is to fight against the heavens, in order to live longer and better, and even see for a long time.

Blindly brave and relentless, only knowing how to strengthen one's own strength, used to fight, that is just the most inferior means of cultivation, not superior means at all. .

At this time, he suddenly discovered that the core exercise he had previously practiced, "Huang Ji Gong", was essentially completing the transition of life level, and other martial arts supernatural powers were just a means and means to achieve this transition. Only auxiliary.

There are many kinds of avenues, but they all point in the same direction.

Until now, Chu Yunfan really understood what cultivation is and what the essence of cultivation is.

Chu Yunfan understood in his heart that this was the true meaning of the Universe Realm. The Universe Realm, against the Universe, fights for fate from the sky, and most Universe Realms don't understand this truth at all, only know how to fight bravely and ruthlessly.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan discovered that the barriers of the original Universe Realm were faintly loosened.

He wants to break through, and it is much simpler than before,

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