I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1785: Return, promoted to general miscellaneous

The genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The realm of his comprehension is much higher than the real realm, coupled with the transition of the essence of life, the breakthrough of cultivation, it is simply There has been earth-shaking changes.

Moreover, after the life span was several times longer than that of ordinary people, some of the moves that were originally taboo for others, and the moves that required to burn their own lives became options for Chu Yunfan.

For practitioners, the fundamental goal is to go against the sky and achieve long-term vision. For many practitioners, time itself is not enough, let alone exchange time for some magical martial arts. Cast.

Only when it's a last resort is it possible!

But Chu Yunfan was different. He increased his lifespan several times in one breath, enough for him to use these methods, which was equivalent to Chu Yunfan playing another huge hole card.

Used to deal with Li Qianyuan's hole cards!

Through this action, Chu Yunfan saw the strength of Meng Tianren, Huangfuli, Zibuyu, Hu Qingxuan and others. Although it cannot be analogized, Chu Yunfan still saw some clues about Li Qianyuan after all.

At the very least, it is the strength of the pinnacle of Universe Mirror!

It may even surpass this realm!

After all, he has been famous for many years. In these years, few people have really seen his strength. During this time, even Chu Yunfan's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, let alone Li Qianyuan.

Of course, if possible, Chu Yunfan was not willing to use such a brutal method. After all, every extra point in Shouyuan was a chance.

Continue to break through, until the peak of the martial arts, until the longevity.

There are endless large camps near Pingyao City. In one of the most corner barracks, You Chuyun in armor is full of sadness, looking at the sky above.

Counting it all, Brother Chu had been out for a long time, and there was no news. Now Li Qianyuan is pressing more and more tightly, constantly trying to transfer Baotai town defenders to the most dangerous front line.

During this period of time, he also observed the most tragic battlefield, the most intense part of the entire Ping Demon City battlefield.

The elite armies of both sides continued to invest in it, countless powerful monsters, and many powerful martial arts masters were constantly killing.

It was like a flesh-and-blood mill, swallowing countless elites, and the terrifying killing efficiency made him feel terrified.

If Baotai town defenders were thrown into such a battlefield, if they couldn't hold on for half an hour, the entire army would be wiped out.

After all, there is only a small army of 500 people, and there is no absolute master.

If it hadn't been under the command of Chu Yunfan, he had killed a lot of monsters, and sent out some exchanges from time to time, I'm afraid it would be impossible to stop the transfer orders from Ping Yaocheng.

Even so, after these two days of effort, Li Qianyuan would be able to decapitate them all in the name of defying military orders without going to the battlefield.

At this time, he really understood what it means to crush people to death at the senior level. What's more, Li Qianyuan's existence as the first prince among the younger generation can be described as powerful. How can ordinary people like them compare with Li Qianyuan.

"What should I do? If Brother Chu doesn't come back, the defenders of Baotai Town won't be able to defend it!"

You Chuyun said very depressed.

Suddenly, a ray of light flicked across the sky, and a flower in front of his eyes, a figure appeared directly in the barracks, and You Chuyun immediately showed an expression of surprise.

"Brother Chu, you are finally back!"

He confirmed that the person in front of him was not Chu Yunfan and who was it.

Chu Yunfan looked at You Chuyun and walked straight into the barracks.

"I have seen the general!"

"I have seen the general!"

"I have seen the general!"

Seeing Chu Yunfan walking in, the soldiers in the barracks suddenly saluted Chu Yunfan with enthusiasm on their faces.

Among the defenders of Baotai Town at this time, Chu Yunfan has become a god-like existence. If it weren't for Chu Yunfan's relationship, they would not be able to escape the fate of being enslaved, and their strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

There is even a chance to follow Chu Yunfan to reach a higher realm in the future!

"General? Has the document for the promotion of the Ministry of War been delivered?" Chu Yunfan frowned, but he immediately understood why.

"Yes it is!"

You Chuyun said quickly.

"The Ministry of Defense has already issued a letter of promotion. From now on, Brother Chu, you will be promoted to General Huwei, with the same rank of fifth rank!"

Chu Yunfan nodded, General Huwei, he knew he was a miscellaneous general, that is, the lowest rank among generals.

But after all, he became a general and completely got rid of the school lieutenant class. Later, he will be directly under the Taiwei Mansion. If Li Qianyuan wants to exert influence on him through the Ministry of War, it will not be so easy.

Although it is a miscellaneous general, it will take at least several decades for ordinary people to be a miscellaneous general. It is only possible for the military industry to serve in the army~www.ltnovel.com~ and Chu Yunfan is. Take another path and get promoted with military merit. As long as he kills enough powerful enemies, his rank will rise quickly.

And it is a real record, and others have nothing to say.

Why did Li Qianyuan be the first prince of the younger generation? Isn't it because he presided over several battles and beheaded many powerful enemies, which allowed him to pass many strong men of the older generation and directly prince the prince.

This is not only a knighthood, but also represents the recognition of the Great Xia Dynasty. From the perspective of practitioners, it can also divide the good luck of the Great Xia Dynasty, and practice it twice with half the effort.

Otherwise, there won't be so many powerhouses who will take refuge in the Great Xia Dynasty. Isn't it just for the purpose of sharing resources and luck.

Despite the influence of Li Qianyuan, the Ministry of War of the Great Xia Dynasty was a behemoth. Even Li Qianyuan could only influence a few small sections, and there was no way to influence Chu Yunfan's promotion.

"But the Ministry of War wants Brother Chu to report to the imperial capital once within a year!" You Chuyun said again.


Chu Yunfan nodded, and then said, "What happened after I left?"

"It's not a big deal. The main reason is that Li Qianyuan has been trying to mobilize our Baotai town defenders to the fiercest battlefield through the Ministry of War. The intention of killing people with the knife is very obvious, but fortunately, we have the corpses of the monsters that you left behind, Brother Chu. Take it up for business, the number of military merits has always been enough, even Li Qianyuan can't help us, after all, this is in the army, he has to behave!" You Chuyun said, "But we will almost be unable to support these days. Lived, but fortunately the brother is back, otherwise, we might not escape death!"

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