I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1789: Submerged training, accumulate strength

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At this time, Chu Yunfan, who had just repelled Li Yu, assembled the entire army, because there were only five hundred people. , There were not many people, and they were all gathered together soon.

"Everyone, I'm not here during this time. I know that there are a lot of ugly voices from the younger generation, but those clowns are only shameless and can't get on the stage!" Chu Yunfan glanced at everyone. "But I am very pleased with your performance. I have not been shaken by some Xiao Xiao from the outside world. These are some of the pills I got, as well as these hundreds of Brahma divine fruits, which can greatly enhance your strength. Others hope that Send us to death, but I think this is a good opportunity for us. In the next few days, I want everyone to retreat to refining and refining, and to upgrade the cultivation base to the virtual realm in one breath. Who said that the local guard troops cannot become Daxia A few elite troops will surprise them by then!"

After listening to Chu Yunfan's words, the crowd suddenly felt as if they were overwhelmed. For them, the soldiers at the bottom, their lives have already been doomed, and there is no possibility of any change at all.

But it was Chu Yunfan who pulled them back from the abyss of **** and gave them the dignity of being human. From that time on, no one dared to look down on them. They were in Baotai City and no longer It's the kind of existence that people hate dogs.

On the contrary, it has become an existence that countless people admire in Baotai City. It was only a short time after Chu Yunfan, not only entered the Dan realm, but also directly entered the Golden Dan realm.

If they were to practice their own practice, they might not be able to practice and enter the Golden Core Realm in their entire life.

And now Chu Yunfan not only provided enough medicines, but also countless cultivation techniques, many rubbings of martial arts, and almost everything he needed, compared to ordinary disciples of small sects.

Now it is even more important to help them all break into the virtual realm in one breath, this is something they can't even think of.

You must know that in the original Baotai City, any existence at the Void Realm level, even the weakest existence in the Void Realm, is also a great figure they need to look up to, and is separated from the level of ordinary people.

But now, they can also step into that realm. This is simply the best opportunity for the glory of the ancestor and the lintel.

No matter which military master you follow, you can't get better opportunities and better conditions.

"The general treats me sincerely, and I will swear that from now on, I will go through all fire and water for the general. If you violate this oath, you will not die!"

You Chuyun stepped forward and shouted.

"The general treats me sincerely, and I will swear that from now on, I will go through all fire and water for the general. If you violate this oath, you will not die!"

"The general treats me sincerely, and I will swear that from now on, I will go through all fire and water for the general. If you violate this oath, you will not die!"...

The five hundred sergeants yelled, and the vigorous camp was shaking slightly. It was different from before. Chu Yunfan knew that this time he was considered a complete general.

Seeing the frenzied expressions on their faces, I am afraid that even the King of People’s words are not as good as those of Chu Yunfan. After all, Chu Yunfan really pulled them out of the abyss, and truly gave them the dignity of being human. .

"Very well, in the future, everyone will naturally understand that as long as I, Chu Yunfan, will not die for a day, in the future, everyone will become prosperous.

Chu Yunfan nodded and said.

After finishing the training, Chu Yunfan distributed some of the medicinal pills that he had previously obtained to increase his power, as well as five hundred Brahma God Fruits.

These are enough for the Baotai Town Defenders to have an earth-shaking growth in a short period of time, but the ordinary soldiers of these Baotai Town Defenders are not like Chu Yunfan. They have all kinds of adventures, assisted by gods, and have the emperor Dan. The bottom line of memory can quickly digest these flawless things into their own.

It will definitely damage the upper limit of their future growth. The possibility of reaching the summit in the future is too small, and it is basically impossible.

But in terms of their own identity and talent, it is almost impossible to cultivate to the virtual realm. Now it seems to damage their ability to climb to the top in the future, but for them, this is also an incredible adventure.

Not everyone has the ability to climb to the top. There are so many people in the Great Xia Dynasty, and there are very few people with such potential. There is no one in 100,000.

With the pill for increasing skill and the divine fruit of Brahma given by Chu Yunfan, in the next time, the defenders of Baotai town immediately entered a state of penance.

Even if there was a transfer order from the Ministry of War, especially an order to ask Chu Yunfan where he went during this period of time and why he left his post without authorization.

Of course, Chu Yunfan knew that these inquiries had no good intentions. If Chu Yunfan admitted that he had left his post without authorization during this period of time ~ www.ltnovel.com~, the consequences would be disastrous.

According to the military order of the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, it can be said that it is an extremely serious matter. Not only will he be beaten to the end, but he may also face military sanctions.

Of course, Chu Yunfan was not so stupid. He really said that his whereabouts were unknown. Instead, he threw out the head of a monster beast with the highest level of heaven and earth, proving that he was not where he was unknown during this period, but went deep into the demon realm and hunted down one. Universe level monster beast.

You know, the monster beasts of the Universe level are basically on the list of the Great Xia Dynasty's kills. Every head of the Universe level monster is a great achievement. No matter how it is obtained in the end, the Great Xia Dynasty They only recognize the last military merits, even if the masters of the monster clan are exchanged for military merits, it doesn't matter.

The head of the Universe Realm Monster Beast handed in by Chu Yunfan directly blocked the inquiry of the Ministry of War, and casually made up a tortuous and bizarre hunting story.

Even if some people in the Ministry of War still didn't believe it, they still couldn't question Chu Yunfan. After all, the head of this Universe Realm monster was the best evidence.

Even if they are no longer satisfied, there is no way to directly question it!

In the following time, the spring sweep of the Daxia Dynasty against the demon domain is still in progress. When everyone does not know, in a place where everyone does not know, the town of Five Hundred Baotai The defenders were practicing assiduously, and a large number of masters broke through from the Golden Core Realm to the Void Realm almost every day.

The medicinal effects of the Brahma Divine Fruit are amazing. Their strength is of course not comparable to that of Chu Yunfan, but because of this, the same Brahma Divine Fruit has the same effect on them and Chu Yunfan. .

However, because Chu Yunfan had set the barrier long ago, no one outside knew about it. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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