I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1790: The final mopping up

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Otherwise, the atmosphere of hundreds of people's collective promotion is enough to shake the barracks, even in this place where millions of troops gather, such an atmosphere is promoted , Is also very amazing.

But now, Chu Yunfan deliberately concealed it, so no one knew what happened in the barracks of the defenders in Baotai Town.

For ten days, the defenders of Baotai Town spent time in retreat, and the time passed quickly.

In this process, the thing that Chu Yunfan hit hard before Li Yu was gradually swayed by people. On this battlefield where millions of troops gather, it can almost be said that all kinds of miracles are born every day. I know how many people died in the cruel rounds of battle, but in the same way, there are always talents who stand out from the crowd.

This is to use the cruelest war to sharpen talents. It looks cruel, but the effect is extremely significant. It can be said that almost every day people are promoted from ordinary captains to miscellaneous generals, and ordinary soldiers are promoted to captains even more. Its number.

At this point, the Great Xia Dynasty has always done a good job, especially in the army, has always maintained a smooth ascent path, as long as it has enough talent and established enough combat exploits, it can always rise.

Although there are very few such people, truly talented people are often favored by various sects, even by the Great Palace of the Great Xia, at a very young age, and they have received various trainings since they were young.

The true remains of the Canghai Beads are still rare, but when the scope of screening the Canghai Beads is expanded to the army of the entire Great Xia Dynasty, based on the huge number of troops, these people will emerge in endlessly.

And there are many people who are late bloomers and come first, which is extraordinary.

Regarding the Baotai Town Defender, it can almost be said that it will be forgotten in a blink of an eye!

Although Li Qianyuan had been exerting influence to transfer the Baotai Town Defenders to the most difficult front line, he was quickly rejected by the Taiwei Mansion. In the eyes of many people, the Baotai Town Defenders were just a third-rate local guard. force.

The Taiwei Mansion was not so stupid enough to let the third-rate local garrison go to death, and that was not necessary at all.

Even in the eyes of many people, the transfer of the Baotai Town Defenders was an accident. Even if the camps were second-line troops, the Baotai Town Defenders did not even have the qualifications to transport food and grass.

After all, the grain and grass of the Daxia Dynasty are all sent to the front line by elite troops with space magical weapons, and it is simply two concepts that were sent along the way by a large number of civilians in the past.

There is no such thing as a logistics supply line at all. This is also the relationship between Ping Yaocheng dared to directly establish at the gate of the demon domain, even if the monster clan besieged the city by tens of thousands of monsters, it will not die.

As long as there is a master single-handedly rushing into the city with countless supplies of spatial magic weapons, all siege will become meaningless activities.

Ten days later, the Baotai town defenders had undergone earth-shaking changes, and Chu Yunfan did not idle, constantly helping the Baotai town defenders digest the Brahma divine fruit, as well as many elixirs to increase their skills.

It took ten days to promote the entire army to the Void Realm, and the entire army had undergone earth-shaking changes, extremely powerful.

At this time, the defenders of Baotai Town also received a military order from the Taiwei's Mansion, and the whole army attacked the monster race for the last time. This was also the last sweep of this spring sweep.


A loud and desolate horn sounded, resounding through the world.

The army of the Great Xia Dynasty changed its previous practice of sending troops to the front in rounds to temper the troops, and the whole army attacked.

Millions of troops flew in the air, and millions of Great Xia Longma took firm steps, like countless thunders bursting open, densely packed, shaking the sky.

One by one, elite troops were mobilized and used as arrows to attack from all directions and slowly and firmly swept towards the demon realm.

At the back of the army, Chu Yunfan turned on his horse, urging Daxia Longma under his hip, making a fist high with one hand and raising it.

"The whole army is attacking, a man of a man, you can get fame right away only if you ask, today is a good opportunity for me to wait for my meritorious deeds and glorify my ancestors, slay monsters and protect my human race!"

Chu Yunfan shouted loudly, and the whole army of Baotai Town's garrison began to mobilize and followed the large army forward.

The Great Xia Dynasty didn't even need to use any conspiracy and tricks, just with absolute strength, it was enough to sweep all powerful enemies.



The roars and roars of countless human and monster masters resounded through the world. The first to attack was the countless arrows swept away from the back of the army like pouring rain.

It is the most elite marksman among the millions of army, and the best shooter in the Great Xia Dynasty can join the elite of the elite. The entire army is 200,000. Although not many, it is for the enemy. , It is simply a nightmare existence.

It was just a few breaths of time, and he shot six waves of arrow rain, covering everything.

Each arrow in the rain of arrows is covered with mana, and each arrow is like a missile~www.ltnovel.com~ More than one million arrows are used for covering shooting, almost ploughing the entire ground.

Countless monsters were completely defeated in front of such an arrow array, almost swept, and never survived. The elite troops of the Great Xia Dynasty at the forefront can easily smash the remaining monsters under the arrow array. Kill, turn it into your own military exploits.

These monster beasts that used to be on the battlefield had almost no power to fight back against millions of regular troops.

But soon, the real elite of the Yaozu appeared, and a line of terrifying beasts appeared.

At this moment, all the conspiracies and tricks are of no use, only relying on real strength, head-to-head battles finally take place.

A terrifying war beast draped in iron armor and dashed directly towards the millions of troops of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Each of these terrifying war beasts possesses terrifying strength comparable to that of the Universe Realm.

Behind these behemoths of war, countless elite troops of the monster race lined up and swept in the neatest ranks.

The real collision of the two behemoths finally began.

Soon, the defenders of Baotai Town, where Chu Yunfan was located, had also come to the front line of the war, and Chu Yunfan soon discovered something was wrong.

The army of the entire Great Xia Dynasty combined into a huge formation, constantly strangling the monsters like a millstone.

But their Baotai town defender was not counted, and no messenger came to tell him where to move closer.

This battle among the millions of troops is very abnormal!

The one who presided over this battle was the highest military commander of the Great Xia Dynasty, the lieutenant, with a million army in his hands, as flexible as his own hands and feet, this situation is really abnormal. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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