A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! But their army was forgotten outside, Chu Yunfan suddenly looked a little wrong, at this time, around them, More and more monsters gathered, and a giant war beast brought thousands of monsters to this lone army.

Obviously, there is no doubt that they want to eat this small army that fell outside first.

At this time, above a high altitude, on a car wheel, Li Qianyuan looked at the defenders of Baotai Town, where Chu Yunfan was on the edge of the huge army formation, with a cold smile on his face.

This was naturally his handwriting, and he didn't even need to do it personally. As long as he reported less of an insignificant small force, it would be enough to make Chu Yunfan a dead end.

How could he pay attention to a third-rate garrison's troops in the Taiwei Mansion and other figures, so in his plan, there was no part of the garrison in Baotai Town where Chu Yunfan was located.

Although he couldn't do it directly, it was enough to put Chu Yunfan to death.

Death was silent, and even Fei Xianzong couldn’t accuse him of anything. In such a battlefield with millions of troops, even a prince might fall into it, let alone just a small general. Up.

Thinking of this, he was completely relieved. Behind him, among the clouds, an elite troop was getting ready to go.

"set off!"

Li Qianyuan yelled. Behind him, 50,000 elite troops launched an offensive with lightning speed, and he himself rushed out like an arrow, directly piercing through a monster battle line.

He held a knife in his hand, like the sword of destruction, but this simple knife fell down, and instantly chopped several huge war beasts into two alive.

This terrifying battlefield became the world where he galloped horizontally and horizontally, and it was no stranger to him.

And this kind of situation is common in the entire battlefield. The history of the military of the Great Xia Dynasty is undoubtedly manifested. There are countless figures flying out, one by one rare masters of the Universe Realm, at this time, they are like tigers coming out of the gate. Sweep all powerful enemies.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan coldly looked at the squad of the monster race that was rushing over, his eyes didn't move at all.

Such a lineup is not enough for him. With his strength, on the entire battlefield, it is sufficient for vertical and horizontal, and the strength of this Baotai town defender has changed drastically.

Li Qianyuan wanted to kill him with such little hands and feet, that was the real wishful thinking.

"Prepare, the bow and arrow will cover and shoot!" Chu Yunfan said with a cold expression, and all the soldiers of Baotai Town garrison immediately took out bows and arrows, and hundreds of arrows rained to cover and shoot.

Hundreds of Void Realm masters' covering shots were also very powerful. In an instant, the monster army had already been bombed on their backs, and suffered heavy casualties.

Although the army of that monster beast is more in number, there are thousands of them, but it is only a cultivation base equivalent to the Golden Core Realm, how can it be better than the Baotai Town Defender.

But at this moment, among the countless smoke and dust, a behemoth that was dozens of stories high dashed across, directly penetrated the smoke and dust, and swooped down towards the defenders of Baotai Town.

"Array, fight with the soul of the army!"

At this time, Chu Yunfan yelled again. In terms of his military qualities, the command of an army of hundreds of people was of course nothing.

At this time, an army soul appeared above the defenders of Baotai Town, and this army soul covered the top of the defenders of Baotai Town, and directly collided with this huge war behemoth.


With a huge roar, the entire sky was sensational.

Chu Yunfan watched, but didn't do anything. Such a cruel battlefield seemed to him to be an opportunity to temper the defenders of Baotai Town.

After receiving such a terrifying impact, the soldiers of Baotai Town's defending army stepped back several steps, resisting such a terrifying blow with their entire army soul.

Everyone was hit hard, but none of them gave up, because they knew very well that once the soul of the army was disintegrated, they would be completely vulnerable to this huge war beast.

Chu Yunfan was in the middle of the army, just watching coldly.

Watching the entanglement between the huge army soul and the war behemoth.

At the same time, hundreds of remaining monster beasts lined up.

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan's eyes flickered, and a figure unexpectedly rushed directly in front of him like this.

Almost everyone only saw a blood-colored figure and a twinkle, and a blood-colored light had already swept towards Chu Yunfan's head.

"Die, **** human!"

A huge roar, accompanied by a knife light, straightly chopped off Chu Yunfan's head.


Hearing a loud crash, but didn’t know when, Chu Yunfan raised his hand and stood in front of this knife~www.ltnovel.com~ This knife was almost at its extreme, but it was easily handled by Chu Yunfan. It was blocked.

At this time, the blood-colored figure finally appeared, but it was seen that it was a human-like figure, wearing a blood-colored robe.

"Damn it, it's the Demon God Cult!"

You Chuyun recognized the assassin's identity almost instantly, and he was shocked and angry at once. This Demon God Cult was so bold that he even dared to appear on such a battlefield.

I just wanted to catch the thief first and catch the king first. As long as Chu Yunfan died, this army would really be over.

Actually still a master of the Universe Realm!

With You Chuyun's current cultivation base, he was already in the late stage of the Void Void Realm a long time ago, and even a master at the pinnacle of the Void Void Realm would not make him unresponsive at all.

This is actually an assassin of the Universe Realm!

The Assassin of the Demon God Cult was completely dumbfounded at this moment. He never expected that his full blow would not hurt Chu Yunfan's hair.

"not good!"

Even though the assassin of the Demon God Cult is extremely enthusiastic about the Demon Race, he knows that this time he really kicked the iron.

He immediately wanted to turn a **** light and escape.

Chu Yunfan sneered: "I want to leave now, it's too late!"

Chu Yunfan stretched out his big hand and immediately grabbed the assassin of the Demon God Cult by the neck. The assassin of the Demon God Cult was caught instantly. The mana of his whole body could not be controlled at all. The words appeared on him.


The assassin of the Demon God Cult was directly thrown to the ground on the spot, like a dead dog, unable to move.


Chu Yunfan said lightly. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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