I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1792: Chu Yunfan's amazing commanding attainments

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! When facing Chu Yunfan, the Demon God Cult Assassin of the Universe Realm was almost helpless to fight back. This Demon God Cult Assassin was just He had just entered the Universe Realm, but with his strength at the Universe Realm level, the ordinary Universe Realm would be tricked if he was not careful.

Unfortunately, he met a freak!

Chu Yunfan's realm was less than the Qiankun realm, but his power of argument, the ordinary Qiankun realm was really not enough for him to fight a few times.

Not to mention this kind of Universe Realm master who takes the way of assassination, it doesn't matter if you kill people, if you can't kill, it must be the weakest and lowest level among the Universe Realm masters.

The main point of the assassination method is that it can't flee thousands of miles in a single blow, but unfortunately, Chu Yunfan's speed is much faster than him, and he was planted in Chu Yunfan's hands before he could even react.

However, Chu Yunfan didn't kill him. A Demon God Sect's Universe Realm killer was worth much more alive than dead.

Immediately, the guards stepped forward and **** the killer of the Demon God Cult.

All of this is long, but in fact it is just a few short breaths of time.

The surrounding guards looked at Chu Yunfan with a somewhat enthusiastic expression in their eyes, and the adult's strength became even more unfathomable.

It took a lot of hands and feet to defeat the invading Demon God Sect master, but now with a quick grasp, a Demon God Sect master of the Universe Realm will be turned into waste.

Its strength is so strong that I can hardly imagine it!

Especially You Chuyun and others who followed Chu Yunfan from Fei Xianzong, were even more stunned. Now they seemed to understand why Chu Yunfan didn't care about Wang Yifan at all.

How much time it took, for them, as many of the superior Universe Realm masters died in the hands of Chu Yunfan. , But for

Although I don't know what kind of strength Chu Yunfan has achieved now, there is no doubt that he will never be afraid of Wang Yifan anymore.

The battle between the giant war beasts and the souls of the defenders of Baotai Town continued, and along the way, the experience of the defenders of Baotai Town gradually increased, and they soon stabilized their positions, and even counterattacked those cullings. The monster that came over.

And Chu Yunfan was in the center of the big formation, constantly commanding and changing the formation, causing huge damage to those elite monster troops.

Due to strict training in normal times, even in this battlefield where millions of armies are facing each other, the defenders of Baotai Town are still in order, and they start to change their formation almost instinctively.

It can always change the behavior of the battlefield at a critical moment, turning into a front arrow formation for a while, and a long snake formation for a while, and many formations are easily completed under the command of Chu Yunfan.

In addition, the soldiers of Baotai Town's garrison were at least in the virtual realm. Compared with the monsters, they were much stronger, and it could be said that they were killed in seconds with zero casualties.

Just like a flesh-and-blood mill, these culled monsters were easily strangled to death.

Even You Chuyun stared at Chu Yunfan dumbfounded, watching Chu Yunfan command the army, like clouds and flowing water, and the overall offensive was like mercury rushing to the ground. Everyone can see that Chu Yunfan has amazing accomplishments in military command. .

It's like a newcomer who hasn't been in the army for long.

You know, even for a behemoth like Fei Xianzong, although there have always been some books of war in the sect that are open to disciples, there are very few who will really go to elective courses. After all, daily practice alone has already consumed too much. time.

How can he have time to take elective courses? Even if he read the basic military books before leaving, he probably knew about some marching battles, and that was all.

And even if you really thoroughly understand those military books, it is difficult to have truly amazing accomplishments. After all, the essence of the real military books is hidden in each princely family, and will only be open to the most direct descendants of the clan.

Where outsiders learn it, it is nothing more than learning some common styles. If you really encounter a powerful commander, you will be killed if you do anything.

But Chu Yunfan didn't look like he had just joined the army, he looked like a veteran, and the changes and killings of various formations were well understood.

How did this happen? It's definitely not just a simple talent, it also requires a lot of practical experience.

Otherwise, it's just talking about soldiers on paper, and the problems encountered in real battles are far from the simple ones mentioned in the military books.

He never knew that Chu Yunfan was born in a place completely different from that of the current Daxia Dynasty. He emphasized that everyone should be trained to become talents. Everyone is like a dragon, knowing astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom. It can be said that everyone All are all-rounders.

In terms of strength, there is definitely no way to compare with the Daxia Dynasty, but in this respect, it is indeed not comparable to the Daxia Dynasty.

In particular, Chu Yunfan is more divine and helpful, and his ability to understand is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In addition, he has hosted many conquests in the human federation ~www.ltnovel.com~ On the military road, Chu Yunfan's attainments are absolutely worthy of mention. Everyone generation.


The spirit of the defenders of Baotai Town became stronger and stronger. After a series of fierce battles, a halberd hit the behemoth of war and directly pierced the behemoth of war.

This behemoth of war screamed, crashed to the ground and died directly.

Everyone was stunned, this is the first time they have used their own power to kill the master of the universe!

Everyone feels that there is something more in their hearts, that is the belief in victory. This kind of confidence is never created out of thin air, but needs continuous victory to accumulate.

This time, you don't need to rely on Chu Yunfan, but rely on their unity to become a city.

And relying on their own power to kill a behemoth of a universe-level warfare, which means that they have also made great achievements, at least a collective third-class merit, and promotion and fortune are just around the corner.

Thinking of this, the expressions of everyone showed ecstasy one after another, but they didn't take any action, they just picked up the battlefield indifferently, and after a while they collected the gains with spatial magical tools.

But Chu Yunfan just grabbed the corpse of this war behemoth tightly in the space of the mountain and river map, squeezing it into a ball of blood, leaving only the head, and watering the rest to the Brahma Sacred Tree.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan shouted and turned on his horse.

"Front arrow formation, pierce the demon clan defense line for me!"

Chu Yunfan yelled, and Baotai town defenders turned on their horses one after another, forming a forward formation. Using Chu Yunfan as an arrow, they began to rush towards the monster army.

Facing the monster army that was constantly sweeping over, at this time, the defenders of Baotai Town finally launched an assault. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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