I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1793: The flower of the nuclear bomb re-emerges

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Chu Yunfan easily beheaded thousands of elites from the Monster Race and a war behemoth of the Universe Realm level, and finally attracted the attention of some big figures in the Monster Race.

Then came thousands of demon elites rushing across all directions like a wave of frenzy.

These monster beasts are really terrifying. Although they are all transformed into human forms and wearing battle armor, each of them has blue-faced fangs and looks extremely terrifying.

If you change to a general army, I'm afraid it will collapse on the spot.

In the face of the many monsters encircling in this way, Chu Yunfan immediately decided to change the front and arrow formations and rush out of the encirclement circle. Otherwise, encirclement circles would form one after another, with five hundred defenders in Baotai Town. , It is a dead end.

No matter how talented the Baotai Town Defenders were, they were still not enough to see in the face of a battle of this level, so Chu Yunfan immediately decided to lead the team to move closer to the larger troops.

"Front arrow array, lock sky arrow array, clean up the former enemy!"

With an order from Chu Yunfan, the defenders of Baotai Town took out the longbows behind them, and hundreds of long arrows plowed the road in front of them like missiles. I don't know how many monsters were bombed.

However, countless monsters still swooped up.

"Chisel through everything and rush with me!"

Chu Yunfan gave an order and directly collided with the monster elite army that had been culled.

With Chu Yunfan as the leader, next to You Chuyun and other masters of the Flying Immortal Sect, and then the officers in the defenders of Baotai Town, the strongest elite, standing at the forefront, this is the profound meaning of the front arrow formation. .

With absolute strong strength, cut through the line of defense.

Chu Yunfan grabbed directly into the void, and countless thunder powers condensed into a halberd. Between Chu Yunfan waved the halberd, a horrible glow of hundreds of feet long swept across the halberd. The hundreds of monster beasts rushing over in front of them volleyed into two halves.

Soon, the monster clan army was cut a way out. It couldn't stop it at all, and the force was like a broken bamboo.

"Huh? What is that?"

Soon, Chu Yunfan’s battle attracted the attention of a figure in the monster clan. The master of the monster clan looks like a middle-aged man and a gorgeous robe, but there is a long long line behind him. The tail does not look like a human being.

He is organizing a large army to besiege the army of the Great Xia Dynasty. There are millions of battlefields, and more monsters are dispatched. Together with those monsters, there are millions of monsters on the battlefield.

And these are all commanded by this middle-aged man, one can imagine how his status is among the monster race.

He just felt that some of his command was not smooth. He soon discovered that on the left wing of the Great Xia Dynasty, there was an army of hundreds of people slaughtering from left to right. Although the number was not large, they were all elites. It is the elite of the elite composed of the masters of the virtual realm level.

He was suddenly puzzled, this was not like Taiwei Daxia's handwriting. In this kind of war of millions of troops, all the conspiracies and tricks are meaningless, only the real, head-on competition of national strength.

This kind of small-scale elite troops of hundreds of people were sent out, in fact, they died very quickly.

Sending these hundreds of people out is simply sending them to die!

However, he soon discovered that the problem was not right. This army of hundreds of people was not as he initially expected, and was soon overwhelmed by the tide of monsters.

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nbsp;On the contrary, killing from the left to the right, he was killed in a **** way, disrupted his deployment on the left wing, and even caused some turmoil in the left wing troops.

"It's kind of interesting. If you adjust another 10,000 elite, you must keep these hundreds of people!" The middle-aged man's eyes were torch, and he discovered the existence of Chu Yunfan directly through the battlefield of millions of people.

He was surprised to find that Chu Yunfan was extremely accomplished in warfare, and he was able to find loopholes in the formations he had laid out, thus breaking a blood path in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, if you just don't grow your head, I'm afraid you will die long ago.

Such a talent must be a genius descendant of a general in the Daxia Dynasty to come out to experience, such a person is more threatening than ordinary martial arts masters in his eyes.

A powerful art of war is worth millions of heroes!

And the powerful martial arts master, whether it is the Daxia Dynasty or the Yaozu, is there still less such a person?

On the contrary, the art of war is extremely rare, and each one is extremely rare. In this kind of race war, that is the real treasure.

The elite of tens of thousands of people took orders from the monster clan camp and came towards Chu Yunfan, who was galloping across the left wing of the battlefield.

Soon, the elite army of tens of thousands of monster races arrived, almost immediately, and flew towards Chu Yunfan, among them there were even no less than ten masters of the Universe Realm level.

Chu Yunfan understood almost immediately, it must have been his unscrupulous charge that caught the attention of the commander in the monster race.

But in order to encircle and suppress me, sending so many masters is really worthy of me.

The expressions of You Chuyun and the others changed. In addition to the existing enemies, there were tens of thousands of demon elites around.

In the battlefield of millions of people, this is of course nothing, but for them, it is simply a dead place.

"Brother Chu, we must find a way to rush out as soon as possible, otherwise, we will be dead!"

You Chuyun quickly said.

Chu Yunfan laughed loudly and said: "I have something that I haven't taken out for a long time. It is not very useful in normal times, but at this time, it is the right time to let it exert its power!"

"I'm optimistic, what are tens of thousands of troops!"

Chu Yunfan jumped up directly~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone only felt a flower in front of them, but they saw one by one like a long arrow, but behind the buttocks dragged a long tail flame from above the sky. It flashed past, and instantly fell directly into the army formation of those monster tribe army.

And those monster clan masters felt their hairs stand upside down almost instantly, as if a terrifying force of death was approaching, they also reacted almost immediately and looked into the sky.

After all, they are all monsters masters, and they almost immediately noticed the danger!

But they were too late to shoot. They hadn't seen this thing at all, and naturally they didn't understand how terrifying this thing was. They thought it was just an ordinary arrow formation, but it was a bit different.

They waited until everything fell before they thought about intercepting it, but by then, it was already too late.




Huge mushroom clouds rose up, covering the sky and shaking the earth.

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