I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1794: Daxia Taiwei

After a long time, the flower of nuclear bomb broke out again!

That terrifying mushroom cloud covered everything and swallowed everything!

Look at everyone!

Even including You Chuyun and others, how did they know that Chu Yunfan actually had such a method, a terrifying magic weapon that would wipe out tens of thousands of troops in one go!

They have never seen high-tech weapons, so naturally they can only think about magical weapons!

But they were shocked quickly. The martial arts development level of the Great Xia Dynasty far exceeded the human federation. Although they had never seen nuclear bombs, they had heard of the power of many magical weapons.

It is not surprising to destroy tens of thousands of troops in one blow, but they didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would have such a method.

Chu Yunfan felt the heat wave sweeping over from a distance, and the high temperature of the nuclear explosion in an instant was enough to annihilate everything.

These tactical nuclear bombs have been placed in Chu Yunfan's landscape map for a long time, but they haven't found a suitable opportunity to use them.

If it is specifically used to hunt down a person, it is difficult to work.

Especially the truly top-notch masters, as long as they surpass the pill realm, their perception of danger is extraordinary.

Even if he was caught off guard, he would kill a chicken with a slaughter knife. If he was a master of the virtual realm or even the universe realm, he would be able to escape a sufficient safe distance in an instant.

Unless it is bombarded with a strategic nuclear bomb, it is possible to cause a city-killing level of destruction to pose a threat to such a master.

However, it is also very difficult!

Therefore, Chu Yunfan has been keeping it useless, but now on this battlefield, it has become the best place to use tactical nuclear bombs, because those are the trained troops among the monster race, even if they feel severe danger. , But the instinct is to move closer to each other, not to run away.

This is the difference between troops and personal martial arts masters.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan almost swept it all out!

The ten Universe Realm level masters in the core area were directly melted, not even a single piece of flesh and blood remained, even those far away were severely damaged by the terrifying explosion frenzy.

This time, Chu Yunfan at least eliminated more than 30,000 demon elites.

It doesn't seem to be much, but if it is placed in the human federation, it will be a terrifying record. The weakest of these elite monsters is also much stronger than Chu Yunfan's life and death enemy, the god.

At the beginning, the human federation used so many nuclear bombs that it could not help God. Now this tactical nuclear bomb can destroy more than 30,000 masters who are far superior to God. It can be said that it has made a lot of money.

"The general is mighty!"

I don't know who shouted, and suddenly there was only the cheers of Baotai Town's defenders on the entire battlefield.

They don’t care about how Chu Yunfan eliminated these powerful enemies. They only know that Chu Yunfan eliminated more than 30,000 monster tribe troops in one go. With a single local garrison force, they can achieve such a great achievement. I am afraid it is unprecedented. Come here.

In his heart, he admired the five bodies that Chu Yunfan admired.

At this time, in the great army of the Great Xia Dynasty, a middle-aged man wearing a armor and a fortified face finally looked towards the left wing of the army.

Chu Yunfan's movement finally shocked him.

This man with a resolute face is not someone else, but the military **** of the Daxia Dynasty, Daxia Taiwei, who has made all ethnic groups outside the territory frightened.

That was the first man in the military of the Great Xia Dynasty. He was in the simplest position on weekdays, and only with this level of war could it be possible for the Taiwei to take command in person.

He hadn't noticed that there was an army of hundreds of people on the left wing. In the battlefield of millions of people, a little change on the left wing is really nothing.

But now, he finally noticed the existence of that small force.

"Local garrison troops?" The Taiwei frowned. He saw that the armor of this unit was only light armor, which was generally equipped with local garrison troops. If it was the main force, even the main force of the second line was generally used. It is equipped with heavy armor covering the whole body.

After all, these soldiers are martial arts masters. They are strong enough to carry a thousand catties. They are all in heavy armor, as light as nothing.

Through the armor, it is easy to distinguish what kind of troops are fighting.

He didn't even remember that he had issued a transfer order to mobilize local garrison troops. After all, this was just a spring sweep operation, and it was not a crisis of survival. No matter what, it was impossible to mobilize local garrison troops.

It is a miracle that this kind of local army can last ten minutes on this kind of battlefield.

The mobilization came, it was just cannon fodder.

What surprised him, however, was that this local garrison had extraordinary strength. Every soldier was at least a master of the virtual realm. This was not an ordinary local garrison. Even in the Forbidden Army, it was an elite. The elite in the.

This made him suddenly interested. To be precise, he was interested in the captain of this local garrison, as well as that powerful magic weapon.

The veteran of the lieutenant's experience can tell the power and defects of this weapon at a glance, but on the battlefield ~www.ltnovel.com~ it can be regarded as a weapon of war.

"Send me the information about that unit immediately!"

Tai Wei immediately spoke directly.

Soon, some personal guards collected all the information and gave it to Taiwei.

Taiwei took the jade slip, just glanced at the contents, and instantly understood.

"Flying Immortal Sect, Chu Yunfan!"

In the jade slips, all kinds of information on Chu Yunfan are already available. Chu Yunfan was born in a famous school like Fei Xianzong, and he was able to train such an army in less than a year. , Really surprised him.

Even the reason why Chu Yunfan was transferred is also recorded.

"Li Qianyuan!"

Tai Wei squinted his eyes. He saw the transfer order from Huntian Hou Li Qianyuan to use his power to influence the Ministry of War and transferred Chu Yunfan to the battlefield.

And only by concealing it and not reporting it will Chu Yunfan accidentally be exposed to the peak of the monster clan's soldiers.

"The order continues, Huntian Hou Li Qianyuan abolished his public office for private purposes, and was fined one year in salary, and Zuo Shi Lang of the Ministry of War was dismissed and investigated!"

To others, Li Qianyuan, who is aloof, is nothing to Yu Taiwei, this is just a small punishment and a big admonition.

at the same time!

"How is it possible? What magic weapon is that?"

At this moment, even the middle-aged man who commanded Ruoding in the demon clan camp was suddenly discolored, and the entire army of more than 30,000 demon clan troops was annihilated, and his eyes would not blink. In this level of battlefield Among them, hundreds of thousands of casualties and millions of them are commonplace.

But what he cared about was that kind of special magic weapon. When it was activated, there was no fluctuation of a little bit of mana. This was the root cause of the sudden attack, because there was no sign at all.

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