I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1795: Destroy the world 1 blow

From his eyes, of course, this kind of magical weapon is nothing to a single-handed martial arts master, but it is too lethal for the assembled army.

Especially that kind of elite troops, the discipline is amazing, the battlefield is rout, and the law should be cut!

The military regulations of the Daxia Dynasty are strict, but the Monster Race's military rules are not bad. Although the monsters are untamable and are mostly from the Juxiao Mountain Forest, they have fought against the Daxia Dynasty for so many years.

Naturally, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the strict military system of the Daxia Dynasty. Many years ago, imitating the army of the Daxia Dynasty and forming its own elite troops.

This is the fundamental reason for being able to fight against the Great Xia Dynasty many times.

But the more elite troops are, the more they are unable to face this kind of attack. These elite troops, at worst, are martial arts masters at the Golden Core Realm level. They are naturally very keen in perception and can naturally perceive danger easily, but Strict military discipline and long-term training prevented them from running around, and they had to fight collectively.

This is the most dangerous place of this magic weapon!

Thinking of this, a somewhat indifferent expression flashed in his eyes, no matter where the officer of the Great Xia Dynasty came, he must not stay for long.

On the other side, Huntian Hou Li Qianyuan led tens of thousands of soldiers and students to cut a huge gap from the elite army of the monster race, sweeping everything.

He stood on top of the chariot, high above, like the emperor of heaven.

He just took action from time to time to deal with the threats of some Universe level monster clan masters. For him, these things can be regarded as easy to learn, and they are nothing at all.

Suddenly, he noticed that on the west side of the army, mushroom clouds rose up, even if they were far away, they could easily perceive them.

Immediately his gaze penetrated the battlefield and saw Chu Yunfan, the leader of the army galloping horizontally and horizontally.

"He is not dead yet!"

Li Qianyuan frowned. He thought that Chu Yunfan should have been destroyed under the attack of the demon clan long ago, but who knew that he was still alive and could still gallop horizontally and horizontally.

Thinking of this, he barely concealed the murderous intent on his face. At this time, he didn't know that Taiwei had already punished him with a fine, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

For his worth, the salary is just icing on the cake, not much at all.

"This son is so stubborn, we must find a way to get rid of him, otherwise there will be troubles!"

At this time, Chu Yunfan didn't know that because of the nuclear bomb explosion, he had already attracted the attention of two big figures among Daxia and Yaozu.

At this time, just after tens of thousands of demon elites were wiped out with a nuclear bomb, Chu Yunfan immediately led hundreds of Baotai City defenders toward the direction of the main army.

After the tens of thousands of troops have been neutralized, no one can stop them in their way forward. It should be said that no established army can stop them.

In front of Chu Yunfan and the others, the army that had formed a formation was directly separated by a gap, as if they were welcoming them back.

The defenders of Baotai Town were also beaming with joy at once, wandering outside, they may face the crisis of destruction at any time, and now they are finally out of danger.

Suddenly, at this moment, Chu Yunfan suddenly felt a violent sense of crisis coming in an instant. This feeling went straight from the soles of his feet to his brain, making him fall into an ice cave.

"not good!"

Chu Yunfan secretly said that it was not good. He looked up, but saw that, I don’t know when, above the sky, there was an extra gasification hand for hundreds of kilometers. This gasification hand is like a cloud hanging from the sky. , Slammed down suddenly.

What a terrible thing is a big gasification hand that is hundreds of kilometers away, as if a mountain range has been smashed down, almost crushing the world under pressure.

Within a radius of more than a hundred kilometers, everyone felt an unprecedented terror pressure, which made them immobile, let alone resisting, and even running away was a wishful thinking.

Only obediently waiting to die!

This feeling made them feel desperate, and at that moment, it was as if a century had passed.

Not only the defenders of Baotai Town, but also many elite troops from the surrounding Great Xia Dynasty directly knelt down on the spot. At the same time, a series of terrifying auras in the army boiled up, to fight against it, but it was useless.

Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, everything will be crushed, and there will be no humans or animals.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan rose up with a long roar, this feeling is too terrifying, as if the sky is falling and the earth is sinking, a terrifying master of the generation.

Chu Yunfan had never really encountered such a terrifying existence, it was truly invincible.

Compared with the existence represented by this great gasification hand, Li Qianyuan's existence is simply insignificant and cannot be compared at all.

With Chu Yunfan's current strength ~www.ltnovel.com~, against Li Qianyuan, he could escape even if he did not, but this big gasification hand was terrifying and could easily crush him to death like an ant.

It was the first time he encountered a master of this level!

His company commander howled, the countless thunder power on his body turned into sword aura, and a horrible sword aura on top of his head. At the same time, the sword aura appeared in his hand at the same time, ready to cut a blow with all his strength.

It's impossible to let him catch it!

Suddenly, just when Chu Yunfan was about to make a desperate bet and expose all his cards to resist, he saw, I don’t know when a divine light about the thickness of his fingers descended from the sky, directly covering the horror of hundreds of miles. The big hand pierced through all of a sudden.


This terrifying gasification hand exploded in the air, turning into a terrifying airflow and rolling out on the spot, almost forming a tornado.

Almost instantly everyone felt the suppression of their hearts disappear all at once, and they were overjoyed, and quickly used the jack to resist the violent wind that swept over.

During the hurricane, Chu Yunfan's clothes were hunting and hunting, and his back was cold. The horrible blow just now almost killed him, although he could still escape into the mountains and rivers.

But he instinctively felt that it was not safe to escape into the space of the mountain and river map. After all, even Li Qianyuan had a way to attack the space of the mountain and river map, let alone that terrible existence.

And he felt a terrible thing, that is, this big hand was directed at him. Although it covered hundreds of miles, it can be said that the surrounding tens of thousands of troops are within the range of strikes, but he still Feel this way.

He dare to be sure that this blow must have been directed at him, and the others were just affected.

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