I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1796: The mind of a big man

There is no reason, no sign, but Chu Yunfan just believes in his own judgment, his judgment will definitely not be a problem, it must be like this щЩш..1a

Almost after another thought, he understood what the problem was. In such a battlefield where millions of armies are fighting, his personal strength is useless, unless he can reach the strength of the person who just shot.

Otherwise, there is basically no difference. ..

In the eyes of those aloof big people, I'm afraid it's nothing at all, and what's the difference from ants.

But even in this situation, he was still targeted. Apart from the use of a nuclear bomb just now, it is unlikely that there will be other reasons.

Such a big killer, even if it is just a tactical nuclear bomb, is enough to affect the balance of a battle.

If Chu Yunfan still had a strategic nuclear bomb in his hand, there would be enough monsters to drink a pot on the battlefield.

Of course, it does not mean that nuclear bombs are invincible. Even in the human federation, they can rely on the defensive barriers of large base cities to counter nuclear bombs.

Not to mention that the development of martial arts is far better than the Great Xia Dynasty of the Human Federation, but if this is used for surprise attacks, it is indeed terrifying, more terrible than any magic weapon.

And the divine light that saved him just now seems to be just the thickness of the thumb, and it can't be seen if you don't look closely, but it's more powerful in terms of power.

This is the battlefield where the top big men confront each other!

At this time, Chu Yunfan only felt that the blood in his heart was boiling. After experiencing the things just now, instead of being afraid, he only felt extremely excited. One person can be an enemy country, and this is the strength of a person's enemy country.

"Brother Yang, it's not a gentleman's job to shoot an ordinary junior like this!"

At this time, a thick middle-aged man's voice came, and the voice revealed a bit of leisure and contentment.

"Master Tai Wei, it's Master Tai Wei!"

Many people immediately reflected, and the person who shot just now was Lord Tai Wei.

On the entire battlefield, probably only a figure like Taiwei-sama can save a person at the moment of his death.


Chu Yunfan said hurriedly, leading Baotai's town defenders into the army of the formation.

In the distance, in the big camp of the demon clan, the middle-aged man wearing a robed robe watched Chu Yunfan lead him into the main formation of the Daxia army, he couldn't help but sighed slightly. It's a pity, it's too much. Pity.

Only a little bit, he could wipe out that Chu Yunfan all at once, but he still didn't succeed in the end.

And he also knew that his shot this time must have attracted the attention of Lieutenant Daxia, and it was almost impossible to carry out a surprise attack next time.

However, Taiwei Daxia was always paying attention to the situation here, which also made him confirm his previous guess, that is, this young general is definitely not an ordinary character, and that the difference is the genius of the general family.

It is more likely to have a weapon at hand to change the balance of the battlefield.

Thinking of this, he suddenly said: "Send my order to let the Demon God Cult fully trace the identity of the young general just now, and it is the best that he can be captured. If not, he will be killed on the spot, without leaving a living!"

If Chu Yunfan can be taken captive, he has a hundred methods for Chu Yunfan to use. After all, the method of controlling people's sanity is not an unknown method.

But if the captivity does not come, it can only be killed on the spot.

Activities in the Great Xia Dynasty still depend on the Demon God Sect, and this is the purpose of the demon tribe's efforts to cultivate the Demon God Sect.

He looked at the battlefield in the distance. The elite troops of the Daxia Dynasty and the Yaozu were fighting each other. The two sides refused to yield to each other, and a large number of elite troops died tragically at every moment.

He didn't blink his eyes, he just sighed slightly, and said, "Taipei Daxia is still as good as ever. Even if it is me, it is difficult for him to take advantage of his military skills."

"If the order continues, all armies are ready to withdraw from the battlefield. Except for the post army, the whole army will withdraw from the battlefield after one day!

This time he failed to take advantage of Daxia Taiwei's hands, but his goal was also achieved. The Daxia Dynasty army used the spring sweep to train the army, so why not the Yaozu.

Although it didn't take advantage of it, the loss was not big, and it was still within the range he could bear.

The two sides have formed a tacit understanding for so many years.

At this time, in the main formation of Daxia's army, Taiwei Daxia stood with his back, and he was indeed the one who shot the blow just now. If he hadn't noticed the flower of the nuclear bomb released by Chu Yunfan at a critical moment, he would also It won't happen so accidentally.

After all, he is the only one who knows the horror of that person best.

But at this point, he naturally understood that this spring sweep should also be over.

Soon, the opposing team will retreat, and now they can beat down the dog.

They have played against each other so many times ~www.ltnovel.com~ have long known each other's actions.

"If the order is passed down, all armies are ready to attack. Except for the necessary reserve team, the whole army will press on and beat down the water dog. This time, we will keep more of the monster clan troops!"

Suddenly, he said again: "According to my order, Chu Yunfan, a lieutenant of the Baotai Town Defender, will be promoted to Zhenyuan General, with the same rank and second rank. He was also ordered to form the Zhenyuan Army with a quota of 10,000, and the Ministry of War will be ordered to supplement as soon as possible. Personnel Soldier A, the other members of the Zhenyuan Army were promoted and ordered Chu Yunfan to submit the list. After review, they will be approved without any problems!"

The guard next to him also looked at Lieutenant Daxia with a bit of astonishment. This was the first person in the army of the Daxia Dynasty, the Grand Marshal of the World Soldiers and Horses, and all the high-ranking officers above the general rank were his. subordinate.

General Zhenyuan is at the second rank of the same town, and seems to be of high authority, but for a figure like Taiwei Daxia, he is still just a small person.

Even those high-ranking princes who want to see the lieutenant must make an appointment long in advance.

That is really a big man under one person and above ten thousand people!

Now that he cares about the promotion of such a small person, this made him suddenly look at the person named Chu Yunfan with admiration, and he secretly wrote down the name in his heart, but no matter how fluctuating in his heart, he naturally did not dare to do anything that the lieutenant ordered. The slightest sloppy, quickly took the order and went through it.

Taiwei Daxia's gaze was like a torch, as if he saw through the battlefield and saw Chu Yunfan who was struggling to fight.

"Feixianzong, Chu Yunfan, Zi Leizhou!" Taiwei Daxia squinted his eyes, "I hope not to let me down. In a world of great competition, masters from all walks of life will come out in large numbers. It is not enough to have only one Li Qianyuan. It is not a spring to stand alone. , Letting a hundred flowers bloom is the right way!"

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