I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1798: Fully retreat and cope with the 1-year contract

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What Chu Yunfan did not expect was that even if it retreated in great strides, the Yaozu coalition did not show signs of decline. All retreats were very orderly. The troops behind the palace resisted desperately, while the other troops were in order. Back.

From here alone, Chu Yunfan could see that the commander of the Yaozu coalition must also be a master of warfare, and as a master of warfare, Chu Yunfan knew best.

It is not the most difficult for an army to attack in an orderly manner. What is really difficult is to make an army retreat in an orderly manner without causing the entire army to collapse.

Throughout the ages, many of these cases have directly turned into big defeats on the way to retreat, not to mention that the collective retreat of millions of people can be organized in an orderly manner.

Even Chu Yunfan had to stun himself secretly, there was indeed an expert in the demon clan coalition on the opposite side.

However, on the side of the Daxia Dynasty, Taiwei Daxia was also an extraordinary person.

Chu Yunfan led the defenders of Baotai Town and once again killed several Universe level monsters and thousands of elite monsters.

After this battle, the defenders of Baotai Town finally showed a bit of elite style and possessed incomparable self-confidence. For them, all the existences that were high and unattainable in the past have all been cut down.

There is nothing more able to unite people's hearts than this.

After taking advantage of the situation to cover up for thousands of miles, Daxia's army finally received gold and did not continue to pursue and kill, otherwise, it may face the counterattack of the demon coalition army. In that case, the loss will be even greater.

However, the harvest of the spring raid this time has been great enough, and the elite troops from all over the country have also been fully trained.

After returning to the camp, a military order was passed down soon after the troops returned to their original garrison in different orders, and the millions of troops would also be disbanded to various places.

Of course, among these troops, the Baotai Town Defender was the most special. He was the only local garrison force, and he was quickly ordered to return to Baotai City.

After Chu Yunfan returned to Baotai City, soon, the promotion order from Taiwei's Mansion followed.

He was promoted from General Huwei to General Zhenyuan. Although he was still a miscellaneous general, his status was completely different. The second rank was regarded as a dividing line, a member of the court, rather than a dispensable minor.

However, Chu Yunfan has made great achievements in succession and killed many Universe Realm monsters. If it is not for the juniors, I am afraid that it is possible to upgrade to a level.

However, this is also the special feature of Chu Yunfan. Generally, being able to slay monsters of the Universe Realm level, they must be masters of the Universe Realm level, and these people themselves have a high status.

Basically it would not have jumped up from the bottom like Chu Yunfan, and this made Chu Yunfan very special.

In the Baotai Town Defender Camp, Chu Yunfan deliberately left You Chuyun after having dealt with the representatives sent by many city forces in and around the city to congratulate him on his promotion.

At this time, You Chuyun was also beaming. This time, it was not just Chu Yunfan who was rewarded. It should be said that the entire Baotai town defenders were all promoted, and even he was also named a fifth-grade miscellaneous. General number.

Although it was only a low-level general, but in fact, in the Great Xia Dynasty, there were too many warriors in the cave virtual realm, and only a small part of them were able to become generals.

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p; Just like that, he has served in the army for many years and has made a lot of credit. It is very rare for him to be promoted to general in such a short period of time.

This can be regarded as Guangzong Yaozu!

He secretly rejoiced in his heart that choosing to follow Chu Yunfan at the beginning was really right. If not, he might still be just a little figure in the Flying Immortal Sect.

"Congratulations to the general, now that the general has been promoted to the general of Zhenyuan, it is not that simple for Li Qianyuan to attack the general now!"

You Chuyun said.

Chu Yunfan waved his hand and said, "This is just the beginning!"

He didn't think that this was his limit. For him, this was just the beginning.

"You saw the promotion document of the Taiwei Mansion just now. Our Baotai Town Defenders will be expanded and promoted to become the Zhenyuan Army. At that time, the Baotai Town Defenders will also be used as the skeleton. The Ministry of Defense will also recruit the newly trained soldiers as soon as possible. Come in!" Chu Yunfan said slowly. "However, recruits are just recruits. It takes time to integrate in, and special training will also be carried out at that time. I will still trouble you then!

"Well, I understand!" You Chuyun said quickly.

"This time, the lieutenant is very generous. I can write the instructions for all positions in the army. There will be no one who will come over. Now I am the commander of the first army, and you are the deputy commander. When I am away At that time, your words are equivalent to mine!" Chu Yunfan said.

You Chuyun looked extremely excited. He hadn't thought of this before, because the troops of tens of thousands, the former Baotai Town garrison had only a few hundred people. At best, they were just low-level officers. It is basically impossible for them to be in high positions and airborne. The possibility of a group of officers is very high.

But what was unexpected to everyone was that the Taiwei Mansion did not airborne a group of officers, all of which were designated by Chu Yunfan.

This situation is completely different!

"In the next two months, I will retreat with all my strength to prepare for the one-year agreement with Wang Yifan. You will have to bear more of the military affairs!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"Please rest assured!"

You Chuyun said quickly, at this moment he is not at all worried about Chu Yunfan’s defeat~www.ltnovel.com~ After really seeing Chu Yunfan and the short-term method, he realized that Wang Yifan had given Chu to Chu before. Yun Fan's time for a year is simply a big mistake.

For ordinary people, one year may not change much at all, but for Chu Yunfan, it is enough to change to the point where everyone is shocked.

After the explanation, Chu Yunfan entered a state of retreat, and entered a state of retreat with all his strength.

At the same time, the imperial capital of the Great Xia Dynasty, Huntianhou Mansion.

Li Qianyuan and his followers, Li Yu and others gathered together.

Everyone's expressions were quite depressed, because they had all heard that Chu Yunfan was promoted from the fifth-rank general to the second-rank general Zhenyuan.

Although for the entire Daxia Dynasty, it is still not a big man. After all, it is easy to promote in the Daxia Dynasty army, but it is extremely difficult to obtain the title and become a prince.

Even Li Qianyuan had gone through many great battles before he was finally sealed, but this is still not good news for them.

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