I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1799: Trouble of the Iron Gun Club

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To them, Chu Yunfan was like a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten to death. There were several shots against Chu Yunfan, but Chu Yunfan was still alive and kicking.

Now he has actually been promoted to the second rank General Zhenyuan.

For them, this is tantamount to a huge irony.

Especially after Chu Yunfan's strength became stronger and stronger, for them, the price they had to pay to deal with Chu Yunfan was also increasing.

Especially, by now, they had only suspected that Chu Yunfan's strength had broken through to the Universe Realm, so now they were completely certain that Chu Yunfan's strength had steadily entered the Universe Realm.

Whether it is the Universe Realm is very important to a warrior, and it is also a very important watershed.

If he was still just a hole in the virtual realm, then even if he died, even in the Flying Immortal Sect, no one would stand up for him.

That's just a small person. Fei Xianzong high-level officials can never notice such a small person. Even if they have the name of genius, there are too many such geniuses in Fei Xianzong, let alone Da Xia. The dynasty and the whole world are even more like crucian carp crossing the river.

But once he stepped into the Universe Realm, in the entire Flying Immortal Sect, he was regarded as a big figure, not a small figure no one knew.

To deal with such a person, one must be more careful, and it may even cause Feixianzong's interference. After all, Feixianzong is also one of the top ten sects, and its strength is far above Li Qianyuan.

"Senior Luo Zhao is not reliable or not, now there is no news at all!"

At this time, a follower of Li Qianyuan took the lead to speak.

At this time, Li Yu's expression was also a bit awkward, and it was precisely because of Luo Zhao's affairs.

In fact, everyone is now looking for Luo Zhao's whereabouts, but he can't find Luo Zhao's trace at all. He even wondered if he had encountered Chu Yunfan's poisonous hand.

Although this probability is very low, it is possible no matter how you look at it. After all, Chu Yunfan now looks absolutely mysterious and cunning like a fox, and so many people are at a disadvantage in his hands.

However, the news that came some time ago said that someone had seen Luo Zhao's whereabouts in the Ten Fierce Cave Mansion.

He even vowed to say that Luo Zhao slaughtered other sect masters of the Universe Realm.

When he first heard the news, he almost couldn't believe it at all, but everyone had the same words and couldn't deny it at all.

Not to mention, several representatives of the sect have already sent people to the Iron Gun Club to inquire about this matter.

Especially for many forces, the strength is comparable to that of the Iron Spear Society, and although the Iron Spear Society is strong, it does not have absolute strength like the top ten sects, and is not afraid of any threats.

It can be said that the iron spear will go up and down now, and it has been burnt. It is said that there are representatives of other sects on the way to the road with great fanfare. Not to mention, among the masters who were beheaded were the masters of the evil spirits. One is bigger than one.

Just to deal with these people is enough to make the iron gun drink a pot. I don't know how much trouble I have to deal with in the future.

Everyone is swearing, and he must be Luo Zhao of the Iron Gun Club. After all, his appearance can be pretended, -->>, the latest chapter of the practice frenzy will be updated as soon as possible!

However, the Tiger Howl and Longyin Spear that Luo Zhao displayed had clearly reached the realm of Dacheng. This practice was obviously the core secret of their Iron Spear Association.

To say that Luo Zhao is not from the Iron Spear Club, it is impossible at all!

Even the Iron Spear Club has to admit this. After all, only those who have reached a certain level in the last level of the Tigers and Dragons' Spears can be taught. In the entire Iron Spear Club, there are only a few dozen people who practice. To the realm of Dacheng.

There is no way to deny it if you want to deny it!

So now that the iron spear will go up and down, I don’t suspect that Luo Zhao died in Chu Yunfan’s hands, but because Luo Zhao suddenly killed people like he was mad, and then reported his name on the many evils it had caused. The impact has just begun to show.

However, he would never have thought of killing him. In fact, Luo Zhao had already died in Chu Yunfan's hands, and the person who made the shots was nothing but Chu Yunfan.

This in itself was Chu Yunfan's trick to trouble the Iron Spear Association. After all, with his current strength, it was not enough to uproot the Iron Spear Association, so he could only find them a little trouble first.

As for those forces that can cultivate the Universe Realm, there is almost no simple one. Many of them are not inferior to the Iron Spear Society. All of these have to come to the door to ask their crimes. For the Iron Spear Society, the pressure is unprecedented. .

They had to swallow this bitter fruit, there was no other way.

"Uncle Luo must have his own plan to do things. It is impossible for his old man to give up easily!" At this time, Li Yu had no choice but to deny it, although he didn't know what Luo Zhao had for.

But at this time, it is natural not to admit that they have no knowledge.

"Okay, I don't care what Luo Zhao's plan is, but if he dares to lie to me, he will definitely pay the price!" Li Qianyuan said coldly, "Since Chu Yunfan has been promoted to General Zhenyuan, he has entered the sight of Taiwei's mansion. It’s not convenient for me to wait, but I heard that he has a so-called one-year appointment with Wang Yifan of the Flying Immortal Sect?"

Li Qianyuan didn't plan to do it himself this time, because he knew that his small actions had caused Taiwei's dissatisfaction.

Although he regarded himself as the top master of the younger generation, he was still a world away from Taiwei Daxia.

He is just the first person in the younger generation~www.ltnovel.com~ But Taiwei Daxia is indeed recognized as one of the top masters in the world, one of the few people in the world.

In charge of the world's soldiers and horses, even if the lieutenant is angered, he can easily deprive him of his title with just one memorial.

He came from a royal family, he understood more clearly what the four words Daxia Taiwei meant than ordinary geniuses from sects.

When he was entrusted with the marquis, he had personally seen Taiwei Daxia, the real supernatural power is like a prison, like a **** and demon.

It was such a character who had immobilized the entire Daxia Dynasty like Dinghai Shenzhen, and the foreign races in all directions did not dare to move.

Although he never admits defeat, he also understands the gap between him and Daxia Taiwei at this time.

"Yes, as far as we know, there is indeed this so-called one-year agreement. At that time, everyone laughed at Chu Yunfan for not being able to do anything, but now it seems that although Wang Yifan has already entered the universe, he may not It will be Chu Yunfan's opponent!"

At this time, Li Yu said that Chu Yunfan's cunning left a deep enough impression on him.

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