I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1800: Breakthrough, the realm of heaven and earth!

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!

After a series of things, of course he would never underestimate Chu Yunfan, otherwise, it would be an insult to his IQ.

I originally thought that Wang Yifan should have a chance to win, but now it seems that everything may not be the case.

"Yes, now Master Tai Wei is staring at this matter. I want to take action later. It is really not that easy. Now, with Wang Yifan's hand, eradicating Chu Yunfan is the best way!"

At this time someone spoke again.

"However, no one knows what Chu Yunfan's strength is now, and Wang Yifan may not be able to secure the victory!" Someone said worriedly.

"I see, Li Yu, now I let you have full authority to talk to Wang Yifan on my behalf. I think he should know what I mean!" Li Qianyuan said coldly. "Regardless of Chu Yunfan's current strength, he will die at that time, this time, I don't want to see any surprises, do you understand?"

Li Yu nodded quickly and said, "Understood, Lord Hou!"

"Next I will retreat and practice, and you will be responsible for the other things!"

After Li Qianyuan finished speaking, he strode out of the room.

The rest of the people glanced at each other, and finally focused their eyes on Li Yu. Li Yu also understood that this series of things, especially Gongsun Liang's death, and Luo Zhao's whereabouts is unknown, caused him to lose a lot of points on Li Qianyuan's side.

If you don't want to make up for it now, I don't know how many people will want to take his current position.

After all, following a Daxia young generation's top master, the benefits are naturally beyond doubt.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan didn't know that Li Qianyuan was planning this next plan to kill him. He spent a whole month of hard work in the space of Shanhetu.

During this period of time, his strength has progressed very surprisingly, almost as a rocket speed. If he is known to outsiders, he will be horrified to death soon.

During this entire month, he has been constantly refining himself and strengthening his practice foundation.

This is very important for his future.

After a whole month, he was considered to have completely consolidated his cultivation base at the peak of the Void Void Realm, and he was about to start attacking the Universe Realm.

There is an essential difference between the Universe Mirror and the Void Void Realm. If we say that the lifespan of human beings breaks through 300 after entering the Divine Power Realm, then after reaching the Universe Realm, the life span of human beings will undergo another earth-shaking change. .

Break directly to a thousand years old!

This is the first step to go against the universe and seize good luck, breaking through the limit of human life, the limit of supernatural power, and the limit of mana.

In the hole virtual realm, all the human limits that can be reached must be broken through.

The universe is set early, retrograde conquest!

At this point, the life span is long, and it can be regarded as the existence of the real big man in the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

Such a character is already qualified to be the guardian of a sect or even an dynasty. He himself is a thousand-year-old family, and one person is a race.

This is a completely different concept from Hollow Realm.

This is especially true for Chu Yunfan. His strength is far ten times stronger than that of ordinary people. When he breaks through, naturally it will be ten times more difficult than ordinary people.

If he practices at a normal speed, he will have to practice for at least ten years before he can break through.

Of course, at this speed, compared to others-->>, it is the fastest to update the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!

In terms of speaking, it's still outrageous, after all, Chu Yunfan is still such a young age.

But now he has a reborn pill in hand, which is just right for a breakthrough at this time!

The reward for slaying the Lone Star Son was finally put to use. Among the breakthroughs in this realm, the effect was the most significant.

Chu Yunfan immediately took the Born Pill, and he could immediately feel that a terrifying force emerged from his body, constantly tearing his power.

Almost every cell in his body must be disassembled and reorganized. This huge energy is not as terrible as most people can imagine.

Almost his whole person could feel that he was about to fall apart.

This is the true meaning of the bodily pill, which allows a person to be reborn. Human beings are like this, constantly reborn from an ordinary life, and realize the leap of life.

But now, Chu Yunfan felt such a transformation, and such terrifying power was contained in it.

Chu Yunfan didn't resist, letting this huge force tear himself apart and splashed out blood, but in the next instant, he regrouped.

His body is constantly being torn apart and being reorganized in this way, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

Even such a force has extended into the depths of Chu Yunfan's soul, almost torn apart Chu Yunfan's soul.

This is a kind of tearing, a kind of rebirth!

This is also the first time I have come into contact with the realm of spirits and souls, and this is also a direction of practice that is completely different from the cave virtual realm. Both life and life are cultivated. After the body is strong enough, the spirit is constantly changing.

I don't know how long it has passed. It took a whole month for Chu Yunfan to finally open his eyes. At this time, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to a month ago.

The body turned into a kind of fairy muscle and jade bone, revealing a color like jade, and it looked like a jade person.

The whole person's mental outlook has undergone tremendous changes, like a celestial being, a faint golden yellow penetrates under his skin, and a layer of electric light is faintly flashing above his skin.

"Finally, I have broken through to the Universe Realm!"

Chu Yunfan slowly exhaled, and this month of hard cultivation finally allowed him to completely digest all the medicinal power of the Born-born Pill into his own strength, and deduced his transformation throughout his body.

He could feel that the terrifying power contained in his body, even to say bluntly ~www.ltnovel.com~, now he is almost ten times stronger than before.

This is just a breakthrough in one step.

Only at this time did he really feel that the existence of the Void Hole Realm and the Universe Realm were not at the same level at all, and there had been earth-shaking changes.

He could even feel the vitality that almost boiled in his body.

Compared with the original, his lifespan has changed drastically, but compared with ordinary people, his lifespan has at least increased to several thousand years.

What a horrible thing this is!

This also means that he has plenty of time to practice, at least several times longer than the average person, which is his biggest advantage.

As soon as he entered the realm of universe, he could feel that his soul was ten times stronger, and his perception of heaven and earth became clearer.

This transformation is all-round!


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