I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1802: I don't know the guy who is tall and thick

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These young men and women also centered on the woman headed by this one. When they saw that the young man in the white robe came over, he quickly stretched out his hand.

"Jinghong, why did you come here!"

A young man with a hearty smile stepped forward, punched the young man in the chest, and said.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

The young man named Jinghong scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly.

"Fortunately, the banquet hasn't started yet. This is a rare opportunity. In order to celebrate Brother Wang's first tea party, it is estimated that a lot of good things will be brought out. This is a good thing that we people usually rarely see!"

The young man with a hearty smile said hopefully.

Although they are all inner disciples, they are basically the bottom of the inner disciples, and the resources for cultivation are limited, and they can't eat too good things on weekdays.

Only when this kind of high-level big man puts on a big banquet, can they eat some real good things because of this.

Even for the sake of saving face, those big people will not be shoddy. I heard from the seniors who came first that eating a meal at this kind of banquet is comparable to a month of hard cultivation, otherwise there will not be so many people coming. It's dinner.

But not everyone has such qualifications. They still have the face of the senior sister Liu in front of them before they can come to the banquet.

"It's so magnificent, you deserve to be a true biography disciple!" At this moment, someone couldn't help but said, for them, the true biography disciple is really a great figure.

Even if they started not long ago, they had all heard of the power of the true disciples. Among the masters of the entire Great Xia Dynasty, they were all big names with cards.

"Yes, for those of us, it is very difficult for us to become elite disciples in this life, almost impossible, let alone become true disciples, I can't even think about it!"

Someone said with emotion that their faces were a little bit sad, after all, in the outside world, they all have the name of genius, and now in the Flying Immortal Sect, they can only get the bottom.

It's really not that they don't work hard, but their opponents are all monsters.

It is a genius who walks all over the floor, a genius who can hit three or five monster levels when a brick is hit.

And this is the majesty of the top ten sects of the Great Xia Dynasty like Fei Xianzong, and it is not comparable to other small sects.

"Sister Liu, thanks to you this time, otherwise we won't have the opportunity to attend such a banquet!"

Someone spoke.

However, Senior Sister Liu just smiled, and then she glanced at the young man named Jinghong, and said, "I'm just a little bit thin. This time I can bring you here, mainly because of our Tiannvfeng Zhan Sister Tai also participated in the tea party!"

This Senior Sister Liu didn't take credit either, but when she mentioned this Senior Sister Zhantai, her face still showed a bit of pride.

"Even Senior Sister Zhantai is here. I have heard of Senior Sister Zhantai's name when I haven't joined the Fei Xianzong before. Among the true disciples, they are all big figures. I didn't expect to be able to participate this time. At the tea party, Brother Wang's face is really too great!"

Someone exclaimed that they obviously understood the identity of Senior Sister Zhantai, and among the true disciples of Fei Xianzong, they were all considered big figures.

And even Senior Sister Liu who needs them to look up is just a follower of Senior Sister Zhantai.

And these people-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the practice frenzy!

Not to mention, even followers are not counted as followers, at best they can only be regarded as a member of Senior Sister Zhantai's peripheral forces.

However, as a newly promoted inner disciple, it is not easy to be able to rely on a backer so quickly.

"That is, Senior Brother Wang once helped Senior Sister Zhantai once, and this time I paid him back!"

Senior Sister Liu said with a smile covering her mouth.

"Let's take a seat first!"

Senior Sister Liu led everyone to their seats, and everyone seemed to be booing, so that the young man named Jinghong sat next to Senior Sister Liu.

The young man named Jinghong was not shy, and sat right next to Senior Sister Liu, with a somewhat calm appearance.

"This time there are really a lot of true biography disciples, even the true biography of the other ten sects have also come a lot, the scale of this tea party is not small!"

"Yes, the larger the tea party, the greater his face. Although Brother Wang has not been promoted to a true disciple for a long time, he hasn't even been promoted for ten years, but his strength has improved extremely quickly. Many people are optimistic about him. The future!"

"After the tea party this time, Brother Wang will also be entrusted with an important task!"

There were a lot of voices around discussing this tea party.

Among these people, the young man named Jinghong shook his fist, and then asked the senior sister Liu: "Sister, I heard, didn't Brother Wang have a one-year appointment with someone else?"

"A year's appointment?" Senior Sister Liu showed a somewhat puzzled expression in her beautiful eyes, her eyebrows frowned.

"I've heard that it seems that an elite disciple who doesn't know the sky is going to challenge Senior Brother Wang!"

Suddenly, a person suddenly seemed to think of something.

This person is obviously earlier to get started, and he knows something that others don't know.

The other disciples who hadn't been in for a long time showed a somewhat incomprehensible expression. To them, the true disciple was like a superlative god. Who would dare to challenge such a character?

Seeing everyone’s eyes, the man suddenly said with some pride: “One year ago, a disciple who had just started to provoke Senior Brother Wang, challenged Senior Brother Wang and made a one-year agreement, but Senior Brother Wang is magnanimous, so he didn't care about him. In a mere one year, he can challenge Senior Brother Wang. Who does he think he is? Can he be reincarnated?"

"It's just a guy who is crowned by a monkey!"

There was a look of disdain on the man's face~www.ltnovel.com~ but there was still a bit of surprise in his eyes. He still remembered that more than a year ago, the man was among their inner disciples. It also caused great waves, and he is a legend.

However, this so-called one-year agreement was quickly forgotten. After all, one of the two parties was a true disciple, and the other was only an inner disciple at the time, but now an elite disciple at best.

The two parties are not at the same level at all, and no one thinks that now, a year later, Chu Yunfan would dare to appear to challenge Senior Brother Wang.

In this year's time, that guy disappeared completely, and there was no news. At least for them, that was indeed the case, which confirmed their thoughts.

"Now that the time for the one-year appointment has come, and I haven't seen him appear, he must have ran away timidly!"

"Impossible, he is not that kind of person!"

The young man named Jinghong slapped the table and suddenly angered.

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