I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1803: If you can't offend Wang Yifan, should you offend Chu Yunfan?

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Everyone was taken aback by the sudden eruption of this young man named Jinghong, and everyone did not expect him to suddenly erupt.

"Chu Jinghong, what do you want to do?" At this moment, the young man who was talking about him was also suddenly startled.

The young man named Jinghong seemed to realize what he had done, and quickly sat down and said: "I just don't believe that he will escape without a fight. After all, don't forget, we are taunting him. At the time, he worshipped the Fei Xianzong as the ten largest disciple of the Inner Sect, and then became an elite disciple in the shortest amount of time. Do you think you are qualified to taunt him?"

A somewhat sneered expression appeared on Chu Jinghong's face.

"Chu Jinghong, do you want to find the fault?" the young man said uncomfortably, "What does that Chu Yunfan have to do with you, do you want to protect him like this?"

"No, he is from Zilei Prefecture, and you are also from Zilei Prefecture. Don't you have anything to do with him?" The young man said with a sneer, "If he were not a coward, he would have already made a war post. He defended?"

"Okay, I won't say a few words. I've heard of Chu Yunfan. Even if he doesn't show up today, he is still a master. After all, it is not a wise move to fight against a true disciple who is far stronger than himself. , He was also acting to protect himself at the time!" At this time, Senior Sister Liu said.

At this time, she finally remembered where Chu Yunfan was sacred. A year ago, it did cause an uproar among the inner disciples, and even among their elite disciples.

Even they had to admit that Chu Yunfan's future was limitless, but the premise of all this was that Chu Yunfan could not sin against Wang Yifan.

After offending a true disciple, can Chu Yunfan have a way to survive in the Flying Immortal Sect?

During this year, Chu Yunfan hid and didn't dare to return at all, it was evident from this.

In the future, Wang Yifan will only become stronger and stronger, and the blows that Chu Yunfan will face will become stronger and stronger, basically there is no future in the future.

All of this is in the case of offending the true disciple. In the history of Fei Xianzong for so many years, no one has been able to make an exception.

But her beautiful eyes looked at Chu Jinghong, her eyes were thoughtful, everyone could see the excitement of Chu Jinghong just now, plus they were all from Zilei Prefecture, I was afraid that the relationship between the two parties was not shallow. .

"Senior Sister Liu, that Chu Yunfan didn't know that Tian Gaodi had offended Senior Brother Wang, and what future he could have in Fei Xianzong. He doesn't dare to come back now. I advise some people not to go against the trend!"

The male disciple was not polite.

"Zhang Chao, what I'm doing, Chu Jinghong, is not your turn to say more!" Chu Jinghong said coldly.

"Show your feet, what is the relationship between you and that Chu Yunfan?" The young man said with a sneer.

Na Chu was shocked for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Yunfan is my elder brother!"

"What?" Many people exclaimed, especially others who couldn't believe it. Although Chu Yunfan seemed to be a foolish fool in Zhang Chao's mouth, he was able to be promoted to the elite within the first year of entry. The characters of the disciples, where is the existence they can provoke.

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Although Chu Yunfan could not provoke Wang Yifan, did they provoke Chu Yunfan?

"It turned out to be like this!"

Then Senior Sister Liu suddenly realized, and then she bit her lip and said, "I don't need to mention this in the future. Now that Chu Yunfan has offended a lot of people, it may not be a good thing that you have a relationship with him!"

"Senior Sister Liu, I have already thought about this, and I want to advance and retreat with my brother!" Chu Jinghong said, "My brother has rescued me once before, and I can't let him stand alone here!"

"You... I really can't do anything with you. Let me ask Senior Sister Zhantai to let Senior Sister Zhantai take in that Chu Yunfan. Chu Yunfan has a good talent and is qualified to become a follower of Senior Sister Zhantai. That's silly, even Senior Brother Wang wouldn't dare to do anything!" Then Senior Sister Liu thought for a while and said, after all, she still couldn't say anything more cruelly.

"Sister Liu, this matter is also very embarrassing for you, right? I'm doing things all by myself, so I don't want to hurt Senior Sister Liu!"

Chu Jinghong said.

When Senior Sister Liu heard this, she was shocked and angry immediately: "What can you do at this time? Do you know how serious it is to offend a true disciple? Like you, a new disciple who has only been recruited this year, Brother Wang If you want to kill you, it's just a matter of talking about your lips. I am an elite disciple, and Brother Wang dare not want to do anything to me!"

Chu Jinghong looked at Sister Liu and was moved in his heart. Of course he understood how much Sister Liu was involved in saying that. He was not a fool. Why didn't he understand Sister Liu's intentions, but his identity was special and he didn't dare to accept Sister Liu at all. Kindness.

The other disciples also looked at them. Those male disciples looked at Chu Jinghong with a bit of envy, jealousy and hatred. Senior Sister Liu is a great beauty, she is strong, and an elite disciple, let alone leaning on her back. Senior Sister Zhantai is such a big backer, it can be said that many disciples of Fei Xianzong can hardly find a good match in their dreams.

But since Chu Jinghong started to learn, he didn't know how to look at this kid without any identity background, and treated him wholeheartedly.

"Liu Wenjing, if I were you, I wouldn't be too full of words. If this person is related to Chu Yunfan, then I will take it away. Even if you find Senior Sister Zhantai, it will be useless!"

At this time, a cold voice came from ~www.ltnovel.com~ but I saw it. I don’t know when, a middle-aged man in his 30s and wearing a moon white robe appeared nearby. His expression was extremely impressive. Indifferent, only when he looked at Chu Jinghong, a smile appeared on his face.

"You whistleblowing?" Liu Wenjing looked at Zhang Chao in shock and anger. The person in front of him came so quickly, who else but Zhang Chao whistleblower.

"Yes, Senior Sister Liu, I advise you to be a Junjie who knows the current affairs, then Chu Yunfan offends Senior Brother Wang, and there is no good end to it, this Chu Jinghong also don't want to run!"

Zhang Chao's eyes were a bit crazy, and there was a bit of admiration in Liu Wenjing's eyes. He couldn't figure out what is so good about this kid. Since he started, Senior Sister Liu seems to have been hit. The devil treats him well, and turns a blind eye to his various gestures of goodness.

"Okay, okay, okay, Zhang Chao, I didn't expect you to be such a villain!"

Liu Wenjing's shoulders trembled.

"But Fu Heng, arresting people in front of me, do you think it's a bit too simple!"

Liu Wenjing immediately turned to the middle-aged man.

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