I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1806: Today I will kill Wang Yifan

The commotion here quickly arose. Wang Yifan and others were holding a tea party in the depths of Jingyun Peak.

In fact, not many people can come to participate in this tea party, only a few true disciples and a small number of elite disciples.

Everyone else is not eligible, but for most people, even just eating a water table is a great reward.

The first issue when embarking on the path of spiritual practice is to eat. People who can’t eat are destined to not go far on the path of spiritual practice.

Wang Yifan also quickly got the news, and his face suddenly fell. This Chu Yunfan not only appeared, but also killed Fu Heng casually.

Fu Heng was his confidant, and among his many followers, he was the most valued. Now he was beaten to death by Chu Yunfan all at once.

"So courageous!" Wang Yifan said coldly.

On the other side, the true disciples who attended the meeting also quickly got news, and the news spread too quickly.

The faces of these authentic disciples either showed a bit of anger, or showed a bit of playful smile.

Not everyone welcomes Chu Yunfan's arrival, but not everyone hates it either.

"Brother Wang, I heard that you are in trouble, do you want us to help?" At this moment, a young man wearing a white loose robe with a bit of cynical cynicism on his face said.

"No, I can handle a clown in a mere jumper!"

Wang Yifan said coldly.

Of course he knew that this tea party itself was not simple, and it represented the beginning of his integration into this circle.

Universe level masters also have many circles of their own. People who can be independent of these circles do not exist at all, because people with such strength will soon gather many masters around them and form another circle.

And he doesn't have this strength. Naturally, he has to choose a circle to join him. However, as a newcomer, he has to be recognized by others in order to join this circle. However, not everyone welcomes him to join.

The distribution of benefits involved is a problem in itself.

"It's interesting, the inner disciple challenged the true biography? Tsk tsk, you Fei Xianzong really know how to play!"

The young man with a bit of cynicism said with a faint smile.

These words immediately caused dissatisfaction in the eyes of several Fei Xianzong true biography disciples present.

And among these people, one of them was wearing a goose yellow dress, about twenty-five or sixteen years old, with a black hair like a waterfall, tall and beautiful, delicate and picturesque, and glanced at the cynical young man. , Said: "Ye Wuxie, you don't have to gloat!"

"Senior Sister Zhantai, I didn't gloat for misfortune. Instead, I think that Chu Yun of the Flying Immortal Sect is a talent and courageous enough, hahaha!" The cynical young man Ye Wuxie said with a laugh.

Ye Wuxie obviously didn't welcome Wang Yifan to join this circle very much. Now that he has a chance to watch Wang Yifan's jokes, he certainly won't miss it easily.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yifan looked even more ugly.

"Senior Nephew Wang, you still need to take action in this matter. I will catch him personally, let him know how big the gap between the true biography and the elite is. If it is not true, it will be ants every day!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a medium body and a Chinese character stood up suddenly.

"Okay, then I will trouble Master Zhu!"

Wang Yifan said, he sat firmly on the high hall, and did not intend to act personally.

Everyone’s eyes focused on this Master Zhu’s body, secretly secretly thinking, obviously, this Master Zhu is about to hold Wang Yifan’s thigh, this Master Zhu is a generation older than these people, and much older than them, although they are all Universe.

But everyone is in their prime of life, and their cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the current cultivation base is only temporary.

But this Senior Brother Zhu was different. He had a chance to enter the realm of the universe. He was old and basically lost his further potential.

At this time, it is natural to find a reliable backer to rely on. After all, although the Universe Realm is an elder in the Flying Immortal Sect, but like him, he is only a marginalized elder, and he has no real power or good results. Compared with Wang Yifan, the cultivation resources are far behind.

"Catch me? Just rely on you?" Suddenly, a clear voice came from a distance.

Immediately after a flash of light passed, a figure appeared in the tea party venue.

"Chu Yunfan!"

Wang Yifan looked at Chu Yunfan, gritted his teeth and said.

Compared with a year ago, Chu Yunfan looked even more arrogant, and he dared to appear in front of him so carelessly.

It was going to shake the sky. A year ago, the ant, who could only survive by hiding behind Yi Yunyao, dare to face his gaze.

Chu Yunfan glanced at the field, and there were about forty or fifty people in the field, of which more than 20 were true disciples who had entered the realm of universe ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the rest were basically all. He is an elite disciple at the pinnacle of the Void Hole Realm.

Such a lineup is not small, and among these true biography disciples, Fei Xianzong accounted for half, and other true inheritance disciples accounted for half.

Only the true disciple-level masters of the ten major sects can organize such a circle across the sect.

In the face of dozens of direct gazes, Chu Yunfan was completely fearless. If he were an ordinary person, even an ordinary true disciple would not be so calm.

"Just now you said you wanted to capture me? Do you rely on you? I have survived a dog at an age, and now I am a dog by holding someone else's thigh, so I can't wait to jump out?" Chu Yunfan did not hesitate Said.

"You are looking for death!"

That Senior Brother Zhu looked at Chu Yunfan with a fierce look. Although this was also true, it was exposed by Chu Yunfan in public, which also made his heart raging and thunderous.

"You don't want to survive today, I want to skin you cramps!"

"Hmph, as an elder, you dare to get involved in the life and death struggle between our disciples. I think you are really impatient!" Chu Yunfan said rudely.

In Fei Xianzong, elders are also divided into levels. Although they are powerful elders, there are also elders who have barely stepped into the universe and promoted. Such elders have no status in front of ordinary true disciples. The disciple can still stand up in front of him, but it would be ridiculous to hold it in front of Chu Yunfan.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan glanced at the people and said, "Today I am here for a one-year appointment. Today I will kill Wang Yifan. If any of you dare to intervene, then don't blame me for taking care of it. If you want to hug your thighs, let's do it all!"

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