I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1807: The Universe Realm is also beaten into a corpse


Almost everyone in the field was irritated by Chu Yunfan's words!

Chu Yunfan hardly put any of them in his eyes, it was too arrogant.

However, even though those elite disciples in the Void Void Realm were angry, they did not dare to take action, because they had also received a message just now. The fact that Chu Yunfan smashed Fu Heng to death was also a great shock to them.

Many of them, even if they are stronger than Fu Heng, are just a little bit stronger.

Basically, it can be said to be the same. Now even Fu Heng has been beaten into a corpse, and it is almost the same if it is replaced by them.

Many people calmed down quickly. After all, Chu Yunfan was talking about those who wanted to hold Wang Yifan's thigh, and such people were only part of them.

"You have no respect and inferiority, you, an elite disciple, dare to roar at a place, brave!"

Uncle Zhu yelled.

"I can capture you without other people. If you have no education, I will teach you in place of your parents!"

Hearing this, Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed a bit coldly, and said, "Teach me instead of my parents? What are you?"

His parents are the Ni Lin in Chu Yunfan's heart, and they will die if they touch them.

"With your words, you can't escape death today!"

"Hahahaha, such a cruel and easy to kill person, for the sake of my reputation of Flying Immortal Sect, I can't keep you!"

Uncle Zhu was extremely angry and laughed, so forget about those high-ranking true disciples, even this elite disciple dared to do this to him.

They are both in the Universe Realm, but their status is extremely different. In order to survive, he can only bow his head, but Chu Yunfan is nothing but an elite disciple.

Actually dare to be so arrogant.

"You can't live by committing sins!"

The Master Zhu yelled, with an extremely cold expression, and took a step forward. In his hand, I don’t know when, an extra sword has already been released, and the sponsor instantly glowed with khaki mana, which appeared directly. When the sky formed a huge mountain.

He fell down with this sword, it was like a mountain fell down!

Although this Uncle Zhu is only the bottom among many Universe Realm masters, he is also a Universe Realm level master after all.

Only this sword is cut down, it is worthy of the identity of a master of the universe, even because it has been stuck in the hole for a long time to break through the peak, in the same realm, the foundation is more solid.

"That kid is dead!"

An elite disciple in the Void Void Realm thought that this sword would have affected all of their dozens of elite disciples.

Even they can feel the Qi machine lock them in, even if it is not mainly aimed at them, it still makes them feel like a dragonfly in their throat.


Ye Wuxie touched his chin. What Chu Yunfan said just now didn't make him angry. It wasn't against him anyway, but this Chu Yunfan made him feel very interesting.

If it's not a crazy lunatic, then it must be somewhat dependent.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan moved, and directly backhand was slapped at the sword that exuded a thick flavor.


After a huge roar, what was unexpected to everyone was that Chu Yunfan was not cut in half by a sword at all.

Instead, he grabbed the sword with his backhand.

"How can it be!"

When Shishu Zhu saw this scene, he was almost not scared to death. How could someone contend with his sword with his bare hands? It was incredible.

"Carla, bang!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that Chu Yunfan smashed the sword that had been cut down inch by inch, and the terrifying power shattered everything and tore everything apart.

"not good!"

Uncle Zhu suddenly felt a sense of crisis that made him creepy.

"Only such strength? I'm down here, you take my punch, and today I will spare you not to die!"

Chu Yunfan snorted coldly.

"Arrogant, just taking my sword just now, what do you think you are?" The Zhu Shishu was immediately enraged.

Suddenly, he didn't care about the feeling that made him creepy, as if he had encountered an ancient behemoth.

In an instant, he grabbed the void again, and the mana of countless earth attributes gathered together, turning into a mountain range and crushed it towards Chu Yunfan.

This layer of mountains is condensed, extremely majestic, like a sacred mountain.


Chu Yunfan let out a cold snort, like thunder, shaking the entire venue.

In an instant, Chu Yunfan rushed directly into the mountains, squeezing his fist with his five fingers, and blasted his fist in the past.


The horrible boxing strength turned into a giant beast, directly tore the mountains apart and blasted them into powder.

Immediately afterwards, his fist and strength tore everything apart, unabated, and suddenly hit the chest of Uncle Zhu.

Then Master Zhu snorted, and the whole person flew upside down in an instant. All the elite masters present were all elites. They could all see Master Zhu’s body as if it had been attacked by an evil method~www.ltnovel.com~The essence of the blood was instantly being attacked Drained and turned directly into a corpse.

Hit it into a corpse!

Everyone remembered the news that had just arrived. Chu Yunfan punched Fu Heng into a corpse, and now he beat Master Zhu to a corpse.

Especially those elite disciples only felt cold in their backs. Fortunately, they didn't rush out just now. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But more people reacted immediately.

"The master of the Universe Realm was blasted into a corpse!"

When many people saw this scene, they couldn't help but breathe in the air. They all could see that it was Chu Yunfan's fist that directly evaporated the blood in that Master Zhu's body.

This is far more terrifying than using some evil method to drain the blood.

"This Chu Yunfan..." Seeing this scene, Senior Sister Zhantai's eyes kept flashing a bit of surprise.

Just now, she also received a subpoena from Liu Wenjing. In the subpoena, Liu Wenjing asked her to take care of Chu Yunfan, so as not to let Wang Yifan kill Chu Yunfan.

In Liu Wenjing's message, Chu Yunfan was just an elite disciple, but now Chu Yunfan punched a master of the Universe Realm into a corpse.

This is also extremely rare in the hands of the Universe Realm level.

"It really only took a year?" Senior Sister Zhantai's eyes also flashed a bit of astonishment. It only took a year to achieve this point. Then Chu Yunfan is really extraordinary. Up.

"You dare to kill the elder of the sect, I think you are going to rebel and seek death!"

At this time, the remaining Fei Xianzong elders also uttered their own roars.

Chu Yunfan directly beat people into corpses in front of them, making them equally frightened and angry.

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