Everyone was shocked. Although Chu Yunfan showed stronger strength over time, and everyone had imagined a scenario where Wang Yifan might fail, they never thought that Chu Yunfan could be so relaxed. Wang Yifan's stepped to death.

This can only mean that for Chu Yunfan, the previous fights were just playing, and he didn't give his full strength. What Chu Yunfan said just now was 10% of his skill, which seemed to be just a strong support scene at the time. if.

Now it seems, but it may not be impossible to be a fact.

Thinking of this, many people couldn't help but take a breath of air. What Chu Yunfan has experienced during this period of time has changed drastically.

Even if there is an adventure, this is too amazing. Even if you are on the scene as strong as Senior Sister Zhantai, Ye Wuxie and others, they don't know what adventure can make people progress to this level in a short period of time.

It seems to many people that soaring by day and epiphany overnight is nothing more than that!

"It's too strong, Brother Wang is so vulnerable, it's terrible!"

"I thought it was Chu Yunfan who was crushed, who knows that Brother Wang was easily beaten to death in the end!"

While everyone was talking about it, among the crowd, Liu Wenjing's expression was still a little weird. Chu Yunfan started much later than her. Who knows that there is not much time, and it has reached such a terrifying level. .

She originally thought that what Chu Yunfan said was big talk. After all, he didn't have much time to become an elite disciple. How could he kill Wang Yifan? Who knows, Chu Yunfan actually did it.

For her, it was also an extremely shocking.

Only Chu Hong's expression remained unchanged. He had seen Chu Yunfan create too many miracles, and Chu Yunfan's invincible aspiration had penetrated into his heart and never wavered.

In his opinion, what kind of declaration Chu Yunfan made was normal.

Even if Chu Yunfan said that he would become the Sect Master Feixian Sect, he wouldn't be surprised.

Among the crowd, Zhang Chao's face suddenly changed, and he was suddenly pale for a while. You know, he had to inform and betray Chu Hongcai before. It's good now. Seeing that Chu Yunfan's strength is so amazing, it makes him even more so. Frightened.

Before that, Chu Yunfan was already tyrannical enough. Even if he couldn't beat Wang Yifan, it would just be casual to pinch him to death. Who would offend a promising elite disciple for him.

It was even worse now. Even if he was stupid, he could tell that after this battle, Chu Yunfan would definitely become a true disciple. This was definitely something that didn't run away.

It is said that the disciple is determined to kill him, that is just a matter of moments.

Chu Yunfan was able to escape before because another true disciple Yi Yunyao saved him.

He doesn't even know a few elite disciples, how could a true disciple offend Chu Yunfan for an insignificant person like him?

Thinking of this, he almost felt weak. At this time, he realized that his previous ridicule was like a clown jumping beam. Chu Yunfan didn't even look at him because he was even qualified to let Chu Yunfan take a look. nothing.

I only thought that Chu Yunfan might take action against him, and this possibility alone made him feel scared.

But soon everyone discovered that after stepping on Wang Yifan to death, Chu Yunfan did not look happy at all, but stared at Wang Yifan's corpse.

Suddenly, at this moment, a violent power surged from his body, and an extremely terrifying dark power surged.

"Devil energy, it turned out to be devil energy!"

Someone exclaimed that many people present were not unfamiliar with devil qi. I won't talk about the evil spirits outside of the sky. There are many people who practice devil energy in the evil spirits alone, and they also cultivate devil energy.

It can be said that the demons are the enemies of the world. If the Daxia Dynasty suppressed the demons to fight for living space, then the conquest with the demons is the real battle of life and death.

Like the human race, the demons absorb the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth to cultivate, but the demons are different. The energy absorbed by their practice is devil energy.

So wherever the demons go, the world is full of demonic energy, and even if humans are practitioners, they will be extremely uncomfortable in places full of demonic energy, and even difficult to move, let alone ordinary humans, it is almost a dead end.

Once the demons invade the world, it is almost digging the foundation, and there is almost a disaster of extinction, even if there are a few masters who are not afraid of demons, but the foundation of the whole family is broken, the overturning of the human race is only in sight.

Because of this, human beings are very sensitive to the perception of demonic energy, and this is the reason why everyone shouts and beats outside evil spirits.

Now Wang Yifan is a true disciple of the orthodox Feixianzong, and now there is a devilish energy all over his body. This can’t help but horrify many people~www.ltnovel.com~ This matter is not just the two of Chu Yunfan and Wang Yifan. It's a private matter between the time, and it will soon shake the upper level of Fei Xianzong.

A true disciple of Fei Xianzong turned into a demon, this kind of thing is simply shocking, if the trouble is a little bit bigger, it may even attract the attention of the court.

A sharp light flashed in Chu Yunfan's eyes. He heard Wang Yifan's heartbeat again. The internal organs that had been stepped on to the flesh by Chu Yunfan were also growing back at an astonishing speed. The difference is that black muscles have grown, and dense scales have grown on the black muscles.

This is the symbol of the demons.

The devilish energy quickly covered the whole body, and Wang Yifan's body was transformed into a demon body in a moment!

In an instant, Wang Yifan jumped up and looked at Chu Yunfan with a terrifying face. At this moment, Wang Yifan had already lost his human form. His body was covered with scales, ribbed wings, blue-faced fangs, and he looked like a demon clan.

At this moment, even Ye Wuxie, Senior Sister Zhantai and others who were still watching the show could not just sit idly by.

Eliminate the devil for the heavens, the righteousness lies!

Everyone's magic power was raised all of a sudden, their spirits were tense, and they could shoot at any time, even those inner disciples, elite disciples were no exception, they all pointed to Wang Yifan.

But at this time, Wang Yifan turned a deaf ear, just staring at Chu Yunfan, his **** eyes revealed a bone-inspiring killing intent.

"Chu Yunfan, you actually forced me to this level. I die today, and I want to drag you down to the Yellow Spring!" Wang Yifan grinned, only the incomparable hideousness was left on the handsome face of the past. It's only disgusting to get up.

The devilish energy in Wang Yifan's body continued to increase, becoming more and more intense, forming a hurricane, which was even more terrifying several times than before.

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