I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1813: I can kill him once, I can kill him twice

After transforming the demon, Wang Yifan's strength has obviously increased a lot. If he was originally only the fourth layer of the universe, he directly entered the fifth layer of the universe after transforming the demon, and even quickly approached the sixth layer of the universe.

This crazy increase in strength also made Ye Wuxie and the others look serious.

This is the advantage of demonization. The demon race is indeed much more powerful than the human race innate, and because of this, many talents will choose to belong to the demon race to make their own strength further.

Because many people have grown old, or their potential is exhausted, for them, there is no way to go further except for this.

"This is the magic seed!"

Chu Yunfan spoke slowly, he knew that this was the so-called demon seed, especially in the early days, many people wanted to get into the demon but had no other way, because the human body structure is completely different from that of the demon race, so they absorb the demon rashly. Qi or directly practicing the magic power of the demon clan is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

It is precisely based on this situation that the magic seed was born. The magic seed was planted into the human body, and the human body was finally transformed into a magic body with the magic seed day and night.

This was also the fastest way for early humans to become enchanted. Later, everyone in the magic way also had great talents, who improved magic skills to adapt to the human body, and finally created the magic way.

Furthermore, these magical martial arts developed a large number of magic repairs, thus getting rid of the control of the heavenly demons and forming a self-cultivation.

However, there are still many people who take the risk and choose to plant magic seeds to gain powerful strength and longer lives.

"Yes, this is the demon seed, and it is the demon seed of the higher demon race!" Wang Yifan smiled grimly. "I never thought that he was really right about it, and that this demon seed is really going to be used. Now you have caused me to fall into a bottomless abyss. Even if I am going to die, I will be buried with you!"

As Wang Yifan said, his expression became even more ferocious!

Relying on the power of the Demon Seed to resurrect, and Wang Yifan's power has also risen to a higher level, almost approaching the power of the Sixth Layer of the Universe Realm. Such strength has approached the small group of characters at the top of the Universe Realm.

It was the realm he wanted to achieve in his dreams, but now he can only achieve it in this way!

For him, this is undoubtedly a kind of ridicule.

The most important thing is that he knows that today he has no way to escape, impossible to escape.

If it is in other places, he can still flee desperately, but here is different, this is the base camp of Fei Xianzong.

Although his strength can be called a master of one party, it is precisely because he was a true disciple of Fei Xianzong before, but it is also the most clear, in this Fei Xianzong mountain gate, how many terrifying old monsters are there. Which lurks.

If he could escape, it would be a big joke!

Even in this short period of time, I am afraid that the news has already spread, and the masters of Fei Xianzong are probably already gathering.

So there is not much time left for him. At this time, there are only two words in his heart, revenge.

It was Chu Yunfan who forced him to this point, even if he died, he would not let Chu Yunfan go.

"Wang Yifan, you actually took refuge in the demons and planted the demons!"

At this time, a true disciple of the Flying Immortal Sect quickly yelled, and the mana in his body was lifted.

At this time, he still cares about supporting Wang Yifan. What kind of joke, Wang Yifan has already sat down and is in collusion with the demons. You must know that the demons of the demons cannot be bred under normal circumstances.

Breeding a demon seed is also a great burden for the demon race itself. Coupled with the long-term blockade of the Great Xia Dynasty, the demon seed is very small, and it is very difficult to get it, let alone the back. It is even rarer to involve the demon seed of the high-level demon race.

All of them who came to support Wang Yifan could not escape the relationship. They would all be regarded as one party of Wang Yifan. Although their relationship with Wang Yifan was not close, they didn't know how long it would take to clear the suspicion.

Although it is difficult to clear the suspicion, he has to make a statement, otherwise, it will be even more troublesome.

"Everyone goes together, absolutely can't let him run away!"

This true disciple of Fei Xianzong yelled and raised his whole body's mana, he was about to attack Wang Yifan, but before his words fell, he saw a demon claw directly scratched the void and appeared in this true disciple's. In front of you.

This true disciple didn't even have time to react. The speed was too fast, and a demon claw caught his chest directly and grabbed his heart directly.

The true disciple almost didn't react, his eyes widened.

This demon claw is really terrifying, it directly scratched his breastplate and his body guard.

With the cultivation base of his true disciple, he couldn't resist it.

Originally, his cultivation base was equal to that of Wang Yifan, and even stronger. Who knew that after Wang Yifan became a demon, he would be so terrified~www.ltnovel.com~ I could not withstand this blow.

Wang Yifan dug out the heart of this true biography disciple, and then swallowed it bit by bit in front of everyone.

The blood flowed down, and all the power of this true disciple was condensed in this heart, and now it was completely absorbed by him and turned into a power that he could use.

"Whoever wants to intervene, he will end up with him. This matter has nothing to do with you. I only want Chu Yunfan's life!" Wang Yifan grinned, and since he turned into a demon body, the bloodthirsty desire was suddenly released. , It's like changing from a man to a beast.

If he were still a human being, he would definitely not be soft in killing, but he would not be able to dig out a human heart and eat it. This kind of thing is anti-human.

But there is no obstacle at all when he is doing it now, it is conceivable that he has already become a monster, not a human being.

But his only reason told him that he must not let other people intervene, otherwise he would become a delusion if he wanted revenge.

"So courageous, I dare to hurt people in front of us!" These true disciples were shocked and angry. This Wang Yifan was simply too courageous. At this time, it seemed to them that Chu Yunfan, who was so mad just now, and this time Compared with Wang Yifan, he is nothing but a witch.

At least Chu Yun is a human being, and he is already a monster, so he can't talk about it at all.

Especially that Senior Sister Zhantai was even more angry, a pair of beautiful eyes burst out with terrifying light, the mana of the whole body was lifted, even if Wang Yifan became a monster, she was fearless.

That Ye Wuxie and other true disciples of the other sects were also cautiously guarded, who knows if Wang Yifan will go crazy again.

"You don't have to take action, I can kill him once, and I can kill him a second time!"

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