I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1837: Promoted to the 6th true disciple

Li Wei's goal has been achieved, so Chu Yunfan did not rush to kill him!

To kill too many of the same clan, after all, is not a long-term way, there will inevitably be a lot of people who will criticize him!

Even Situ Xuan, who is still facing his Sect Master, would be dissatisfied!

After all, Tianzong wizards like Ye Yin are not Chinese cabbage. One batch is cut and there are a batch. In order to cultivate Ye Yin to become a talent, Fei Xianzong doesn’t know how much resources it has smashed. It is almost hoped that he will become Fei Xian in the future It is cultivated by the pillars of the next generation.

Now if he died in his own hands, the senior officials of Fei Xianzong would be mad.

Suddenly, just as Chu Yunfan was about to leave, a ray of light swept down the sky.

However, a figure appeared in front of Chu Yunfan.

"Big Brother, it's Big Brother!"

Everyone recognized it at a glance, but who was this figure not the chief disciple Yang Dengxian.

"Meet the big brother!"

Everyone saluted together.

Yang Dengxian nodded, and then said: "Don't be polite, Junior Brother Chu, come with me!"

After Yang Dengxian finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

And Chu Yunfan's figure shook, and he also disappeared in the same place, directly chasing the escape light.

"Is this the end? It's too incredible, Senior Brother Ye was actually defeated by Senior Brother Chu!"

"Almost crushed, is this the strength of the Tianjiao ranking?"

"I now understand why Brother Ye hasn't been on the list of Tianjiao for so many years. It seems that the realm is the same, but I am afraid that the combat power of each other is very different. With the strength of Brother Chu, it is actually only a place. Ranked one hundred on the list of Tianjiao, are the first ninety-nine all monsters?"

Everyone instantly exploded the pot, and immediately boiled.

And more people were also curious, Yang Dengxian suddenly appeared after the fight between the two sides ended, looking for Chu Yunfan, why.

The flower blooms with one branch at each end!

Chu Yunfan followed Yang Dengxian into a small pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Yang Dengxian sat down on a jade bench, and Chu Yunfan went straight to Yang Dengxian and sat in front of him.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother Chu!"

Yang Dengxian glanced at Chu Yunfan, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and said.

"He Xizhi?" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"One is to congratulate Junior Brother Chu for defeating Junior Brother Ye. From now on, no one will dare to underestimate you, and the other is to congratulate Junior Brother Chu for becoming one of the six true biography of my Flying Immortal Sect!"

Yang Dengxian said with a smile.

"Six true biography?" Chu Yunfan raised his brow.

Yang Dengxian nodded: "Yes, from now on, my Fei Xianzong will not be tied for the five true biography, but the six true biography!"

Chu Yunfan naturally understood the benefits of being the six true teachings. You must know that although all true teachings are disciples, there are also three or six grades of true teachings. Of course, the core of them is the five true teachings.

If there were no accidents, these five true legends would definitely be the next generation of Fei Xianzong's suzerain, deputy suzerain, and great elder of the Supreme Elders group.

It is conceivable how these five true stories will be cultivated.

And now, Chu Yunfan is also listed as one of the core true biography, and the future benefits are naturally beyond doubt.

For Fei Xianzong, it is no longer what it is now, dispensable, on the contrary, it will become the real core.

Sitting on an equal footing with other people is not only on the strength, but the most important thing is on the equal footing in identity.

"In the future, Junior Brother Chu will have a copy of everything we can enjoy!"

Yang Dengxian said with a smile.

Of course, Chu Yunfan understood that this was something he won after defeating Ye Yin. If he loses to Ye Yin's hands, then everything will stop. He will be beaten back to his original shape, and he will be considered lucky. Generation.

Before killing Wang Yifan and severely injuring Jiang Wanan, it would be considered good luck. At that time, even Situ Xuan, who was optimistic about him before, would not take care of him as he does now.

Therefore, for him, this is a battle that cannot be lost, but Ye Yin is not. Even if he loses and his reputation is damaged, he is still one of the five true legends, and there will be no change in the slightest.

Of course, now that Chu Yunfan has won a big victory, then naturally there is no need to mention these, smart people know what is going on.

Chu Yunfan didn't complain about this either. Such a system is beneficial to him. As long as he continues to show his own value, then the entire sect will fully support him.

It's like supporting Yang Dengxian, otherwise, even if Yang Dengxian is a talented person, it would not be possible for Yang Dengxian to become the 20th place on the Tianjiao list.

Yang Dengxian looked at Chu Yunfan with a calm face. He didn't have the joy of being promoted to the core true biography. He couldn't help but feel a little emotional. At least he did a good job in nurturing the qi. He was promoted to the core true biography and was confirmed as the next generation of suzerain. When the characters came to train, I don’t know how long they were excited~www.ltnovel.com~ But the rise of Chu Yunfan was so fast that everyone couldn’t react to it. Before, it was just an ordinary one. The inner disciple, now actually qualified to sit on an equal footing with himself.

This is simply a miracle.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that someone had risen so fast. Even the intelligence said that Chu Yunfan got the inheritance of the Purple Thunder Sword Sect. He had some doubts whether it was all.

After all, the Purple Thunder Sword Sect once dominated one side, it is not necessarily weaker than the current Feixian Sect, but that is also a thing of the past. He didn't believe it when it was raised to this point.

"But Junior Brother Chu needs to know that although you defeated Junior Brother Ye and have won everyone's approval in our Flying Immortal Sect, there are not a few people who plan to beat you to the ranks of the arrogant!"

Yang Dengxian said: "Every time the Tianjiao ranking is announced, the people at the end will often face endless challenges. It is not uncommon for even the masters of the Tianjiao ranking to be picked off from the horse. And Junior Brother Chu, you are too sudden and give you ideas There are a lot of people!"

The ranking of Tianjiao is not completely correct. After all, there are always some people who can block the calculations, and even many people practice among the mountains and forests. If they are not born, they will be a blockbuster.

Or some people get adventures in a short period of time, their strength soars in a short period of time, and they surpass the ranks of Tianjiao. This is also a common occurrence.

Chu Yunfan sneered. Of course he understood how important the Tianjiao list is to the younger generation of geniuses.

There are countless geniuses in the world, and there are only a few hundred people on the list. Even if it is just to accompany the last one, it is enough for a sect to do its best to cultivate.

After all, the huge Flying Immortal Sect originally only had Yang Dengxian on the list, right?

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