I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1838: Senior support from Feixianzong

Among these people, Chu Yunfan seemed to be the weakest in strength, and he respected the last person.

The persimmons have to be squeezed softly!

And Chu Yunfan is the soft persimmon!

At least it seems to many people, that is a soft persimmon!

Chu Yunfan defeated Ye Yin with lightning speed, completely leaving some ghosts in the sect with nothing to say and was completely shocked.

But for the masters outside the sect, and even outside the Middle-earth China, who feel that they can be on the list of Tianjiao, there is no deterrent.

"This is what the high-level people mean?" Chu Yunfan glanced at Yang Dengxian and asked.

"It's fine if the ranking of the Tianjiao is wrong, but since Junior Brother Chu can beat Junior Ye, it means that the ranking of the Tianjiao is not wrong!"

Yang Dengxian said slowly.

"You also know that we are the only one in Fei Xianzong on the list. I am alone and lonely. Since Junior Brother Chu, you have suddenly emerged. The high-level people mean that you are not defeated by Junior Brother Ye. Can't be defeated by other people, do you understand what I mean?"

Chu Yunfan immediately understood what Yang Dengxian meant. For the Fei Xianzong high-level officials, Ye Yin and Chu Yunfan were both disciples of Fei Xianzong. The palms and backs of their hands were fleshy, and Ye Yin's status was even higher than that of Chu Yunfan. It's higher.

But if compared with the geniuses of other sects, that is another matter.

Obviously, Chu Yunfan is the real one.

Then there is no doubt about who to help.

The status of the Tianjiao Ranking is very important, not only is the ranking of the Tianjiao Ranking highly valued by many geniuses, but also by the major sects, which proves the strength of the descendants of the major forces.

This is also one of the battlefields in which major forces fight openly and secretly.

The Fei Xianzong generation is very embarrassed. Although it is known as a genius like a cloud and a master like a rain, Yang Dengxian is the only one who can be on the list of the arrogances.

At least two of the other ten major sects are on the list.

However, geniuses were not created out of thin air. They needed to be searched and cultivated, and they couldn't be in a hurry. This was why Hua Xianyuan was so valued by Fei Xianzong.

Who ever thought that Hua Xian had not yet risen, and Chu Yunfan had already risen first.

"The Sect Master also values ​​your ranking very much!" Yang Dengxian said, "Because of this, that's why I came to you personally. I should have been in retreat!"

"Of course, there will be no less support for you in the sect!"

Yang Dengxian said.

"A flying fairy fruit, plus you are allowed to enter the Zongli library for ten days. You can read the books in it at will, allowing you to practice in the Magic Moon Cave for a month!"

Listening to Yang Dengxian's conditions one after another, even Chu Yunfan couldn't help but be moved.

Naturally, there is no need to say the flying fairy fruit. Chu Yunfan had taken one before, and it has great benefits for improving his own cultivation. With flying fairy fruit, Chu Yunfan should be able to go further.

The Fei Xianzong's library is even more comprehensive, including many martial arts secrets, many notes on cultivation written by senior experts, and many handbooks, which are all-encompassing.

These are all good things that money can't buy. I won't talk about martial arts secrets. Under normal circumstances, no matter what kind of martial arts exchanged, it will cost a lot of sect points.

And those training notes are also good things that need to be exchanged for the points of the sect. It can even be said that this is the real essence.

Especially the handwritten notes and annotations of many predecessors, for latecomers, it is the stone of the mountain that can be used for jade, which directly saves a lot of time for practice.

And this in itself is also part of the huge background of Fei Xianzong.

There are many more records, and many other classics, which are all secret books that are not passed down. These all constitute the foundation of Fei Xianzong.

Most people may not care about these classics, but whether it is Chu Yunfan’s education from the Human Federation or the memory of Emperor Dan, they tell him that in the process of practicing, practitioners are actually constantly exploring the world. The mystery.

Every master with a strong cultivation base is actually a knowledgeable and educated person to an astonishing degree.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that it is through astronomy and geography.

On the contrary, those who only know how to cultivate in a single mind, and go to the end, often find it difficult to have a clever cultivation base in the end, because such people are often shallow in knowledge.

And Chu Yunfan of the Magic Moon Cave also saw records in the book "The World", which was the holy land of Fei Xianzong.

If it is said that the spirit veins in the Flying Immortal Sect are crisscrossed with immortal energy, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already a sacred place for cultivation.

Then Huanyue Cave is the holy place in the holy land. The aura is a hundred times richer than other places in the Flying Fairy Sect, but in order to keep the aura from being over-consumed~www.ltnovel.com~ most people are not qualified to enter it. Generally, only those who have made great contributions to the Fei Xianzong may enter the qualifications for practice by redeeming their points.

The most powerful thing about the Magic Moon Cave is not that it is a hundred times richer than an ordinary place. Most importantly, the Magic Moon Cave is also a famous place for tempering one's own mood.

In the Magic Moon Cave, the spiritual energy is extremely rich, and at the same time, various demons will be produced. These demons will be lurking on weekdays, and they will not be seen at all in the leisure. Often they will suddenly emerge only at the most critical moment of practice.

At that time, it is often too late. These heart demons are the flaws of the soul, which can be induced in advance in the magic moon cave, and when one heart demons is eliminated, one's own mood will be perfected.

It can be said that Huanyue Cave is almost a holy place for practice that everyone yearns for!

This time, Fei Xianzong is also worthy of his blood!

In particular, Chu Yunfan's cultivation has progressed by leaps and bounds over the years, which is comparable to riding on a rocket. Although his realm is stable, his mental state has improved too quickly, and it is inevitable that many disasters have been planted.

Although usually suppressed by the godhead, it will not shake one's own state of mind, but now it happens to take this opportunity to sever the demons.

In this way, the future state of mind will not leave flaws, which will affect him to reach the peak.

"These are all the support from the sect for you!" Yang Dengxian said, "There is only one request, and all those challengers will be sent back!"

"I know!" Chu Yunfan nodded, "With the support of the sect, I have full confidence. It is not so easy for those people to step on me in the upper position!"

Yang Dengxian saw that Chu Yunfan understood what he meant, and said, "If this is the case, then I won't say much. I will enter the retreat soon. I hope that after I leave the customs, I can hear you stand firm on the Tianjiao list. news!"

After speaking, Yang Dengxian got up and left, turning into a ray of light and disappearing into the sky.

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