I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1852: Lin Dingtian, die!




This knife is almost to its extreme!

Everyone only felt that there was an astonishing pressure, as if the whole person was going to be cut apart by this sword intent.

If you go down with this knife, if you can't dodge, or your defense is not good, even a master at the pinnacle of the Universe Realm may be severely injured or even bombarded.

No one could imagine that the terrifying sense of oppression, the terrifying knife gang swept away, and the blowing of Chu Yunfan's clothes screamed.

"Small bugs!"

Chu Yunfan sneered.

"The magic sword gate is nothing more than that!"

In an instant, Chu Yunfan let out a long roar, and his whole body rose from the ground, facing the sword light. He didn't see any magical powers or martial arts, just a simple punch.

That white fist directly hit the cut blade light.

"court death!"

Seeing Chu Yunfan's movements, Lin Dingtian laughed suddenly, not angry but instead laughed. In his opinion, Chu Yunfan's doing so was simply seeking his own death.

Taking over his sword mang with his bare hands, he has absolute self-confidence, even those who are ranked at the top of the Tianjiao list can't do it.

"He is confused!"

At this moment, many disciples and elders in Fei Xianzong couldn't help but say this, that blade of light was too terrifying, enough to traverse the mountains and shatter the void.

At this time, he should avoid the edge for the time being, Chu Yunfan seemed to have never thought of this, and he just went straight up.


A terrible explosion burst instantly, forming a mushroom cloud with terrifying energy.

Everyone poured their magic power into their eyes, and only then saw that Chu Yunfan actually caught the cut blade light with his bare hands, and the blade light burst out with a terrifying light comparable to the sun's rays, but Just abruptly, there is no way to go further.

"Receive the treasure with bare hands!"

At this moment, someone shouted out this sentence in a daze, which shocked the audience.

"King Kong is not bad, this is the real body of King Kong!" Someone shouted, Chu Yunfan's physical strength was beyond their imagination.

It's not that no one's physical body can compare with treasures, but those people are basically masters in the good fortune realm, and they have to be masters with advanced cultivation in the good fortune realm to have this ability.

After all, the human body is flesh and blood, but magic weapons can be practiced unscrupulously and increase their power.

These are two completely different things!

Many people's pupils shrink slightly, what kind of body is this, what special physique!

In fact, when Chu Yunfan was able to compete with Hua Xian far away, and even defeated him, many people suspected that he also had some special physique, anyway, he would definitely not be a normal physical body.

Because the flesh is like a container, it determines the upper limit of a person!

No matter how talented a person is, if his body is not good enough, his upper limit is also limited. It is like a water tank and a swimming pool. A tank filled with water is no more than one-tenth of the water in a swimming pool.

But Chu Yunfan didn't talk about these things at all, and naturally no one could ask anything from him, so they could only guess.

Some people speculate that it is the enhancement of the physical body, while some people speculate that it is born with an affinity for the power of thunder, and the power of using the magical power of thunder can be said to be invincible.

But those are just speculations, and now, they have really seen the other side, fighting against treasure-level swordsmans with their bare hands is something they can't even imagine.

"What?" Lin Dingtian saw that his sword was caught by Chu Yunfan in this way, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, plus what Chu Yunfan said just now, the magic sword gate is nothing more than that. Things like that made him angry.

"Stop joking, it's just a knife that caught me, what's so proud of!"

Lin Dingtian roared and flickered directly in the void, and he dashed in front of Chu Yunfan, rushing directly from the sky, and suddenly fell down with an astonishing sword intent.

This sword light fell with hatred, and the terrifying degree was even further than just now.

"I said it, but it's just a trick!"

Chu Yunfan looked at Lin Dingtian and said with a sneer.

"I have no interest in continuing to play with you. Let me let you know how big the gap is between you and me!"

When it was too late, it was soon, and Chu Yunfan stretched out two fingers, which directly caught the falling blade.


A sound of gold and iron humming.

"What? Just caught two fingers?"

Everyone was shocked. If Chu Yunfan took Lin Dingtian's knife with his fist just now, everyone was shocked, then now Chu Yunfan can only take this terrible knife with two fingers, even a little bit. Everyone feels terrified.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yunfan turned his palm, and that astonishing blade of light broke apart inch by inch, densely packed with various cracks ~www.ltnovel.com~ spread out like a spider web. .


Accompanied by a huge roar, everyone only saw that the blade light turned into a sky full of light, and it could no longer be organized.

"Too weak, too slow!"

At this time, Chu Yunfan's aura was finally fully released, and he completely suppressed Lin Dingtian.

In fact, this is the embodiment of Chu Yunfan's true strength.

In fact, Chu Yunfan had already broken through to the third level of Universe before. At that time, his strength was no longer inferior to Lin Dingtian.

Later, with the help of Fei Xian Guo, he made a logical breakthrough to the Triple Peak of Universe.

The strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Compared to when he first broke through, he was at least several times stronger. In other words, the current Chu Yunfan was at least several times stronger than Lin Dingtian.

Really climbing to the top is not what Lin Dingtian can imagine!

At this time, Chu Yunfan was confident, even if he was confronted with the top Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, it was not bad at all. Hu Qingxuan, Zibuyu and others who shocked him at the beginning, if they meet again at this time, Chu Yunfan is enough to fight They fought and even won.

"Pick me, if you can survive, I will spare your life, otherwise you will die!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and in an instant, he shot directly, squeezing a fist with his five fingers, and in an instant, he shot like lightning.

"not good!"

At this time, Lin Dingtian really felt an astonishing killing intent, and even made him feel that his life was threatened.


He only felt a flower in front of him, only to find that a fist did not know when it penetrated his body, he only felt the vitality of his whole body fading rapidly.

Lin Dingtian, die!

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