I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1853: Magic knife gate? WTF!

"This is how the same thing……"

Many people's pupils contracted slightly, even before they could see exactly what was happening, everything was over.

Chu Yunfan's speed is too fast!

If it is said that Lin Dingtian's sword light was already very fast just now, then Chu Yunfan's speed was at least twice as fast as him.

Even when everyone's eyes didn't react, Lin Dingtian couldn't react. Chu Yunfan tore the sky with a punch, and Lin Dingtian's chest was shattered on the spot.

Everyone saw that Lin Dingtian's chest had been smashed with a punch.

The power of this punch has reached such a point, it is simply incredible!

At this time, even people who were originally dull had already noticed something wrong, because they were fundamentally different from their initial thoughts. Almost everyone thought that Chu Yunfan would probably not be Lin Dingtian’s opponent, and it would be pretty good to be able to tie. Up.

After all, Lin Dingtian is still above Chu Yunfan in ranking on the Tianjiao list!

Chu Yunfan's ability to draw with Lin Dingtian was already amazing enough.

However, the fact is that they slapped them severely, and they didn't know anything at all, where was Chu Yunfan able to make a draw with Lin Dingtian.

Instead, he directly slammed Lin Dingtian. Lin Dingtian's strength was not Chu Yunfan's opponent at all. He was slammed from beginning to end. From every aspect, everyone could see that Lin Dingtian was not Chu Yunfan's opponent.

However, many people immediately reacted, and Chu Yunfan actually killed Lin Dingtian!

"How dare he kill Lin Dingtian, the Swordsman Sect will definitely not let it go!"

The expressions of those outsiders changed suddenly. Originally, they thought that Chu Yunfan would definitely not dare to treat people like them. In fact, whether it was Sad Arrow, Xia Yi, Huang Xuanfei, or Zhang Beidou before, even though they were all They were hit hard, but none of them died.

Only Lin Dingtian was killed by a direct punch!

After this series of things, they certainly wouldn't be deciding whether Chu Yunfan was incapable of killing them, or that he didn't have the courage to kill them.

On the contrary, Chu Yunfan had this strength and courage at all, but at that time they had spared their lives. Only Lin Dingtian was the only one. Chu Yunfan wanted to kill him, so he killed him.

It's that simple.

Many people suddenly thought that Lin Dingtian was completely different from the others, because the others came to challenge Chu Yunfan, but Lin Dingtian was obviously different from the others, and the one who came was not good.

I'm afraid this is the root cause of Chu Yunfan's painful assassin, but even so, Chu Yunfan's courage makes them feel incredible.

Thinking of this, many people were shocked, especially when many people thought that this Lin Dingtian was the chief disciple of the Sacred Sword Sect generation, and the only person in the Sacred Sword Sect who entered the rank of Tianjiao.

For Lin Dingtian, the Sacred Sword Sect had very high hopes, and it could even be said that it was cultivated as the next generation leader.

Divine Blade Sect is different from Feixian Sect, Feixian Sect is one of the ten major sects, and its resources are unimaginable.

Although Fei Xianzong also had only one person on the list, it was regarded as an accident and a decline, but the magic knife door had done its best to cultivate Lin Dingtian's arrogance list.

Now that Chu Yunfan actually killed Lin Dingtian, it is conceivable that the Sacred Sword Gate would be completely mad!

Many people looked at Chu Yunfan, wondering if Chu Yunfan really didn't care, or didn't think of it at all.

Especially the sad little arrows who were all around to heal their wounds. They were originally angrily, but now when they saw how Chu Yunfan smashed Lin Dingtian with a punch, they had no complaints.

Obviously, Chu Yunfan clearly has the strength to kill them with one punch, as long as he has such a willingness, everything is very simple.

At this moment, they all had to feel a little bit lucky. Fortunately, they didn't anger Chu Yunfan, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable, and they would not escape death.

Seeing that Chu Yunfan killed even the chief disciple of the Sacred Sword Sect, he didn't even blink his eyes. If he really wanted to kill them, it wouldn't be a big deal.

At this time, many Fei Xianzong disciples seemed to have thought of this. Some people began to worry about Chu Yunfan, but more people didn't care.

"What about the Sacred Sword Sect? Lin Dingtian came here uninvited. It was clear that he was looking for trouble with Senior Brother Chu. He threatened to kill Chu Yunfan several times. Is it true that our Flying Immortal Sect is a bully?"

"Yes, we Flying Immortal Sect is not a bully little clerk!"

"Have the ability to let the Sacred Sword Gate come to you?"

The disciples of Fei Xianzong are not afraid at all. Even though Fei Xianzong is among the top ten sects, it can only be regarded as the last of the top ten sects, but it is also the top ten sects. The strength of the sword gate is not weak, but it is only not weak. The disciples of the Fei Xianzong naturally have a psychological advantage over the magic sword gate.

Besides, everyone knows that this is a life-and-death battle. Since it is a life-and-death battle, it is very normal to have no eyes on the fists and feet, and to be injured.

Although many people don't like Chu Yunfan, because the elder Jiang Wanan and Wang Yifan's affairs, many people are even hostile to Chu Yunfan, but no matter what, it is an internal contradiction, but it is an outsider against Chu Yunfan. people.

After blasting the knife to death Lin Dingtian, Chu Yunfan didn't change his face. This Lin Dingtian came to be unkind, and he kept saying that he was going to kill him. With Chu Yunfan's temper, it was of course impossible to let him go.

Even if the magic knife gate hated him for his bones, he was not afraid. Now the situation is completely different from before. When he showed his ability to sit firmly on the Tianjiao ranking, he even defeated Lin Dingtian, who was ranked higher than him.

As long as the Fei Xianzong high-level officials are not completely blind, he will definitely be able to protect him. Even if the Divine Sword Gate slams the door aggressively, the Fei Xianzong will inevitably block it back.

Being on the Tianjiao list is just one of the benefits.

The most important thing is that his position in the Flying Immortal Sect has undergone earth-shaking changes, almost equal to Yang Dengxian.

How much the Shendao Sect paid attention to Lin Dingtian, the Fei Xianzong would pay more attention to him, it was the same.

So he is not worried at all!

However, this Lin Dingtian suddenly came uninvited, and the person who came was unkind. To say that there is no human leader behind this, Chu Yunfan would not believe it, and now he hates him to the bone, and has such ability, please move a Tianjiao on the list of Tianjiao, Except for Li Qianyuan, Chu Yunfan couldn't think of anyone else.

As Chu Yunfan pays more and more attention, Li Qianyuan will make more and more small actions, and various methods will continue to increase.

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