I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1862: Learn more about Tang Siyu

The world of great controversy!

This is a world of great controversy, which is different from the previous dynasties of China in the Gregorian calendar era. Around the Great Xia Dynasty, there are powerful alien races, eyeing each other, and may enter the Chinese Divine Land at any time.

Because of this, every generation of kings must choose the hero. Once they choose a weak one, the Middle-earth China may face a crisis of destruction.

Because of this, the battle for the king of each generation is the stage for the princes and princesses to show their magic and show their skills.

Especially these princes and princesses, each of them enjoys the best education of the royal family, the most resources, the cultivation resources that ordinary people can look forward to, and they are just waiting.

This way has been passed down from generation to generation, and in almost every generation of clan, there will be many masters who will shake the world.

These princes and princesses are all dragons and phoenixes among the people, outstanding among their peers, plus many of their followers, alliances, etc., are among the outstanding among their peers of various powers.

It can be said that the struggle for the throne often involves the top geniuses and elites in the world.

In the Great Xia dynasty, it was not popular to protect oneself, only to follow a principle, that is, the competition for natural selection, the competition for resources has been carved into their bones.

Especially those who are eligible to participate are among the best among their peers, and many of them are even senior members of the Great Xia Dynasty.

This kind of character practice consumes a huge amount of resources, if you can't go further, how to get so many resources.

Whether it is from the needs of the sect or their own needs, they have to join the fight for the throne and choose a prince to assist.

Every time the throne is contested, it is extremely fierce. This has created that the kings of the Daxia dynasty are the heroes, and the important officials in the dynasty are the dragons and phoenixes. Pick one out of a million, and the Daxia dynasty can only Strong and prosperous from generation to generation.

"Princess Yunyang? Interesting!"

Chu Yunfan smiled slightly. The Daxia Dynasty didn't oppose the formation of the various officials, and even opened one eye and closed one. This means that there will be a large number of followers around the true disciples in the Fei Xianzong. There is a truth.

No matter who wins or loses, there will be a large number of strong supporters, and the power can be firmly in your hands and will not be ignored.

Chu Yunfan didn't want to go, but he also attached a silver-white bracelet after the invitation. If it was an outsider, there would be no reaction at all.

But when Chu Yunfan saw the silver-white bracelet for the first time, his body shook slightly, and he immediately reacted.

Isn't this silver-white bracelet the same as Tang Siyu's communication bracelet?

This kind of bracelet full of sense of science and technology is not something that the Great Xia Dynasty could produce.

"Princess Yunyang..." Chu Yunfan secretly thought, originally he didn't plan to participate in this garden party, but now he has decided to participate in this garden party to find out.

His original news about Tang Siyu was only the news brought by Ye Qiushui, that is, Tang Siyu was valued by the princess, and he asked the king for the identity of Gushe Princess.

Now I worshipped the eldest princess and practiced in the secret realm of the royal family.

That’s why he wanted to come to the imperial capital to find out about Tang Siyu. He hadn’t moved before, not that he could not come to the imperial capital, but at that time, he was just an ordinary little person, even if he came to the imperial capital. May get any news.

The eldest princess is the eldest sister of the current king, and the eldest princess is the aunt of the current king, and the eldest princess chose to support the current king in the first place, which can be described as a great contribution.

Although the King of Humanity has gradually retreated behind the scenes after he became king, its influence has not diminished in the slightest, and has even improved.

Chu Yunfan was just an ordinary disciple in the Flying Immortal Sect, and he didn't even have the qualifications to come to visit, so even if Chu Yunfan was anxious, he could only suppress the anxiety in his heart.

But now it is different. He is already one of the six true biography of Fei Xianzong, his momentum is only below Yang Dengxian, and he is also the famous Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list. This series of identity blessings is enough to make Chu Yunfan qualified and capable. Go to find out about Tang Siyu's news.

Now Princess Yunyang sent this bracelet, obviously to remind Chu Yunfan that she might know about Tang Siyu!

"Since you want to invite me so much, then I'll go take a look!"

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Outside the imperial capital, satellite towns are scattered like stars, scattered around the imperial capital.

In one of the towns, this day, early in the morning, was already crowded and crowded.

I don't know how many people came from all over and came to this town, just because today the official Yunyang Princess' garden party began.

"This year Princess Yunyang’s garden party is about to begin again. This is a major event for our imperial capital~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t know how many young talents to attract to participate every year, and there are even masters on the top list. Come!"

"No, now with the increasing momentum of Princess Yunyang, the influence of the garden party is getting bigger and bigger. Originally, only some followers of Princess Yunyang would participate. Now the entire imperial capital, and even the nearby states and counties. The genius, as long as there is time, anyone who is free will come to participate!"

"This is also a matter of course. Princess Yunyang is a popular candidate to become the King of Humans in the future. She is unfathomable in strength. Even the King of Humans said that if Princess Yunyang is not a daughter, she might be better than those princes!"

In the town, in a restaurant, many guests talked about it, but most of the content was about the Yunyang Princess' garden party this time.

After all, this is a rare event in this town, and that is because Princess Yunyang's manor house is located above this town. Otherwise, these people would not be able to get such benefits.

"I don’t know that Princess Yunyang does not know what strength it is. It is said that her strength is almost no less than that of Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list. It is just that Tianji Pavilion fears the Daxia royal family, and basically does not rank these royal masters. This makes many people No way to guess!"

"This time there are a lot of masters, there are many of the top ten sect levels, I am afraid that there may even be a chance to see Princess Yunyang take a shot in person!"

Some people said swearingly, but others didn't believe it very much.

Chu Yunfan leaned against the window and listened to these words.

I thought to myself that although this Princess Yunyang rarely takes shots, I am afraid it is not a good crop. According to the news from Fei Xianzong, Princess Yunyang showed amazing martial arts talent when she was very young. After growing up, the talent in this area gradually disappeared, as if everyone was really obscured.

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