I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1863: Despise Chu Yunfan?

But this is only superficial intelligence, because Princess Yunyang has indeed stopped making moves in recent years, but even in the analysis of the intelligence sent by Fei Xianzong, she does not believe that Princess Yunyang will suddenly lose her talent and become awkward. Everyone.

But the Yunyang Princess, who was stunned by the crowd, had such a powerful presence in the court, which on the contrary was even more dreadful to set off the Yunyang Princess.

Chu Yunfan didn't know whether Princess Yunyang wanted to hide the clumsy, but from the conversations of these people, I was afraid that Princess Yunyang's plan to hide the clumsy basically failed.

Can't do it at all!

No one would believe that she was truly mediocre, but in the case of Princess Yunyang, she might have wanted to create such a result in the first place, reflecting her strength.

However, these people's words also let Chu Yunfan know a little bit, why there is no royal family master ranking above the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, this is originally very strange.

Various sects and various forces have masters to enter the rankings, but the most powerful royal family did not rank in the list of Tianjiao.

This is the weirdest thing, after all, it seemed to Chu Yunfan that the Heavenly Destiny Sect, ranked number one among the top ten sects, might not be as powerful as the imperial family.

The imperial family occupies the center of the Middle-earth China, both in terms of resources and foundation, are the top masters, plus generations of emperors are top masters, genes are handed down, if you can't tell the top masters, no one is right.

It turned out that the Tianji Pavilion and the royal family had a tacit understanding and did not include the royal family members on the list.

"Speaking of which, this Tianji Pavilion is not really unscrupulous, there is no scruples, there are still things that can make them scruples!"

Chu Yunfan secretly said.

The water in this world is really deep!

"Every time the garden party, there will be top ten sect level geniuses coming, this time is no exception, I heard that Hu Yanzhuo from the Destiny Sect is here, but that is the forty-fifth master on the Tianjiao list. With strength, he has already entered the realm of good fortune!"

Mention of this person, many people began to commotion, Tianmingzong is the number one sect in the world, this year’s Tianjiao list, there are several people on the list, among them, Hu Yanzhuo is ranked last, but even It is ranked last in the Destiny Sect, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is still a high and unattainable genius.

"In addition to Hu Yanzhuo from the Heavenly Mandate Sect, Zhang Feng from the Great Yishen Sect is also here. His strength is said to be comparable to that of Hu Yanzhuo, and he also ranks fiftyth. Tsk, it's amazing!"

"Yes, this time the garden party, the biggest attraction, I am afraid it is the two of them!"

"But although they are all the ten major sects, there are also strong and weak ones. It is like the Flying Immortal Sect. Although it is among the ten major sects, there has indeed been no one out of Yang Dengxian in recent years. It's a strong one!"

"Yes, but even if Yang Dengxian dominates the Flying Immortal Sect, there are countless young masters in our imperial capital. He can't be ranked in the forefront. Some people want to be on the list of Tianjiao, but some People who have the opportunity but are unwilling to go, the gap between them is too big!"

"Our Dayi Shenjiao, any outstanding disciple, can sweep the Feixianzong, as well as the young masters of the God Puppetzong, the Medicine King Valley, and the young generation of the Shenfuzong. There is no difficulty at all!"

At this moment, a yellow-clothed youth said loudly, with a bit of unscrupulous expression in his expression.

"In fact, I have always felt that there is no need to list the top ten sects. Some sects have been at the bottom for so many years, so it is better to abdicate other sects and let them be good!

Hearing this young man in yellow clothes constantly uttering wild words, at this time, many people in the restaurant looked unsightly.

Judging from their costumes, it can be judged that they are basically the disciples of the sects named.

These people all regard the honor of the sect as their own destiny. Now this young man in yellow clothes dares to look down on them so much, and naturally everyone's expressions are so hard to see where they are.

Also as the top ten sects, open and secret struggles between them have never been indispensable. If the Heavenly Fate Sect, Haoran Academy, and Da Yi Shen Sect belong to the upper circle of the ten sects, then Fei Xian Sect, God Puppet Sect, Medicine Wanggu, Shenfuzong, etc. are basically the lower circle among the top ten sects.

Especially Fei Xianzong, because of the three sects of God Puppet Sect, Medicine King Valley, and God Rune Sect, although there are always Tianzong wizards who are amazing and stunning, shocking the world, but in terms of general combat power, these three sects The doors are basically bottomed.

Because the main direction of these three sects is biased towards assistance, rather than direct fighting, although many people are unwilling to fight against the masters of these three sects, but when it comes to fighting, these three sects are indeed at the bottom.

Fei Xianzong is different, there are not so many restrictions, but it is the weakest sect for everyone except these three sects~www.ltnovel.com~even the strongest Yang in the sect. Dengxian's ranking on the Tianjiao list is only the top twenty.

This is embarrassing!

The contradictions between the ten major sects are not small, and the contradictions between the upper circle and the lower circle are also not small. The disciples of the upper circle look down on the disciples of the lower circle at all, and the disciples of the lower circle are equally unhappy.

"Yes, I also heard that they had Chu Yunfan who was ranked 30th before, and now he has fallen completely. It is estimated that in two years, he will completely fall out. In fact, many people have already surpassed their strength. It’s just that the ranking hasn’t changed!"

The yellow-clothed youth spoke freely.

"If you speak wild words, you are also worthy to say Brother Chu!"

At this time, a young man finally couldn't help but speak.

The yellow-clothed young man glanced at the young man wearing the moon-white Fei Xianzong standard robe, and said contemptuously, "Who are you?"

"Flying Immortal Sect Yangshuo!"

The young man said coldly.

"What Yangshuo, I haven't heard of it. Fei Xianzong, namely Yang Dengxian and Chu Yunfan, have some famous names. I have heard of it. Why, do you have any different opinions?"

The yellow-clothed youth said with a sneer.

"Who wouldn't know how to be a slick gun? We who have the ability to compete?" Yangshuo of Flying Immortal Sect said.

"Why don't you dare to teach Lin Feng from the God of Change, and learn some brilliant tricks!"

The yellow-clothed youth stood up and said, "This place is too small to show off, we go to heaven!"

As soon as the voice fell, the yellow-clothed youth had disappeared in place.

"True biography, definitely a master of true biography level!"

Many people in the restaurant became excited, you know, you can't see this level of masters anytime, anywhere!

Especially true disciples at the top ten sect level!

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