I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1864: Ye Yin bowed his head, everyone was horrified


Yangshuo snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared in the same place. After a while, everyone saw through their divine sense that both sides appeared above the sky.

"Feixian Handprint!"

Yangshuo let out a cold snort, took the lead, and directly photographed a terrifying Fei Xian handprint.

"Fourth Universe!"

As soon as Yangshuo took the shot, Chu Yunfan had already judged Yangshuo's strength. He had never seen Yangshuo before.

There are too many true disciples in Fei Xianzong, and it is impossible for him to have seen every one of them. The strength of this Yangshuo is at most equal to that of Wang Yifan.

Opposite him, Lin Feng shot directly in an instant, shouting: "Da Yi Shenquan!"


This fist blasted, and in an instant, the whole world shook violently. This fist blasted Yangshuo's Fei Xian's handprint in a flash, and then fell on Yangshuo's body severely.


Yangshuo spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out upside down, like a kite with a broken wire.

With just one blow, Yangshuo was directly defeated!

"Seven Universe!"

Everyone took a deep breath, and those present did not have good eyesight. Naturally, it can be seen that Lin Feng's cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Universe Realm. Although it is far less than the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, Among the disciples of Xun Chong Chuan, he is definitely the best.

No wonder Yangshuo was defeated in an instant!

"Trash, Fei Xianzong just can't!"

Lin Feng said coldly, his gaze swept down, and many people below lowered their heads. Especially many disciples of Fei Xianzong raised their heads and glared at Lin Feng, but no one dared to challenge him.

This time Princess Yunyang's garden party attracted a lot of experts to come, and there were also a lot of experts from Fei Xianzong.

Regardless of Yangshuo's defeat in front of Lin Feng with almost one move, Yangshuo's strength is not weak among the true disciples of Fei Xianzong.

It is conceivable that there is almost no difficulty in suppressing the Fei Xianzong disciple present with Lin Feng's strength.

After Lin Feng lowered the escape light and entered the restaurant, everyone thought he was arrogant before, but now, many people present don't think so.

I just feel that unless it is the Tianjiao who is on the Tianjiao list, who can be stable.

"Senior Brother Lin, I haven't seen you in a few years, your strength has gone even further!"

At this time, a disciple of Da Yi Shenjiao came up to say hello.

Other masters who had been friends with Lin Feng came forward one after another, only the disciples of Fei Xianzong were aggrieved.

As for the disciples of the three major forces of Shen Puppet Sect, Shen Rune Sect, and Medicine King Valley, although they are not happy, they are already used to them. They are not good at fighting themselves, and they are used to the bottom.

The role of their three sects is not in this.

"That's natural. After this time I go back, I will travel abroad. I won't come back until the peak of the universe!" Lin Feng nodded proudly, "It is not worth mentioning to defeat this star, unless It's the core truth, I'm only interested!"

Lin Feng was too lazy to say anything at all. Although they were all one of the ten major sects, the gap between the three sects of the upper circle and the few sects of the lower circle was simply huge.

They are also true disciples, and the true disciples of the top three sects are obviously stronger than one line.

Without such strength to base, how dare he say such arrogant words!

"Lin Feng, you hurt my disciple of Fei Xianzong, and you dare to speak up and look down on our Fei Xianzong. I will meet you today!"

At this time, a calm voice came from outside the restaurant.

Everyone looked for their reputation, but saw that a man wearing a moon-white robe, about twenty-seven or eighty-year-old, came walking in the light. Behind him, it was Yangshuo.

"Are you Ye Yin?" When Lin Feng saw this man, his expression finally became slightly solemn.

He can look down on Yangshuo, but he can't ignore Ye Yin like this.

Ye Yin is one of the core true biography of Fei Xianzong, in terms of strength, unless it is the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, who dares to take it lightly.

"Not bad!"

Ye Yin spoke slowly, his expression arrogant, looking at Lin Feng.

But when his gaze swept across the restaurant's banner, he saw Chu Yunfan who was leaning against the window with a leisurely look.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, and he still remembered the last time he suffered a fiasco in Chu Yunfan's hands. Although it was more than a year ago, it is still vivid to him.

Suddenly he smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth, and said: "So you are here, then I am here, it is really superfluous!"

He was defeated by Chu Yunfan a year ago, and now his strength has improved, but he is not enough to deal with Chu Yunfan a year ago, let alone Chu Yunfan now.

At this time, everyone's eyes finally turned to Chu Yunfan's body following Ye Yin's words. Many people only felt shocked, because they didn't even know when they started to be at the window. There was a person sitting over there, UU reading www.uukanshu.com with a leisurely look.

This is almost impossible for the masters at their level of salaries. Within a certain range, they are all covered by their spiritual consciousness.

However, right now in the scope of their spiritual consciousness, there was a person sitting there in such a grand manner, and they could not perceive it at all before.

Sure enough, after many people closed their eyes, they only felt that there was no one at the table by the window, it was obviously an empty seat.

They certainly don't think that this is because their eyes have taken the wrong person. Then there is only one possibility. This is a master and a terrible master.

Can conceal their own breath, so that they don't have the slightest awareness.

"I seem to remember that I have seen his drawing graphics, isn't it the same Chu Yunfan?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

And his words immediately detonated the entire restaurant, and almost everyone's pupils were shrinking in an instant, and he was actually another Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list.

The most important thing is that they were still discussing Chu Yunfan's affairs just now, and even finally triggered the battle between Lin Feng and Yangshuo, and now the Lord is right in front of them.

It's that their cheeks are not thin, and they still feel a bit blushing at this time.

At this time, everyone understood why Ye Yin would treat this young man so politely and at a disadvantage.

Many people thought of it. There was a piece of information that once mentioned that Ye Yin was defeated in the hands of Chu Yunfan. It was only more than a year ago, and many people still remember it fresh.

Even Lin Feng and the others changed their expressions in an instant. No matter how contemptuous they were against Chu Yunfan in their words just now, this is after all the real tianjiao, and Chu Yunfan's reputation alone is enough to deter them.

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