I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1865: Understatement of the spike

Only the three words of Tianjiao are enough to form a sufficient deterrent!

Although many people think that Chu Yunfan is on the list of Tianjiao as the greatest water!

However, Chu Yunfan is also a Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list!

No wonder even Ye Yin has to bow his head!

Chu Yunfan didn't comment on Ye Yin's words. With his strength, if he deliberately hides it, these people will of course not be able to find him.

"It doesn't matter, you can be in your early days, anyway, it's just a small and insignificant person!"

Chu Yunfan waved his hand, and didn't want to intervene in this matter at all.

Lin Feng's face immediately flushed when he heard the words, and Chu Yunfan's attitude and posture were seen by him, exactly the same as when he didn't even put Yangshuo in his eyes before.

At that time, he felt that there was no problem at all, but now he realized that this was simply a humiliation for Chi Guoguo.

"Chu Yunfan, do you dare to look down on me?" Lin Feng suddenly turned to look at Chu Yunfan, angrily.

In his opinion, a parallel importer would dare to be so arrogant!

Although it was only a year ago, the situation of the entire Tianjiao list has undergone earth-shaking changes more than a year ago and more than a year later.

"Sorry, I am not targeting you!" Chu Yunfan said.

When the disciples of the Great Yishen Sect heard this, their expressions of joy suddenly appeared. Even if it is Chu Yunfan, it is not necessary to have self-knowledge, while the disciples of the Fei Xianzong glared at Chu Yunfan. What happened at this time? You can show weakness like this.

"I mean, you are all rubbish!"

As soon as Chu Yunfan's words fell, there was a sensation. No one expected that there would be such a turning point after Chu Yunfan. Many people couldn't laugh or cry. The disciples of Fei Xianzong had already laughed after they reacted.

Don't these disciples of the Great Yishen Sect just now couldn't take off from the Immortal Sect?

Now Chu Yunfan is using his own way to counteract his body.

He slapped these disciples of the Great Yishen Cultivation fiercely.

The disciples of the Great Yishen were flushed with anger.

"Chu Yunfan, you dare to insult my Da Yi Shenjiao, no one can save you in heaven and on earth, everyone will go up together and let him pay the price!"

Lin Feng was furious, and when he gave an order, several disciples of the Great Yishen Cult stood up one after another, outflanked in the direction of Chu Yunfan.

Insulting the sect is the greatest provocation in this world, just as Yangshuo knew that he could not beat Lin Feng, but still had to make a move.

All of these people regard the honor of the sect as their own destiny.

These disciples of the Great Yishen Cult knew that Chu Yunfan was on the list of Tianjiao, but at this time they didn't care about that much.

Moreover, all of these people are true disciples of the Great Yi Divine Sect, and are outstanding among the thousands of disciples of the Great Yi Divine Sect, so they naturally have their own pride.

"court death!"

These disciples of the Great Yishen Cult of the Universe Realm burst out of their own aura in an instant. One can imagine how terrifying it is. It can even be said that the many masters in the entire restaurant almost instinctively began to join forces to gather the enchantment at the same time to avoid these great changes. The true disciples of the cult blasted the entire restaurant into powder.

These people can explode with all their strength, and they can easily smash this town into pieces.

"Da Yi Shen Fist!"

Lin Feng blasted out with a punch, which was more than twice as frightening as the punch that broke out in this punch when he had dealt with Yangshuo before.

When he dealt with Yangshuo before, he didn't use all his strength at all, and only now did he really explode with all his strength.

The terrifying strength of the Seventh Layer of Universe was undoubtedly revealed instantly.

The other disciples of the Da Yi Shen Sect also launched the Da Yi Shen Fist at the same time.

"Appeared, it really is the Great Yi Shenquan!"

Someone exclaimed that the status of the Great Yi Shenquan in the Great Yi God Sect is generally the same as that of the Fei Xian master Yu Fei Xianzong, and it is almost the same.

They are all unfamiliar, and they are generally taught only at the level of true disciples and above. It can be said that this is also a martial arts discipline that many true disciples of the Great Yi Sect must learn.

At this time, these true disciples of the Great Yi God Sect simultaneously launched the Great Yi God Fist, and a formation was formed. The fist strength gathered together and turned into a terrible fist mark and blasted down towards Chu Yunfan.

Although the anger of these disciples of the Great Yishen Cult was ignited, they still remembered that Chu Yun Fannai was the arrogant of the Tianjiao list, so naturally they had to act with their heart.


Facing this direct blast, Chu Yunfan just sneered and stretched out a finger as if he could blast the sky into a huge hollow fist.


After a loud noise, I saw that the terrifying blow was blocked by a finger of Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan exerted a slight force, and the huge grinding-table fist suddenly burst into the air in midair, and when the air turned into a sky full of spiritual energy, it dissipated.

Everyone was stunned, no one thought ~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan could block this terrifying punch with such a simple way.

Even Lin Feng and others are the same. In their view, the strength of everyone's joint efforts, even the tianjiao on the tianjiao list, must be treated seriously. The attack collapsed.

And Chu Yunfan didn't wait for them to react, he directly waved the hand-style teacup, and immediately turned the teacup-style tea into a series of water arrows and went straight to these disciples of the Great Yishou.




These disciples of the Great Yishen Cult were severely hit, and blood spurted out one after another, and the whole person flew out of the hotel as if hit hard, and fell to the ground fiercely.

Suddenly, there was a sorrow everywhere. These disciples of the Great Yishen Cult were clutching their chests and screaming. Some people saw that their chests were sunken, and it turned out that their sternum was broken by a water arrow.

In an instant, these disciples of the Great Yishen Cult were hit hard, causing them to lose their basic combat power.

Thinking of this, many people couldn’t help but take a breath. You know, these are true disciples of the Universe Realm. Among them, Lin Feng is even the Seventh Level of the Universe. Even if it is not as good as the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, the difference is not too far. Up.

The flesh of each of them is as strong as gold and iron, especially the bones are extremely hard, and can even be refined into magic weapons, and it is impossible to be broken during leisure time.

However, Chu Yunfan only turned them into water arrows with tea water, and he was able to hit them severely. The gap between them was really too big, and it was impossible to calculate it rationally.

"Strong, too strong, is this the strength of the top players on the Tianjiao list?"

Someone was stunned and said in a daze.

It was originally expected that a big battle would not happen at all, but a cup of tea ended the battle.

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