I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1870: All the heroes

Chu Yunfan shed light and returned to the restaurant.

At this time, the disciples in the restaurant looked at Chu Yunfan again, and they were already different from before. Although there was no real fight in the end, the fact that Chu Yunfan injured Zhang Feng with one blow still made them impressed.

After all, Zhang Feng had crossed the threshold of the good fortune realm. Once he crossed over, his combat power was increased tenfold.

It seems to many people that Zhang Feng can be hurt, it is already the limit, it is an incredible thing.

However, what everyone can expect is that in the next garden party, it is obvious that this battle between the two sides is inevitable, and it is possible to avoid it unless one person leaves for an excuse.

But the masters who are able to improve their salaries are more or less ridiculous, and it is impossible to leave like this.

Almost not much time passed before the news that Chu Yunfan and Zhang Feng were about to fight, even in the imperial capital, this kind of battle at the rank of Tianjiao was still very rare.

In a short while, many more figures appeared in the sky around Xu. Many people rushed from the imperial capital to witness the battle.

Half an hour passed quickly, but in this half hour, there were experts who were far beyond the previous scale, at least twice as much as before, and they were basically true disciple-level masters from various families. .

If it is not a master of the true disciple level, he would not even have the qualifications to participate in the garden party.

With the ringing of a bell, Princess Yunyang's garden party finally began.

One after another escape light pierced the sky, and the qualified masters stepped on the escape light one after another.

Princess Yunyang’s manor is not far from the preface. It occupies a vast area, has a pleasant scenery, and its mountains and rivers look like a paradise.

The garden party was held in a clearing in the middle of the manor. The crowd was in groups of three or five. According to different sects and different forces, they were divided into different groups, just like a Xiehu Lake.

The Great Xia Dynasty is headed by ten major sects, but it is far more than these ten forces. The situation is complicated, but they are all united under the banner headed by the imperial court.

When Chu Yunfan arrived, including the true disciples of Fei Xianzong, and some disciples of the sect who had good relations with Fei Xianzong, they all gathered, and there were actually as many as thirty or forty people.

Respecting strength in the world, Chu Yunfan is now the only one among them on the list of the arrogances. This position cannot be replaced by Ye Yin, and he has naturally become the leader of everyone.

Even if they weren't his followers, they were all gathered under his command at this time, not to mention that Ye Yin had completely put out the idea of ​​competing with Chu Yunfan. He had realized that the gap between himself and Chu Yunfan had not narrowed, on the contrary. It has been further enlarged.

For more than a year, Chu Yunfan seems to have not changed his ranking, but if he improves, he is even more amazing than himself.

Unless Ye Yin stepped into the realm of good fortune and his combat power changed drastically again, he had reached a certain limit, and it would be difficult for him to compete with Chu Yunfan.

The other ten major sect forces also have their own camps, but among these people, the two forces are the most powerful.

One of them is the Great Yi God Sect and its allies officially headed by Zhang Feng, the Great Yi God Sect.

Opposite Zhang Feng of the Great Yishen Sect is another group of people, headed by a silver-haired young man, standing with his back on his back.

And a lot of young people gathered around him, and he was the only leader among them.

Destiny Sect, Hu Yanzhuo!

The identity of this person is also ready to be revealed. In this garden party, there are a total of three Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list. Although the ranking is not high, among the world's all living beings, there are already a thousand who can enter the Tianjiao list. One of the best in a million.

Moreover, it is also necessary to deduct foreign masters who are not outside the Middle-earth China. These two people are actually outstanding among the younger generation of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Although the top ten sects of Qiyu have masters of the rank of Tianjiao, they have never been here after all, so the people are led by Chu Yunfan, Hu Yanzhuo, and Zhang Feng.

When Chu Yunfan arrived, Hu Yanzhuo couldn't help but glanced at Chu Yunfan, but he only glanced at him, he didn't take it too seriously, his thoughts were the same as Zhang Feng, and he never crossed that line. Just never cross that line, how amazing the performance can be.

This is a difference in the level of life, and the ants are destined to be impossible to compare with the heavenly dragon.

When Chu Yunfan crossed this line, they didn't know how much their cultivation level had improved, and their age disadvantage would continue until no one could improve.

Quan Chiren’s eyes were focused on the three of them. Zhang Feng looked at Chu Yunfan coldly, as if looking at a dead person~www.ltnovel.com~ There was a cold expression in his eyes. .

Suddenly, at this moment, I don't know who shouted.

"Princess Yunyang is here!"

Everyone looked at it, but saw that in the depths of the manor, a woman about twenty years old, with a graceful figure, exquisite features, and white skin, strode towards her.

"Princess Yunyang!"

Chu Yunfan raised his brow slightly, this woman should be Princess Yunyang.

Princess Yunyang is dressed in a gorgeous robe, looks graceful and luxurious, with a kind of ordinary people who are not elegant, and even a bit dragon.

This can be concealed from others, but it cannot be concealed from Chu Yunfan. In his eyes, Princess Yunyang's head is like a pillar of luck, like a golden dragon.

This couldn't help but surprise Chu Yunfan secretly in his heart. You should know that generally only the future King's luck can manifest and form a golden dragon.

In the Gregorian calendar era, in ancient China, once such a character was born, the rest of the princes would not be able to compete with them.

However, it is different in the Daxia dynasty. The national power and fortune of the Daxia dynasty are a hundred times that of the ancient Chinese dynasties. Therefore, among the many princes and princesses, there are more than one or two that form the golden dragon of luck, but these are all directed to the fake dragon. In the battle for dragons to seize the protagonist, only the luck of the person who finally ascends the throne will transform into a real dragon.

The so-called true dragon emperor!

Although it was only a fake dragon, it was already quite astonishing. No wonder the momentum was shocking, and it was able to compete with other princes. This in itself proved that Princess Yunyang was definitely not a Xia character.

Seeing Princess Yunyang coming over, everyone bowed!

After the princess Yunyang returned the gift, she came to the crowd and looked at them and said: "You are all famous heroes and heroes in the world. Today, you are enjoying your face and participating in the garden party in this palace. This manor is brilliant!"

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