I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1771: Who will give the heads?

"This palace also wants to take this opportunity to meet my hero of Daxia!"

Princess Yunyang pursed her lips and smiled, cleverly, like a spring in a warm room, the young geniuses couldn't help but look sideways.

Many of them did not have admiring expressions in their eyes. You must know that Princess Yunyang had a large number of admirers throughout the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Especially General Chu, who admired his great name for a long time, is the only person who can be on the list of Tianjiao with a cultivation base less than the peak of the Universe Realm. When I see it today, he is well-known!" Princess Yunyang looked at Chu Yunfan, in her words. There is no lack of praise.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan clearly felt that his two eyes looked like two sharp swords, and they pierced straight towards Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan saw that the master of these two gazes was Zhang Feng, who had never fought before, and the other was Hu Yanzhuo from the Destiny Sect.

Chu Yunfan suddenly understood that, apart from him, whether it was Zhang Feng or Hu Yanzhuo, how proud it was to be a master on the Tianjiao list, even in the entire Great Xia Dynasty. The eye-catching existence, now unexpectedly will come to the Yunyang Princess' garden party.

In a sense, it shows a certain degree of standing in line, at least it has a certain tendency.

The fundamental reason is that the two of them are afraid that they both admire Yunyang Princess. After all, Yunyang Princess hasn’t had a husband. The Daxia Dynasty royal family has always been more enlightened. It is very unlikely that the king will marry many princesses. Basically, Many princesses are allowed to choose their own son-in-law.

After all, it is so powerful that it is no longer necessary to rely on marriage to stabilize its rule. As long as the Daxia royal family does not die, it is unlikely that other people will be able to shake the rule of the Daxia Dynasty.

There is no doubt that among the many princesses, Princess Yunyang is the best among them, and one of the most popular and concerned princesses. I don’t know how many self-proclaimed geniuses have secretly listed Princess Yunyang as their target. , Regard each other as strong competitors.

And Princess Yunyang’s praise to Chu Yunfan instantly made them feel threatened, and even regarded Chu Yunfan as a competitor. Now not only Zhang Feng, but also Hu Yanzhuo’s gaze towards Chu Yunfan. It's a bit uncomfortable.

But Chu Yunfan didn't care at all. He looked straight at Princess Yunyang. Instead of staring at each other, the reason why he was invited to come this time was just to know the whereabouts of Tang Siyu.

He only knew that Tang Siyu was named Princess Gushe, but now the specific whereabouts are not clear, he needs to know from Princess Yunyang.

"Your Royal Highness is polite!" Chu Yunfan nodded and said.

After complimenting Chu Yunfan again, Princess Yunyang turned the topic to Zhang Feng and Hu Yanzhuo, and even talked and laughed happily with many people present, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, as if with everyone. They are all old friends.

Even Chu Yunfan had to sigh. It's no wonder that Princess Yunyang can create such a big momentum and win a reputation comparable to several popular princes as a woman. It is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

And the core of this garden party is obviously also Princess Yunyang.

After the heated discussion, it is the real core content of this garden party. Many geniuses are also eager to try. There is the real theory of Tao, and they learned what they have learned through battle.

Although they are all outstanding among the young and inferior, they are all masters of the true disciple level, but their fame is often limited to their own sect.

Unless Chu Yunfan suddenly rushes to the top of the ranks of the arrogance, it is possible to become famous in the world and be known to everyone.

If other people want to be famous all over the world, they will naturally rely on such an opportunity to show their strength with similar sincerity.

Fame will also continue to grow. In this case, the greater their fame, the more they will naturally receive the attention of the sect and the court, and the future is unlimited.

The current world is a world of great controversy, and many geniuses are like a thousand sails racing, competing for those who have jumped out of reincarnation, and do not advocate the so-called harmony of light and dust at all.

Only when you truly show your talents can you be vigorously cultivated by the sect, and the road to practice requires the blessing of various resources. How can the cultivation of the sect alone be compared with the cultivation of the sect alone.

Princess Yunyang held a garden party to win over these young geniuses and select the available ones as their followers, and these young geniuses didn't want to take this opportunity to become famous.

It is precisely because of this kind of idea of ​​hitting it off that Princess Yunyang's annual garden party will become bigger and bigger, and its influence will continue to increase.

However, when Princess Yunyang announced that the discussion of this garden party had officially started~www.ltnovel.com~, no one thought that the first person to jump out was Zhang Feng.

"Chu Yunfan, the unfinished battle just now, can you dare to fight for me now?" Zhang Feng looked at Chu Yunfan coldly and said.

This made many geniuses who were eager to try, completely dumbfounded, and looked at Zhang Feng one after another, with only one message revealed in their eyes, you are crazy, how can you play this.

According to the conventional 60%, the players who played at the beginning were always a group of poorer cultivation bases. They also understood in their hearts that they would not have their chance when the real masters took the shots.

Top masters like Zhang Feng often sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and will not appear until after everyone has finished the contest. This is in line with their identities and also gives everyone a chance to perform.

It's okay now. Zhang Feng will shoot directly as soon as he comes up, looking like he can't wait. After Zhang Feng's strength is used to shoot, who is interested in watching them fight, this does not exist at a level.

At this time, the eyes of these people looking at Zhang Feng were extremely melancholy, and they were desperately wanting to die.

Many people looked thoughtful. They all remembered the previous conflict between Chu Yunfan and Zhang Feng in the restaurant. If it hadn’t been for the sudden appearance of Princess Yunyang’s arrogance, Asan interrupted the two of them. I was afraid that they had already fought.

It's just that they didn't expect that Zhang Feng would jump out so impatiently, obviously he didn't want to wait for a moment.

Everyone's eyes turned to Chu Yunfan. The real decision was in the hands of Chu Yunfan. At Princess Yunyang's garden party, if Chu Yunfan was unwilling, even Zhang Feng would not be able to force him to take action.

"Why don't you dare, since you are here to give the head away, you will take it all together!" Chu Yunfan said coldly.

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