Battle of Tianjiao!

Many people did not expect that this was supposed to be the final battle, but suddenly it was brought forward!

These geniuses have hundreds of thousands of grass and mud horses running past!

I have never seen such a breach of the rules!

Insane, they don't want face!

With the battle between Chu Yunfan and Zhang Feng, no matter who wins or loses, after experiencing such a great battle, I am afraid that everyone has no intention to pay attention to the battle of ordinary people like them.

Even if they are in the eyes of ordinary people, they are all the geniuses of Megatron, who can become true disciples among the various sects, which simple characters.

But they are also very clear that there is still a huge gap compared with the big names on the Tianjiao list after all.

However, they had nothing to say. Neither Zhang Feng nor Chu Yunfan was the one who offended them. Even if it was Chu Yunfan, who was the most slanderous behind many people, in fact, he had already taken absolute confidence more than a year ago. It was clear that the pinnacle of the Common Universe Realm was not his opponent at all.

"Good, good, good!"

Zhang Feng laughed loudly, and the whole person flew into the air at once. In the midair, there was an open enchantment, which formed a kind of isolated space, which was specially used to fight against the genius masters in the garden party. use.

And after Zhang Feng flew up high in the sky, the spies from the various forces who were originally in the preface and could not participate in the garden party and the masters who came after hearing the news can finally see this battle.

But they were also a little surprised. They didn't understand why Zhang Feng would actually play in the first battle. Who would be Zhang Feng's opponent?

Chu Yunfan?

Still Hu Yanzhuo!

But soon, their doubts were resolved, but they saw Chu Yunfan step into the air step by step.

When Chu Yunfan also entered the barrier, Zhang Feng's breath burst out inch by inch, as if he himself was an immortal egg, from which he was about to morph into a peerless monster.

The blow just failed to help Chu Yunfan, instead he was injured by Chu Yunfan. This also made him understand that Chu Yunfan's strength is absolutely extraordinary, absolutely comparable.

This time, Zhang Feng really climbed to the top, and the horror was enveloped in this barrier. Although everyone outside the barrier couldn't feel it, he still felt very shocked by what he could only see from his eyes. It is shocking.


However, Zhang Feng stomped his foot, and the entire sky was trembling. Fortunately, there was an open barrier blocking it. Otherwise, the entire world would be shattered.

"Good Fortune Realm is the power of Good Fortune Realm!"

I don’t know which genius shouted, and it broke everyone’s minds. These geniuses were not the first to see the power of the good fortune realm, but it was the first time for many of them to see the power of good fortune realm among their peers. .

After all, there are only a few people of the same generation who have stepped into the realm of good fortune. These people usually don't easily make a move. Even if they make a move, few people can force their true strength out.

Strictly speaking, they are seeing this kind of scene for the first time!

They are completely two levels of power, although they are only one step away from this power, but among them, I am afraid that only a small number of people are qualified to cross this rank.

Even if they are both geniuses and true disciples, the gap between them is equally obvious.

The people on the Tianjiao list can almost certainly enter the realm of good fortune, but the other true disciples are not necessarily. Only a small number of people can enter the realm of good fortune, and the gap is widened in this way.

Everyone can see that the aura around him is converging towards his body at a speed visible to the naked eye, directly pouring into his fist.

"It's terrible, the strength of this peak is indeed not comparable to that of the Universe Realm peak!"

"This is Zhang Feng's true strength. Zhang Feng was hit hard by Chu Yunfan just now, I'm afraid it's not true, but it's just an accident!"

"However, Shilin of the Good Fortune Realm still crushes the Universe Realm!"

But they soon discovered that it was wrong, because they discovered that Chu Yunfan was just looking at Zhang Feng indifferently, as if he didn't mind Zhang Feng raising his own strength to the top.

Chu Yunfan just stood indifferently between the heavens and the earth, like the same demon god, also exuding a kind of palpitation, different from Zhang Feng's big movements, he was just quiet, which was very shocking.

"Chu Yunfan, you broke my attack just now and injured my hand. If you think that it is my peak combat power, you are very wrong!"

Zhang Feng laughed loudly and slammed a punch.

"Da Yi Shen Fist!"

This punch blasted out, and in an instant, the entire sky was penetrated, and the terrifying power spread to the entire sky. In an instant, the entire world shook A terrible punch. Jin crushed over, even though the barrier was separated, many people still felt the momentum of Mount Tai directly crushed over.

The breath of the good fortune realm directly penetrated the barrier, making everyone feel tremendous pressure.

When the Da Yi Shenquan reached Zhang Feng's hands, it was at its extreme, and it truly reached the level of Dzogchen.

Countless people were dumbfounded by it, and it was terribly powerful.

With Zhang Feng's cultivation base, he will reach the peak in the future, and even the position of the leader of the God of Change will have the opportunity to sit, and the worst is the position of the great elder.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan finally moved, his five fingers pinched a fist, and a terrible punch force was revealed from it, and the terrible punch force swept out directly.

Qi and blood spewed like a column, and a punch was blasted, punching directly through the sky.




Chu Yunfan's punch was too fast, and the volley directly blasted the Da Yi Shen Quan.


Everyone saw that Chu Yunfan's punch directly turned into a golden light, which directly blasted above the fist strength of the Great Yi Shenquan. When the fist strength that advocated the entire Great Yi Shenquan was torn apart, then it directly blasted towards Zhang. Feng's fist.


Zhang Feng’s fist blasted directly onto the golden light, and then everyone saw Zhang Feng’s scream. His entire arm collapsed softly and was directly hit by the golden light. All arms were broken.

This fierce scene happened to be seen in the eyes of everyone, almost not scared to death.

Suddenly, there was a deathly silence, and even the different breathing sounds of everyone could be heard. Everyone was as if frightened, staring at the scene in front of them.

"This... ♀How is it possible!"

Someone said dazedly.

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