I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1932: Kill Li Qianyuan

Even if this person just made Prince Sea hate, he didn't feel the slightest timid, his strength was not comparable to Prince Sea.


In an instant, Chu Yunfan moved directly, and the iron rod in his hand swept out with a stick. The mana poured into the light of the rod, and it turned into a mountain and river in the sky. This is the real thing of this iron rod. Wei Neng merged the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers into a stick.

As Chu Yunfan danced this iron rod, everything was evolved in the light of the rod, and all powerful enemies were killed.

Li Qianyuan's reaction speed was also incredibly fast. The spear in his hand pierced straight out in an instant, as if a comet swept across the sky, directly seeming to ignite the entire cave.

Fortunately, there is an enchantment in the entire cave, which can control these flames within a certain range, but even so, these flames are equally astonishing, directly turning into a fire god, and suppressing it towards Chu Yunfan. .

This is also how Li Qianyuan's Vulcan body exploded with terrifying power, just like a **** of creation, the eruption of the Vulcan body also made Li Qianyuan's combat power explode to a higher level of terrible combat power.

"Hahaha, Li Qianyuan, if it is a sea king body, it is still a bit tricky for me, but the fire **** body is a dead end!"

Chu Yunfan grinned, and the endless mountains and rivers were suppressed on top of the blazing fire.

The mountains and rivers suppressed all the raging fires at once, and nothing can escape from under this mountain and river.


The two parties directly collided together. At this time, Li Qianyuan suddenly showed a sullen smile on his face: "Hahaha, dare to directly collide with my flames, burn it, and all of them will burn for me!"

Suddenly, Chu Yunfan discovered that those flames had not been suppressed at all. They were obviously not ordinary flames. These were the original flames of the Vulcan body. These flames were different from those ordinary flames and could almost be said to be impossible to get rid of. It's a dead end.

This is also Li Qianyuan's biggest guarantee and biggest hole card. He has never used such a trick before, but he knows how terrifying this trick is.

"Hahahaha, do you think I know your fire **** body but don't know your fire **** body's methods?" Chu Yunfan also showed a cold smile, and these flames burned through those martial arts will. The transformed mountains and rivers burned Chu Yunfan's entire body.

But Chu Yunfan didn't panic at all, bursts of golden light burst out of his whole body, and there was a black light in the golden light.

The black light swallowed everything in an instant, and the flames that covered it were swallowed up in a moment.

"How can it be!"

Li Qianyuanwu couldn't believe that Chu Yunfan actually swallowed these flames like this. How could this be possible.

How could it be possible to achieve this level!

What kind of physique is he?

Li Qianyuan thought of many different physiques in his mind, but it seems that there is no way to achieve such a point. Even if the physique of the king is the same as the fire attribute, it should be impossible to absorb the original flame of the Vulcan body. .

Because the Vulcan body is already the best among the physiques of the king of fire attribute, no matter how strong it is, only the physique of the emperor is the only one, but that physique can be said to be a rare encounter in a thousand years. Nature is extraordinary.

Chu Yunfan absorbed the original flames of these Vulcan bodies, and instead of feeling the slightest discomfort, he only felt the whole body warm. For him, these flames were not a burden at all, but rather a great tonic.

After all, this is the original flame of the Vulcan body. Since the original source is involved, of course it can't be much, it was cultivated by Li Qianyuan with his own original strength.

There is no doubt that the number is limited, but the power is amazing, but it's a pity that I ran into Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan, who has the memory of the emperor, is himself an ancestor of playing with fire, not to mention that he now has a part of the physique of the ancient Minghuang, this is the source of the world's fire, almost the equivalent of the emperor. It was simply not something that the original flame of the Vulcan body could hurt.

"Is this your strongest hole card? It is of no use, watch me cut off your head!"

A terrifying light flashed in Chu Yunfan's eyes. The grudge between him and Li Qianyuan had lasted for so long, and now they can finally end.


An iron rod in his hand suddenly danced, the power of mountains and rivers was once again manifested, and bursts of golden light burst out of his palm, and in a moment, it poured into the iron rod.

It fell down with a stick again, and the force was heavy. There was no special stick method, just relying on its own terrifying physical power, it had the power to sweep the army.


Li Qianyuan instantly felt that the eardrums in his ears were about to explode, and a terrifying force was about to be crushed down, and he was actually locked by Chu Yunfan.


At this time ~www.ltnovel.com~Li Qianyuan of course also understands that it is time to work hard. If he still can't resist it at this time, I am afraid he will really fall here.

At this time, he had no hope of being able to kill Chu Yunfan. The only hope was to delay time. When his guardian came in and rescued him, many extremely dangerous battles in the past ended in this way.

He was just a little surprised. Why didn't a guardian break in until now? He didn't know, because Chu Yunfan killed the sea prince, so the outside has become a mess of porridge.

The news that he had killed the Sea Prince also spread at an astonishing speed. He helped Chu Yunfan carry the black pot. The sea clan masters were almost crazy, desperately trying to rush in and kill Li Qianyuan, and Li Qianyuan The masters they brought were also desperately blocking the masters of these sea races.

In their opinion, since it was Li Qianyuan who killed the Sea Prince, now they may be searching for the Dongfu and gaining inheritance. They don't need their help and interruption at all.

This instead gave Chu Yunfan a one-to-one space with him.


With a long roar, Li Qianyuan's whole body was raised a bit, and the whole individual was like a flame **** in the world, directly facing this stick.


When the spear touched the long stick, the spear was thrown out in an instant, turned into a streamer and plunged into the cave fiercely, and the spear kept wailing.

At this time, the long stick was cast unabated, and a stick fell down and directly hit Li Qianyuan's head, smashing Li Qianyuan's head to pieces.

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