I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1933: Come to an end

A stick fell, breaking Li Qianyuan's blow, and Chu Yunfan breathed a sigh of relief!

It's as if a big rock fell to the bottom of my heart!

He and Li Qianyuan have been hostile for a long time. From the beginning, he was not regarded by Li Qianyuan like an ant. Until now, he can easily kill Li Qianyuan.

Only he can understand how much he has experienced in the process!

It was for this reason that even Chu Yunfan felt relieved after beheading Li Qianyuan now.

No matter how confident he is, as long as Li Qianyuan does not die for one day, it will be a big deal for Chu Yunfan.

"It's finally over, it's not right..." Chu Yunfan reacted suddenly. In Li Qianyuan's body, it should have been cut off from life, but now it has regained vitality.

Chu Yunfan reacted almost immediately, but Li Qianyuan reacted faster. He stretched out his hand and tore a scroll to pieces. In front of him, a portal appeared, and Li Qianyuan fled in with lightning speed. In the portal.

"Where to go!"

Chu Yunfan swept out with a stick and hit Li Qianyuan fiercely. With a scream, Li Qianyuan almost collapsed and blood flew out, but he was not directly killed by Chu Yunfan after all.

"I will take revenge!"

Li Qianyuan's eyes revealed a deep hatred. In the next instant, his figure disappeared in the portal, and the portal also disappeared invisible.

"Even let him escape!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes became more and more indifferent. He was sure that the stick just now must have killed Li Qianyuan, but since he has killed Li Qianyuan, how could he escape.

But then he saw a rag doll on the ground. He didn’t know what it was made of. The cloth was entwined with an unknown atmosphere. The whole rag doll revealed an unknown and strange, endless resentment and blood entangled in it. .

"For the dead baby!"

Chu Yunfan instantly recognized what this rag doll was. Wasn't it just a replacement doll?

He had seen a replacement doll of this kind before, but he didn't expect that Li Qianyuan had such a replacement doll in his hands. You must know that even the value of a replacement doll in the ancient years is inestimable.

Because it is extremely difficult to refine the death dolls, it can be said that every training for the death dolls must be refined by slaughtering countless creatures. Later, the sect who refines this kind of death dolls was guilty of public anger. Destroying the door, even the refining method for the dead doll was also lost.

Therefore, it can be said that there is only one replacement doll on the market. This kind of replacement doll usually seems to be of no use at all, but it can be replaced once at a critical time.

With just this characteristic, even if it’s expensive, someone will buy it. Even Chu Yunfan can’t resist this temptation. After all, this is equivalent to losing another life, for someone like them. In other words, one more life can directly reverse the situation of a battle.

Just like this time, if Li Qianyuan didn't have such a weird thing as a death doll, he would have died in Chu Yunfan's hands early.

Chu Yunfan's eyes were a bit depressed, but the characteristics of the death doll were just like that. If the death doll was so easy to be discovered, it wouldn't have such a big name.

Although a bit upset, he didn't think so. He had completely surpassed Li Qianyuan. If he could kill him once, he would naturally kill him a second time.

"Since I let you run away this time, wait for the next time. If you dare to show up at the son-in-law meeting, it is the time to kill you!" Chu Yunfan said coldly.

Although he wanted to kill Li Qianyuan here, quietly, and there would be no more trouble, but now that he was allowed to run away, Chu Yunfan didn't mind another assassin at the son-in-law meeting.

Although he may have to face the giants of the Li family and the prince, he has no fear, some can retreat, while others are irresistible.

Since there is no way to retreat, then blaze a path of blood and make a sky!

When he goes back, turn in the heads of the monsters and monsters masters he killed before. It will be a matter of time before the marquis. At that time, he will also have the marquis position. Even if the prince wants to embarrass him, it will not so easy.

Those who can be appointed as a prince in the Great Xia Dynasty must have made amazing achievements. Similarly, the Great Xia Dynasty's protection of these people is also all-round. Although the Prince's family is strong, it still cannot Go over the Taiwei's mansion to directly attack him.

At most, he was targeted secretly by the prince, and what he was least afraid of was these secret targets.

After all, he is not the weak person who did not even have the power to protect himself. It will not be long before he is sure to enter the realm of good luck. At that time, he will be able to squeeze into the ranks of masters in the world. The prince wants It is not easy to target him.

Coupled with the support of Fei Xianzong behind him, it is unclear who wins and loses!

Chu Yunfan was about to put away the iron rod and the corpse of the sea prince, and then began to put all these thousands of cans of narwhal oil into the map of mountains and rivers.

With these thousands of cans of narwhal oil, Chu Yunfan was like getting rich overnight, which was the biggest gain this time.

It was just a moment's effort, all of which have been completed ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then entered the landscape map.

At this time, even the dull people had already noticed something wrong in the cave. The guardians and top masters of both sides broke in almost immediately, and they noticed something wrong almost immediately.

This was completely different from what they had imagined. A master of the Sea Clan came in, trying to kill Li Qianyuan by surprise and avenge the Sea Prince.

The members of the Li family naturally wanted to come in to protect Li Qianyuan. Who knew that after the masters from both sides broke in, they discovered that all the wealth and inheritance here had been wiped out, and Li Qianyuan, who was supposed to have won, was nowhere to be seen, even if he should have died. The corpse of Sea Prince was not seen either.

There was only a variety of blood and some minced meat left on the ground. Both parties could recognize that it was the blood of Sea Prince and Li Qianyuan, with the breath of the deep sea and the law of flames. In their eyes, there is no doubt that the two sides should have erupted. A big battle.

"Li Qianyuan, it's so deceiving, killing my Sea Prince, and even daring to **** his body, it's **** it!"

The master of the Sea Clan looked like thunder, and opened his eyes to split, and immediately fought with the master of the Li family again.

Many masters of the Li family didn't figure out what was going on either, they just saw the masters of the sea clan flying over, and they had almost no choice to greet them directly.

For a time, the entire cave house's civil war became a ball, no one noticed, a small particle quietly left the cave house in the chaos, and disappeared into the sky.

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