I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1960: First met the princess

Princess Yunyang didn't know whether to say that Chu Yunfan was arrogant or self-confident. If Chu Yunfan said that before, she would have thought that Chu Yunfan must be crazy.

Actually thought that those who ranked in the top 20 of the Tianjiao list were vulnerable, it was them who needed to be careful.

That kind of existence, even she felt very jealous, she didn't dare to underestimate it.

But Chu Yunfan dared to ignore it completely!

But she didn't say much, it was a taboo to talk shallowly and deeply.

"General Chu, you'd better inform the elders of the Fei Xian sect to come and protect you now, otherwise, you have killed so many people in one go, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain!" Princess Yunyang reminded. "In this Xiaoyao fairy mountain, there is the shelter of Huang Aunt, even if Huang Aunt doesn't like you, they don't dare to act rashly, but once you leave Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain, I'm afraid they will immediately target you!"

Chu Yunfan was only sure at this time. Princess Yunyang was indeed kind and didn't seem to want him to be targeted, but Princess Yunyang could think of this, could he not think of it?

But now that it has been decided to take the heads of these people to gain power, then these are all within the scope of consideration.

"So I have to ask Her Royal Highness to do me a favor!"

Chu Yunfan said.

"Please tell me, in the face of Siyu, as long as I can do it, I can do it, and it is okay for me to come forward to mediate!"

Princess Yunyang said almost immediately, because she discovered that this was the best way to make Chu Yunfan owe her a favor. She knew very well that these top masters were more arrogant than the other. If you want to subdue these top masters , How can it be that simple.

It can even be said to be very difficult. These people want nothing, and it is almost impossible for these people to come up with something that is focused on them.

Only in this case can we get the friendship of these people.

For this reason, even if she had to face off against these sects, she didn't care, because she was more and more optimistic about Chu Yunfan now, and the future prospects were simply limitless.

As long as he can be recognized by the princess, Chu Yunfan's future can be underestimated.

"No need!" Chu Yunfan shook his head and said, "I have a batch of medicinal materials here. I hope Princess Yunyang can help me get it. I am afraid that my every move has already been under the surveillance of others. I will not come forward. It's convenient. I hope that before the end of the birthday, Her Royal Highness can help me get it!"

With that said, Chu Yunfan handed Princess Yunyang a jade slip, which contained a list of medicinal materials.

Princess Yunyang glanced at the list of medicinal materials. She didn’t know much about alchemy and she couldn’t tell what the connection between these medicinal materials was. But looking at Chu Yunfan’s appearance, she seemed to put all hope in her mind. These medicinal materials are obviously not ordinary things.

She was stunned for a moment, with a faint smile on her face, and said, "This is naturally no problem. Since General Chu has spoken, this is just a matter of effort!"

"However, if General Chu needs me, he can find me at any time. I believe I still have a little face and can help General Chu tide over this difficulty!" Princess Yunyang smiled, smiling like a flower, and said.

Chu Yunfan was startled slightly, he realized that he still underestimated Princess Yunyang, and even his deep hatred of killing the chief disciple of someone else's family could be resolved. The power of Princess Yunyang in the secret is far more than just showing his face. I'm afraid it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Princess Yunyang didn't know that one of her own suggestions made Chu Yunfan discover clues and deduced many things.

And just as the two talked, suddenly, a light golden light swept out from the depths of Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain, broke through the barrier, and came to Chu Yunfan and Princess Yunyang.

It was a woman about twenty-seven or eighteen years old. She was dressed in a lotus-green palace dress. She was slender and slender. She had a delicate face, but she had an indifference that ordinary people could hardly approach.

"You're Chu Yunfan? Come with me, the eldest father will mainly see you!"

The palace-dressed woman said, her tone was high and she couldn't refuse.

Chu Yunfan frowned, and then he knew from Princess Yunyang's voice transmission that this palace-dressed woman was actually the maid Ruoxi next to the eldest princess. Although she was called the maid, she was actually the eldest princess's apprentice. , Is also the first apprentice of the princess.

After all, the eldest princess opened up the cave house of Xiaoyao Xianshan, but did not widely recruit apprentices, the only apprentice is Tang Siyu.

The rest are basically the maids she brought from the imperial capital, and these maids have been advised by the eldest princess, and they have piled up various spiritual resources. Although the name is the Beppu of the eldest princess, it is Xiaoyao Xianshan. It looks like a holy place for martial arts inheritance~www.ltnovel.com~ Each of those maids has a very high cultivation level, and this Ruoxi is one of the best, the cultivation level has long surpassed the good fortune realm, I am afraid that Li Qianyuan is even stronger.

"Girl Ruoxi, I don't know why Aunt Huang asked him?" Princess Yunyang asked.

Ruoxi glanced at Princess Yunyang, and said: "Back to your Royal Highness, this slave and maid didn't know, but the eldest father summoned him!"

"Please come with me!"

Ruoxidao, then she turned around and stepped out a retreat.

Chu Yunfan followed this escape light and entered the depths of Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain.

On a huge floating mountain peak, the huge mountain peak was cut off to form a flat ground, surrounded by pavilions and pavilions.

Under the guidance of Ruoxi, Chu Yunfan came to the top. His eyes saw a figure looming amidst the layers.

"I have seen the princess!"

Chu Yunfan folded his hand.

"You are so courageous, you dare to kill people in my place, have you ever put me in your eyes?"

Amidst the entanglement, the figure said, with a clear and pleasant voice, but with a layer of aura.

There is a tendency to look at the world, although it is not true, it is obviously a power that can only be cultivated by those who have been in the top for a long time.

"Returning to the princess, I just eliminated some unqualified people!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" The princess continued to speak amidst the entanglement.

"If you want to kill me, from the very beginning when I kill Young Master Chi Yan, the eldest princess can do it!" Chu Yunfan said, he knew that with the strength of the eldest princess, these things could not be hidden from her, she If you don't stop it, you don't want to stop it.

I probably wanted to use Chu Yunfan's hands to weed out some people who were not qualified to participate at all.

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