I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1961: I will prove it to you, who is not qualified

"Conjecture, arrogant!"

The eldest princess screamed coldly in the entanglement.

"I'm just reporting on the truth!" Chu Yunfan said.

"Don't be smart, my idea is not something you can guess!" the princess said indifferently. "Are you dissatisfied with me?"

Chu Yunfan raised his brows and said, "Yes, although the eldest princess is Siyu's master, she should be considered my elder in theory, but her Royal Highness will still do her own way when she knows that I am Siyu's fiance. She chooses her son-in-law. Does the eldest princess still use her power to suppress others and force me to surrender?"

"How about using force to suppress people?" The eldest princess shouted, and suddenly, a terrifying pressure rolled over.

In an instant, Chu Yunfan felt as if an ancient sacred mountain was suppressed, and his aura alone could cause tremendous pressure on Chu Yunfan. The strength of the eldest princess can be imagined, how amazing it is.

Suddenly, at this moment, the godhead in Chu Yunfan's mind burst out with colorful rays, instantly turning this pressure into invisible.

"Huh?" The eldest princess didn't seem to expect that Chu Yunfan could easily resolve his aura and coercion.

"You're a bit savvy, but do you think you can fight against me by this?" The princess's voice was cold and could not hear the joy or anger.

"I have no intention of confronting Her Royal Highness, and even if I can, I don't want to have an affair with Her Royal Highness!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, even Ruoxi's frosty expression, who was not far away, was moved by it. He actually dared to talk to the princess like this, and there were not many people in the world.

"As long as your Royal Highness let my husband and wife leave, the younger generation will be extremely grateful!" Chu Yunfan said.

"What? Do you think I was imprisoned Siyu?" The princess said lightly.

"Naturally not. When my husband and wife were separated and thinking about the rain, it was Her Royal Highness Princess Long who helped her. Chu is grateful, but this is not the reason why you can dismantle our husband and wife at will! I would rather demolish ten temples instead of Break up a marriage!" Chu Yunfan continued to say neither humble nor arrogant.

"You are not qualified, you are not worthy of her!" The princess said, "Her future is unlimited, and it may even reach a level that you can't even imagine. You are not qualified!"

When Chu Yunfan heard this, he couldn't help but laughed, and said: "If you think anyone is more qualified than me and who is stronger than me, let him stand up. Besides, we don't need others to talk about our husband and wife's affairs!"

"Then you can prove it to me!" The voice of the princess came, very indifferent, still without joy and anger.

"I will prove it to you, goodbye!"

After Chu Yunfan finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and turned away.

Seeing Chu Yunfan's leaving figure, Ruoxi said: "His Royal Highness, this person is disrespectful to His Highness, should he be punished?"

"It's okay, let him go!"

Amidst the entanglement, the figure said.

"If he can't defeat Li Qianyuan and others, he will only take his own humiliation. If he defeats Li Qianyuan and others, he is qualified to say such things. I also want to see if the person whom Siyu admires so much is really How many catties are a few taels!"

Ruoxi turned his eyes and said, "Is this a test?"

"Pass, this is the test, but fail, this is the robbery, the way of cultivation, there is no better than this!"

The voice in the turmoil became more and more uncertain.

The flowers bloomed with a branch on each end, and Chu Yunfan waved his sleeves and left, but there was no angry expression on his face. On the contrary, he sighed in relief.

The argument with the eldest princess this time seemed fierce, but in fact it was just a test. He could finally conclude that although the eldest princess didn’t like him, after all, he didn’t have the idea of ​​pointing Tang Siyu to whom, but just didn’t like it. He wanted to choose a husband worthy of her for Tang Siyu from the heroes of the world.

Her position is not biased, so Chu Yunfan has nothing to worry about.

The rest is just winning by strength!

But when Chu Yunfan returned to the small town below the mountain, he was told that just now, the birthday of the elder princess had begun. Under the guidance of the maid, Chu Yunfan rushed to a huge square in the depths of the Xiaoyao fairy mountain. At this time, on the square, everyone had already been there, in groups of three or five according to their respective status and different circles, coveting each other, and it was a lively scene.

Chu Yunfan didn't pay attention to anything, just found a place to sit down, but when he just sat down, he immediately felt that many eyes fell on him.

And Chu Yunfan also looked contented, and he was not shaken by these people's gazes at all, and many of them had extremely angry gazes.

"How is it possible, how is it possible that he is still alive?" At the first place, Li Qianyuan, who was in the center of the crowd, saw Chu Yunfan. It was as if he had seen a ghost. He also just received information ~www.ltnovel.com~ said Chu Yun Fan actually didn't die.

But seeing the intelligence and seeing Chu Yunfan with his own eyes are completely two things.

No one knows better than him about Chu Yunfan being ambushed by the Monster Race and the Monster God Sect, because even he participated in it, cutting off the channel of Zhenyuan Army’s external communication, forcing Chu Yunfan to go to the meeting alone and step into the trap. in.

For this, he also paid an extremely painful price, and many forces loyal to his alliance with the prince were uprooted by the furious Taiwei Mansion and ransacked their families.

This kind of loss can be said to be extremely heavy, and it almost hurts him. If it weren't for the prince to protect him, it would be impossible for the Taiwei Mansion to let it go.

However, he felt that it was worth paying such a large price. As long as this confidant trouble was eliminated, all the costs were worth it.

Long ago, he couldn't directly ignore Chu Yunfan like an ant.

Even he was more and more able to feel the threat from Chu Yunfan, so he did not hesitate to reach a tacit agreement with the Demon God Cult and the Demon Race to join forces.

Who ever thought that the person who should have died suddenly appeared here again.

His first reaction was to see clearly whether Chu Yunfan was a man or a ghost.

However, after he opened the eye of the law, Chu Yunfan still looked like that, he was indeed a living person, not a dead ghost.

At this time, he felt the mixed tastes in his heart, and he couldn't believe it completely. After paying such a large price, he actually fell short.

In the next instant, two extremely fierce killing intent burst into his eyes.

"You haven't died yet. Since you haven't died before, then I will kill you in full view. I don't believe you can still have nine lives!"

With the appearance of Chu Yunfan, there was a lot of noise on the square.

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