I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1967: Li Qianyuan, you and I are grudges, make a break!

Hearing this voice, everyone looked up but saw that Chu Yunfan said while putting the huge body of the tiger stepping on the wind into the space of the mountain and river map. .

There was a bit of indifference in his eyes, and a bit of cold killing intent.

However, no one thought that Chu Yunfan was arrogant anymore!

Standing with his back on his back, Chu Yunfan stepped in a pool of blood, with an unspeakably heroic aura, and even a mighty power to watch the world.

Everyone looked at the remaining Meng Tianren, Meng Potian and Li Qianyuan.

"I quit!"

At this moment, Meng Potian stretched out his hand. He was covered in animal skins. The sturdy Meng Potian looked like a dragon and a fierce dragon, and his body was even more sturdy than ordinary people could imagine.

But at this time, the first time I spoke was to quit, which surprised everyone for a while, but then everyone understood why Meng Potian chose such a choice, and Meng Potian's ranking was only the 15th place on the Tianjiao list. , There is a gap with Hutafeng, even if the two are between the first and second, but from the perspective of Chu Yunfan's horrible cultivation base of slaughtering Hutafeng casually, it is not difficult to kill Meng Potian at all.

Although this Southern Barbarian Fire Cloud Cave Young Master looks rough and unruly, he is a rare wise man, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate to this level.

"I originally came to the Central Plains to experience and learn about the world's heroes, but today I have seen it, and my goal has been achieved!" Meng Potian arched his hands. "Besides, a gentleman doesn't take love from others. Since Brother Chu is not dead, then I can't do anything to take love with a sword. This time, I quit!"

Although Meng Potian was dressed as a barbarian, he was rather modest in his words, and he did not seem to have come out of a barbarian land.

"It is rumored that Meng Potian used to go incognito and study in Haoran Academy. He is not like an ordinary Nanbari. Now it seems that the rumor is true!"

"Yes, even I have heard this rumor. When he was in Haoran Academy, he was very famous. He was appointed by several masters and he could become the pillar of Daxia in the future. Unfortunately, he is a barbarian!"

"However, the Huoyun Cave where he is located is also the top inheritance among the Nanbans. It may not be worse than the Haoran Academy. With two peerless inheritances, Meng Potian's future prospects must be limitless!"

There was a lot of discussion, and many people realized that this seemingly barbarian-dressed Meng Potian actually has such a peculiar school experience, and he can actually hide from the masters of Haoran Academy and get into it to study. , In itself is a great thing.

"I'll quit too!" At this time, on the other side, in a Confucian shirt and holding a spring and autumn pen, Meng Tianren, who looked outstanding among the crowd, also said.

"Although I love Princess Gushe, I also know that a gentleman has the beauty of an adult!"

He didn't seem to be angry at what Chu Yunfan said just now, just smiled faintly.

Chu Yunfan was also a little stunned. Meng Tianren and Meng Potian withdrew at this time. Although he didn't really take the two of them at heart, it is always a good thing to lose two competitors.

Once he does it, he will kill him. At that time, he will push the two top inheritances to the opposite of him.

Although by now, he has already had more lice and itching, but he was unwilling to cause trouble. Seeing that both of them had quit, he couldn't help but nodded to them with gratitude.

"Even Meng Tianren and Meng Potian were so frightened that they didn't dare to participate. This Chu Yunfan is so powerful!"

Someone couldn't help but speak. Everyone understands that although Meng Tianren and Meng Potian seem to be high-sounding, some of them are really withdrawing, and some of them are taken by Chu Yunfan's power. Only they themselves Clear.

In other words, it is both. After all, the strength that Chu Yunfan has shown is already amazing enough, even if the two choose to quit at this time, no one will laugh at them.

Even the strength of Tiger Treading Wind was easily killed by Chu Yunfan. I am afraid that they would not be able to please them. Meng Potian will undoubtedly lose, but Meng Tianren may not be able to please.

I'm afraid that except for people like Li Qianyuan who have already had too deep grudges with Chu Yunfan, after seeing Chu Yunfan's strength, they will all choose to retreat.

Not to mention the other arrogances. At this time, they didn't even have the idea of ​​competing with Chu Yunfan. At this time, the strength that Chu Yunfan showed was really too terrifying, I was afraid that they would join together and tie a piece Er is not Chu Yunfan's opponent at all.

At this time, all eyes fell on the last Li Qianyuan, and now he was the only one who had not made a choice.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan said: "Li Qianyuan, you and my grievances can be settled here. Of course, if you are afraid, you can also turn around and leave. I won't stop you!"

When Li Qianyuan heard the words, his face showed a bit of anger. Once upon a time, he was such a lofty person who looked down at Chu Yunfan~www.ltnovel.com~ but at that time, he never thought of killing him. One day, Chu Yunfan unexpectedly To be able to look down at him so high, like looking down at an ant, is simply too deceptive.

He looked at Chu Yunfan coldly and said, "Your aggressive skills are not clever!"

He could see that what Chu Yunfan said at this time was nothing more than violent generals. Everyone saw the fate of the three flying tiger clan masters who broke the rules without authorization.

Naturally, it is impossible for Chu Yunfan to break the rules under this circumstance, so he can only find a way to introduce him into it.

This was actually not a conspiracy at all. To be precise, it was a conspiracy, but he had to admit that this conspiracy was very effective. He knew it was a trap, so he had to step into it.

"But you still succeeded in angering me. Didn't you think you could fight me after killing Tiger Step Wind? It's ridiculous!" Li Qianyuan appeared in the ring space as soon as he fell, and his speed reached the extreme. Everyone didn't even react.

"You don't need to use this inferior aggressive method. As you said, it's time to resolve your grievances and grievances!"

"Li Qianyuan has challenged. Will this be the most powerful arrogant controversy in the contemporary era?"

"I'm afraid it is. I think Chu Yunfan's strength is similar to that of Li Qianyuan, even if there is a difference, it's not too much!"

"Who do you think will win?"

"I think it's Li Qianyuan. After all, Li Qianyuan is the number one in the Tianjiao list. For so many years, how many people want to catch up and have no such ability. He has been steadily controlling everyone!

"Yes, I am also optimistic about Li Qianyuan, although Chu Yunfan is strong, but after all, he lacks a little bit of knowledge!"

This is the voice of many people. Li Qianyuan's strongest myth has been written for more than ten years, and it has never changed.

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