I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1968: 1It's not fun to kill you accidentally!

Li Qianyuan has been the leader of the younger generation of Tianjiao for more than ten years. It is recognized by the world that even people who are unhappy with Li Qianyuan have to admit that in terms of strength, Li Qianyuan has indeed crushed his peers.

The first to cross into the universe, the first to cross into the realm of good fortune, in the future may even be the first to complete detachment, beyond the realm of good fortune.

Li Qianyuan's prestige was obtained by defeating powerful enemies countless times in the first place in more than ten years.

"But I don't think so. If it were before today, my opinion would probably be the same, and I also think Li Qianyuan will win, but this time I think that Chu Yunfan should probably win!"

"Yes, I think so too. Although Li Qianyuan's strength is strong, can he easily kill Tiger Treading Wind?"

"Li Qianyuan's strength is still within the range of what I expected, but that Chu Yunfan obviously surpassed this limit, he is here today!"

Although most people support Li Qianyuan, there are always some people who are more optimistic about Chu Yunfan, just because Chu Yunfan’s previous performance was too amazing, they had never seen it with their own eyes when Chu Yunfan killed Young Master Chi Yan and others. However, Chu Yunfan killed Chang Rui and killed Hutafeng and they were on the scene.

How could Chu Yunfan's amazing strength not make them fearful!

Li Qianyuan's eyes seemed to have a world coming and going, terrifying, bursts of powerful mana fluctuations erupted from his body.

The Four Peaks of Good Fortune Realm!

"How is it possible, how can his strength improve so fast!"

Someone exclaimed. Everyone could see that Li Qianyuan’s strength was actually the pinnacle of the fourth level of good fortune. In this short period of time, Li Qianyuan was not affected by the previous serious injury and dying. On that basis, go further.

It has reached the point where everyone is amazed!

The elders of the good fortune realm among the various sects saw this scene, and couldn't help but breathe in air. Before they had promised to be so sure that the younger generation was still far away from them.

However, Chu Yunfan and Li Qianyuan could not help but feel a great threat.

The younger generation has finally reached this point!

Among the crowd, those Tianjiao's reactions were even more stunned, because they were even more shocked by Li Qianyuan's strength development.

Chu Yunfan's shot was swift and neat. Neither Chang Rui nor Tiger Riding on the wind could make Chu Yunfan make more moves, so even if they knew that Chu Yunfan's strength was unfathomable, they couldn't know Chu. How strong is Yun Fan?

Far worse than the shock that Li Qianyuan has caused them now!

"How could it be so strong!" Even many young Tianjiao felt a kind of despair. After Li Qianyuan was still the pinnacle of the Universe, most of them were already in the Seventh Layer of the Universe, or even the pinnacle of the Universe. The gap between Li Qianyuan and Li Qianyuan seems to be only a short distance away.

However, with the passage of time, they finally stepped into the realm of good fortune, and Li Qianyuan actually had four levels of cultivation of the realm of good fortune, leaving them far behind.

Only then did they fully understand a sentence. Some people test 100 points because they can only test 100 points, and some people test 100 points because the full score is only 100 points.

It seems to be the same, but in fact it is very different.

Meng Tianren, who originally had a faint smile on his face, saw Li Qianyuan’s strength, and he couldn’t help but show a dignified look on his face. He was ranked only a few places behind Li Qianyuan, and of course he has always been. Regarding Li Qianyuan as the goal of catching up, it's just that Li Qianyuan's strength now shows that he has to look at it.

Beside him, Meng Potian clenched his fists, staring at the scene in front of him, his eyes bursting with fighting spirit even more fierce than flames.

It was the Yunyang Princess, who had always been indifferent, seeing this scene, and couldn't help but frown. The surge in Li Qianyuan's strength caused these Tianjiao who are also the proud sons of heaven to have a huge sense of crisis at the same time.

Just like the sensation caused by Li Qianyuan first stepping into the realm of good fortune!

Perceiving Li Qianyuan’s mana fluctuations, even Chu Yunfan’s gaze was slightly stunned. He remembered that Li Qianyuan was only the triple peak of the Good Fortune Realm before. After being hit hard by him, Li Qianyuan was not only not dragged down by the progress, but on the contrary, his On the contrary, the cultivation base was on this basis and went further, reaching the level of the four peaks of the good fortune realm.

Although there is the blessing of the physique of the king of Vulcan, it has to be said that Li Qianyuan is worthy of being the first person on the list of Tianjiao for many years.

"Chu Yunfan, you will regret it. You thought you led me into the urn. In fact, this is also my purpose. The grievances between you and me have lasted for several years. It's time to do a break!"

Li Qianyuan said coldly.

This ant who hadn't even had the qualifications for him to be a little sloppy~www.ltnovel.com~ now actually has the qualifications to challenge himself, even he has to admit that the world is unpredictable.

However, no matter what happened before, today, all this must be done here.

"Li Qianyuan, your Vulcan body, use all your strength, otherwise it will be boring!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"What? Li Qianyuan's special physique is actually a Vulcan body?"

Many people exclaimed that very few people knew about this news. After all, this is Li Qianyuan's hole card. Naturally, the less people know about it, the better.

After all, once someone learns about it, they will be targeted in a prepared manner!

Therefore, among the many Tianjiao, there are countless secrets about his special physique. Li Qianyuan is one of them. Everyone just affirms that he has a king physique, but no one knows which one it is.

"How do you know that I have a Vulcan body!" Li Qianyuan squinted his eyes, a bit strange, why would Chu Yunfan know that his special physique is a Vulcan body, you know, he rarely displays it, so even the Heavenly Secret Pavilion I don't know that the physique of the crowned king he possessed is a fire **** body, how did Chu Yunfan know it.

"You don't care where I know it, use it, otherwise I accidentally beat you to death, it won't be fun!" Chu Yunfan grinned and his expression was extremely cold, making people feel like ice. cave.

"Hahahaha, accidentally killed me?" Li Qianyuan laughed madly, his laughter was wild and unruly, his black hair drifted away, and he looked as if he was crazy. "No one has ever dared to say that if you accidentally killed me, you are the first and the last!"

"Then let me see how many catties you have, so that you dare to be so rampant now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Qianyuan moved!

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