I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1998: Cut the peak of good fortune again

The flying wing tiger suddenly realized what was terrifying, and directly transformed its original body. The huge body like a hill just appeared, and the terrifying coercion has swept across the entire sea. It is a real big monster. It can even be called a terrifying existence at the level of the Demon King.

The flying tiger clan is the royal clan of the monster clan. Although there are few people, it can be said that every member of the clan is strong, especially this flying tiger is the best among the best.

The master of the pinnacle of good fortune!


The flying wing tiger roared and opened its mouth in the blood basin. In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, countless storms condensed in his mouth, turning into a terrifying hurricane and swept towards Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan didn't move, but coldly watched the hurricane below swept toward him.

Immediately afterwards, everyone clearly saw that that terrifying hurricane, the terrible storm that could uproot the mountains, dissipated directly under Chu Yunfan's feet, and disappeared without a trace.

The terrifying storm seemed to be restrained by some power, and there was no way to get close to Chu Yunfan's body.


This flying wing tiger didn't feel discouraged at all. Chu Yunfan was so powerful, he already knew it just now. If he underestimated Chu Yunfan at the beginning, then now, as time goes by, he doesn't dare anymore. There is a little bit more to look down on Chu Yunfan.

This is a horrible existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with oneself, even surpass oneself.

The wings of the wind behind this flying wing tiger directly danced, and the volley turned into two terrifying long swords, and they fell directly towards Chu Yunfan.

In terms of cultivation, this flying winged tiger is stronger than the master of the sacred swordsman. Although the realm is the same, this flying winged tiger is a pure flying flying winged tiger. This race is too powerful. Among the countless groups of Yaozu, they belonged to the ranks of the powerful royal family. One can imagine how terrifying it is.




Everyone saw that the long swords that the wings of these two winds turned into a sound like a sound of gold and iron could not break Chu Yunfan's defenses, and Chu Yunfan's whole body actually started up and down. A burst of golden light permeated, like a **** in the sky, with terrible pressure that ordinary people can't imagine.

At this time, Chu Yunfan was the **** of war dominating the battlefield.

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

Chu Yunfan was expressionless, he stepped forward, and the entire sky was trembling suddenly, centering on Chu Yunfan's feet, spreading out in all directions, everyone could even see the spreading frenzy, like the end of the day. Horror scene.


The terrifying yellow spring water formed a mighty trend and fell directly towards the flying wing tiger. This flying wing tiger roared, and there were countless hurricanes around, trying to resist the falling of the yellow spring water, but the yellow spring book weighs more than a thousand times, even if it is only One drop can smash through a mountain.

Where the yellow spring water passed, those hurricanes were not opponents at all, they collapsed and were disintegrated.

Then it formed a terrible power and directly fell on the flying wing tiger.

The flying wing tiger burst into blood almost immediately, as if it had been injured by a sharp weapon, and there were even signs of corrosion in the wound, as if it could corrode everything.

"Huangquan has nine steps, the second step!"

Chu Yunfan's cold voice did not stop, and he took the second step directly.

And the huge body of the flying wing tiger was even more like a crit, and the whole body flew out, a mouthful of blood spurted out of the big mouth of the blood basin.

In an instant, he was hit hard by Chu Yunfan!

The Flying Winged Tiger was hit hard, his breath was weaker, and his strength was weaker, but Chu Yunfan was different. His strength was growing, and with the passage of time, it continued to grow.

This gap is getting bigger and bigger, and when the Flying Winged Tiger meets Chu Yunfan, there is almost no way to resist it. It's just that by the second step of Huang Quan’s nine steps, he can’t hold on. He was seriously injured. The bones like gold and iron were cracked apart.

"Huangquan has nine steps, the third step!"

Chu Yunfan was indifferent and ruthless, and took the third step, but at this time, Li Weiyuan had arrived, and a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand started to move, and fell towards Chu Yunfan from an unexpected angle.

His movements are like antelope hanging horns. The movements look incredible, but he is able to make such movements.

Fang Tian's painted halberd swept out, and in the martial arts mood, a terrifying power was directly transformed into a mighty black dragon and slaughtered towards Chu Yunfan.

"Want to stop me?" Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, and grabbed it towards the void, and Shanheding was caught in his hand, and then the Shanheding violently danced~www.ltnovel.com~Boom! "

Shanhe Ding smashed on this black dragon, and this black dragon almost screamed, and the body that was originally transformed with mana was broken apart by the air. It was just a blow, and this black dragon was instantly disintegrated. The pole Fangtian painted the halberd and played the original appearance.


Li Weiyuan's hands burst suddenly, and he suffered a big loss in the contest with Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan's horrible and violent power was fully manifested at this time.

They were all peaks of the good fortune realm, but the horror of Chu Yunfan was obvious to all, and the three masters could not help him if they joined forces. Even with the passage of time, Chu Yunfan's strength was still developing further.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan’s Nine Steps on the Yellow Spring had already taken the third step. The terrifying yellow spring water submerged everything. The protective barrier on the flying wing tiger had collapsed across the board, and it was instantly disintegrated and disintegrated. net.


This flying wing tiger was hit hard immediately, and his head was sunken. It was stepped on by Chu Yunfan, and his entire neck was almost broken.

Chu Yunfan's Huangquan nine steps, the power of each step increases exponentially.


This flying wing tiger screamed, and his huge body slammed into the sea. The huge inertia made him directly blast into the deep sea, and suddenly I didn't know how many fierce beasts in the deep sea were killed.

Although these deep-sea fierce beasts are incredibly large, they are like paper, and they burst open when they are hit.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan threw his backhand with a sword, and the sea-covering sword followed like a shadow. It blasted into the sea and directly caught up with the flying wing tiger.


This flying wing tiger was pierced by a sword and died in an instant.

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