I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1999: 1 left, finish work

After slaying the Flying Winged Tiger with a single sword, Chu Yunfan was still in the mood to pick up the Flying Winged Tiger.

"It's getting bigger, and it's going to be a big deal!"

Chu Yunfan was in a good mood at this time and couldn't get better.

So many top good fortune realm masters were beheaded, enough to pour out a Brahma divine fruit for Chu Yunfan's cultivation.

He and Li Qianyuan hadn't seen each other for a short time. After being severely injured by him, Li Qianyuan not only recovered from his injuries, but also went even further.

There is no reason!

This also made Chu Yunfan truly aware of one thing, that is, how amazing the background of those big powers is. Coupled with the qualifications of these young top talents, the speed at which they grow up is amazing.

In this situation, if he wants to match the speed of these arrogances, he has to seize various resources, and now there is no rival among his peers.

Although he was backed by Fei Xianzong, for him, what he truly believed in his heart was only himself, not anyone else.

He can already feel that after this battle, his cultivation level will go further, breaking through to the third level of the good fortune realm. By that time, his combat power is even enough to sweep the seventh layer of the good fortune realm, and meet the masters of the peak of the good fortune realm. , Can hit a dozen, enough to retreat.

After the Brahma divine fruit matured, it was only a matter of time before Chu Yunfan's combat power broke through to the peak of the good fortune realm.

At that time, you can easily defeat these powerful enemies without taking pills.

The master of the good fortune realm above the East China Sea is already regarded as a master of a party, the peak of good fortune realm, or even a giant, except for a few hidden old monsters, it is basically a level that can be rampant.

Within the Fei Xianzong, the peak of the good fortune realm is also the top master that ordinary people may come into contact with. Those who transcend the good fortune realm are either in retreat all year round or travel outside all year round, and basically do not manage the sect. Secular affairs, so as not to be slowed down by secular affairs.

For such masters, there is only one thing left in their lives, which is to keep practicing and become stronger.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan couldn't be in a bad mood!

Immediately, his gaze turned to Li Weiyuan. Li Weiyuan looked at Chu Yunfan and couldn't help but shiver, and then a look of anger appeared on his face.

He was actually scared, even for a moment, he was scared by Chu Yunfan's gaze.

What is even more strange is that he can feel it, Chu Yunfan's gaze at him is almost like looking at a dead object, it should be said that it is a treasure, and it is suddenly even more furious.

Are the younger generations now so arrogant?

He didn't know that in Chu Yunfan's eyes, he was only used to water the nourishment of the Brahma Divine Tree, and he had already regarded him as a dead person.

"You are left, just right, finish work!"

Chu Yunfan felt the gradual increase in energy in his body, feeling that he hadn't really reached the limit. After he had reached the limit, it was when he truly broke through to the triple level of good fortune.

Li Weiyuan showed an extremely angry expression on his face, and then an extremely cold expression flashed in his eyes, and the tiger's mouth that had been cracked in his hand also improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His face regained his confidence, although Chu Yunfan now looks terrifying, almost as if God is blocking and killing God, and Buddha is blocking and killing Buddha.

But he has enough self-confidence. He is the last Tianjiao on the list of Tianjiao. Although he is only at the bottom of the rankings, he is incomparable compared with the other two top masters of the good fortune realm.

At the same level, he is more than twice as strong as the two.

If it was him, he could also kill the two of them, but it couldn't be as easy as Chu Yunfan.

This is the power of Tianjiao!

It is also the pinnacle of the good fortune realm. For the master of the flying wing tiger and the magic sword gate, this may be the extreme of their cultivation base, and there is only a small probability that it may break through to a higher realm in the future.

However, for Li Weiyuan, this is just the state where he stays temporarily. As long as there is no mistake in the future, it is only a matter of time to break through to a higher state.

This is the essential difference!

But Chu Yunfan only relied on the power of the pill to break through to this realm. As long as it was delayed for a period of time, and the power of the medicine retreated, Chu Yunfan could only let him squeeze and round.


Li Weiyuan moved, he was the first to strike first, he saw how the others died, where he dared to let Chu Yunfan take the lead.

A Fangtian painted halberd swept across the sky, like an antelope hanging a horn, and swept towards Chu Yunfan.

On the other hand, he grabbed at the void, grabbed a pill, and swallowed it.

In an instant, Li Weiyuan’s strength skyrocketed again, with a full increase of 20%~www.ltnovel.com~ Although it was only an increase in two successful powers, the increase in combat power was almost a geometric multiple, almost a sudden increase. Doubled.

Li Weiyuan’s heart was dripping blood, and he didn’t even have a lot of pill to increase his skill without much sequelae. After all, not everyone is a big dog like Chu Yunfan who can make his own alchemy. For him, It is not easy to get such a pill.

Although the Li family has a great family, such a medicinal pill is definitely a strategic resource. He is not Li Qianyuan. He is regarded as the absolute hope for the rise of the Li family, allowing the Li family to cultivate with unlimited resources.

The more I think about Li Weiyuan, the more angry he is, the more amazing the burst of halberd in Fang Tian's painted halberd.


Chu Yunfan laughed loudly, not afraid of Li Weiyuan at all. He stood straight up, like an eagle hitting the sky, directly squeezing a fist with his five fingers, and hitting Fang Tian with a halberd.


The light burst out, almost exploding the sky.

The two generations of Tianjiao on the list of Tianjiao collided in the air. Everyone only saw that after one blow failed, Li Weiyuan once again danced the Fangtian halberd in his hand. Between the movements, the world changed color. Within a hundred miles, countless The aura danced along with it, forming a huge dragon and blasting down towards Chu Yunfan.

"Spirit Dragon Halberd Technique!"

Li Weiyuan roared, as if smashing Chu Yunfan's defenses with the power of the heavens and the earth in a radius of a hundred kilometers.

In contrast, Chu Yunfan was completely fearless, and once again blasted with his backhand punch.

The entire sky turned into a battlefield for both sides, and below them, pulled by the mana of two masters, above the ocean, it caused turbulent waves, which were thousands of feet high, blocking everyone's sight, and only the two masters could be seen. The figure that keeps flashing out.

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