I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2027: There are all ants under the heavenly realm

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Lu Ziyu was slapped into the ground by Chu Yunfan, and the entire ground was shaking violently, raising a wave of dust hundreds of meters high. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

He was smashed into the ground. With his body as the center, the dense cracks cracked out of a radius of hundreds of miles. It is completely conceivable how terrifying the power of Chu Yunfan's understatement is. .

As long as Chu Yunfan slapped his hand, he would be able to blast half of Zhenyuan City to the ground.

If you use your full force, this kind of master can destroy a border city like Zhenyuan City with one blow, even if it is the various powerful enchantments originally set up by Chu Yunfan himself, in the face of Chu Yun whose combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes. Where, I am afraid it is useless.

"too weak!"

Chu Yunfan shook his head. He didn't give his full strength just now, and Lu Ziyu was shot directly into the ground.

I still remember that it was only two or three years ago that Lu Ziyu's existence was terrifying to the extreme for Chu Yunfan at that time.

It is almost impossible to defeat, if it weren't for the Rank 6 Purple Gold Pill, Chu Yunfan would have died in the hands of those masters when the Demon Race and the Demon God Sect jointly ambushed Chu Yunfan.

However, now, in just a few years, Chu Yunfan’s cultivation base has undergone earth-shaking changes. If we face the situation at this time, Chu Yunfan alone can kill those masters of the Demon God Cult and the Demon Race. Even with the power of the Sixth Rank Purple Gold Pill, even the leader of the Demon God Sect can be killed at the same time.

Only a few years, it was simply the gap between the sky and the earth, so Chu Yunfan had never been afraid of these masters, and only time could stop him.

In the distance, among the cracks in the ground, Lu Ziyu was directly photographed dizzy. He didn't know how many bones were broken, and the muscles all over his body were torn. That terrifying power was stronger than when he was at his peak. It's even more terrifying.

Only then did he understand how the two friends who were worse than pigs who he had spit on just now died.

It's so scary!

Lu Ziyu had never thought that such a terrifying monster actually existed on the Tianjiao ranking one year later than him.

At this time, he had fully agreed with many rumors about Chu Yunfan from the outside world, that he was really a figure of the generation level, crushing his peers.

You know, even those of them who were on the list of Tianjiao last year were stuck at the pinnacle of the Good Fortune Realm and couldn’t break through. You can imagine how difficult it is to break through to the Heaven Realm. With their talents, it was almost impossible to practice before. There are no hurdles at all. As long as you practice earnestly, your realm will be as simple as eating and drinking.

However, all of this failed when the good fortune realm broke through to the level of the heavenly realm, and even they had to rely on water milling time to break through like those old predecessors.

However, now there is a reserve who broke through to the heavenly realm with lightning speed, no matter whether he is a breakthrough in combat power or realm, no matter which one is a monster, even the breakthrough in combat power is among the monsters. monster.

He was already very regretful at this time, for the reward of the one million high-grade spirit stones, he actually came to die, yes, he came to die.

If Chu Yunfan was still at the pinnacle of the good fortune realm, even if they had a low chance of winning, it would not be so miserable, but in the face of Chu Yunfan who had broken through to the heaven realm, they would just die.

However, at this time, he didn't have time to think about that much, he had already decided almost instantly, burning his vitality, speeding up the recovery of his injuries, and in a moment, his injuries had recovered seven or eighty-eight.

And above the sky, Chu Yunfan just looked at all this indifferently, as if he didn't even care about Lu Ziyu who was recovering his strength.

The blow of Wang Xueyi that burned a third of his life just now was nothing more than that in his eyes, although it was already approaching the power of the heavenly realm, it could even be called the combat power of the pseudo-celestial realm.

But in his eyes, it was no different from before.

Under the heavenly realm, all are ants!

He now fully understands this truth, and whether he stepped into the heavenly realm or not is completely two concepts.

Although he is not in the Heavenly Position Realm, his combat power is comparable to the Heavenly Position Realm, but there is no difference.

At the beginning, he decided not to break through, but to temper his own mana and break through to the heaven realm with one breath of combat power. It was indeed correct. Otherwise, even if he broke through, his combat power would be no more than the same as the previous Wang Xueyi peak blow , At most a pseudo-celestial realm.

That kind of combat power, within the realm of good fortune, is invincible, and it would not take much effort to clean up the three who came today.

It seems that the results are about the same, but in fact they are different!

It's like someone can get 100 points in the exam because he can only get 100 points, and some people get 100 points because the full score is only 100 points!

After crossing that boundary, everything is vast, and his physical body has also been beaten continuously for half a year, reaching a whole new level.

Having a firm foundation is the basis for rapid breakthroughs in the future. This is why Chu Yunfan's cultivation can advance rapidly, not only because of the incredible inheritance he has obtained, but also because there is no one on his own foundation. Can be compared.

With the memory of Emperor Pill and the records in the "Emperor Battle", Chu Yunfan stood at a height beyond ordinary people's imagination from the beginning. Even the ancient emperors could not compare with Chu Yunfan. .

Chu Yunfan of the same realm is confident to fight and even defeat the ancient emperors!


At this moment, Lu Ziyu let out an angry roar, his body rose up against the wind all of a sudden, and he grew bigger and bigger. It was just a moment's effort, and he had grown up to be like the Optimus Prime.

In the next moment, Lu Ziyu slammed towards Chu Yunfan with a punch. There was no sound from this punch, and he broke through the sound barrier, only seeing the sky trembling under the attack of his fist.

In the face of this punch~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan also made a move, squeezing the fist with his five fingers, and blasted a punch.


One big and one small, two very different fists collided fiercely, but beyond everyone's imagination, it was Lu Ziyu's huge fist that collapsed first.

His entire arm exploded like a terrifying attack.

Lu Ziyu screamed again and again, and constantly wanted to retreat, unable to compete with Chu Yunfan now.

"You are... Heavenly Realm!"

Lu Ziyu finally discovered what Wang Xueyi had discovered just now, and he realized how ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

But it was too late, an astonishing sword aura fell from the sky, a touch of blood blossomed, and the sword aura penetrated his chest.


Lu Ziyu's huge body fell down and his vitality was cut off.

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