I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2028: Changes in the world in a few months

The three masters in a row are all understatement kills!

You know, this is the Tianjiao of the previous Tianjiao ranking. In terms of strength, it should be far above the Tianjiao of the current Tianjiao ranking. In the end, it was killed by Chu Yunfan with a punch and a sword. It's too scary, it's beyond everyone's imagination.

For a while, everyone was silent!

But immediately, the entire Zhenyuan City was boiling. As the lord of Zhenyuan City, the stronger Chu Yunfan's strength, the safer they would naturally be.

"Master Hou's strength is getting stronger and stronger, it's unfathomable!"

"Yes, among the masters of the world, I'm afraid I can have a place!"

"Master Hou deserves to be a rumors of a master of Gedai, let alone a peer, the last Tianjiao was not an opponent of Master Hou!"

When everyone in the city was talking about it, Chu Yunfan had disappeared in place, and in the next moment, he had already appeared in Zhenyuanhou's Mansion. With a wave of his hand, an emerald vitality emerged from his body. Coming out, pouring into You Chuyun's body, You Chuyun's body that had been hit hard recovered in an instant.

"Thank you Lord Hou!"

You Chuyun said with his hands folded.

His face was a little sad. This battle gave him a big blow. Originally, he entered the realm of the universe and was promoted to the true disciple of the Flying Immortal Sect. He thought he was a master at his size, but the facts were fierce. Gave him a slap.

In front of a real top expert, his strength was not enough to see, relying on the enchantment arranged by Chu Yunfan in the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion, he could not stop Wang Xueyi's casual palm.

Even the big people in the eyes of ordinary people are true disciples.

In front of these arrogances, how is it different from the ants on the side of the road?

But he adjusted his mentality quickly, because of this situation, he didn't know it.

Moreover, he was already very satisfied. Without Chu Yunfan, his lifelong goal would be to step into the universe and be promoted to a true disciple.

Chu Yunfan nodded, and then said: "The origin and identity of these three people, you send someone to investigate as soon as possible, and why did they suddenly come here!"

Chu Yunfan frowned slightly, he always felt that this matter was not simple, after all, with the strength of these three people, it could be said that they were the best in the world.

As for their identities, Chu Yunfan could also get a glimpse of everyone’s discussion. How proud such a person is. It is not easy to get any one of them to work, let alone three of them at the same time. It is still three masters who belong to different forces at the same time. It is definitely not simple behind this.

With Chu Yunfan's order, it didn't take long for You Chuyun to walk in with a piece of information. Chu Yunfan is the most valued tianjiao of Fei Xianzong, and he also has the identity of the imperial court Zhen Yuanhou. He can obtain two behemoths at the same time. Intelligence support.

"Hmph, so bold!"

Chu Yunfan held a piece of information in his hand, just sneered constantly.

Integrating the information from Fei Xianzong and the Daxia court, Chu Yunfan quickly understood what secret was hidden behind it.

Someone offered a reward of 1 million high-grade spirit stones to Chu Yunfan, and at the same time there was a volume of martial arts at the king's level and magical powers at the king's level.

It's no wonder that even these three high-ranking ex-Tianjiao masters couldn't help but shoot.

Just one million high-grade spiritual stones is almost equivalent to one billion middle-grade spiritual stones, and the price of its own is already ridiculously high. You know, now that all the wealth of Chu Yunfan’s body is added up, if you replace it with high-grade spiritual stones As for the stone, it is only five million high-grade spirit stones.

Although this was mostly used by Chu Yunfan for his cultivation, it was enough to show how amazing the price of these millions of top-grade spirit stones was.

High-grade spirit stones are generally used by masters of the Celestial Realm, and those who have reached the Celestial Realm level have very high requirements for the concentration of aura.

Not to mention that there are a lot of impurities in the aura that permeates between the normal world and the earth. Even the middle-grade spirit stone that is sufficiently pure for the good fortune realm contains too much for the masters of the heavenly realm. Impurities have no use value at all.

It's not that it can't be used, but it takes a lot of time to polish the impurities. The time it takes is good for one practice. If this continues, the practice speed will be slowed by ten times, or even dozens of times.

This is totally unbearable for these top masters, so the top-grade spirit stones have become the spirit stones used by these masters.

However, its price is also very expensive, and most people simply cannot bear the burden of using it.

Therefore, millions of high-grade spirit stones seem inconspicuous, but in fact they are already very surprisingly expensive. Not to mention that they are the first in the ranking of Tianjiao~www.ltnovel.com~ even if someone offers a reward for killing the court officials. Dare to do it directly.

Not to mention that there are also king-level martial arts and magical powers to choose from. Such a price is to buy his head. Normally, it is definitely more than enough, but they still missed it. Chu Yunfan's combat power actually entered. The heavenly realm.

Offering a reward for a master at the pinnacle of Good Fortune Realm and a reward for a master at the Celestial Realm are completely different things.

But so far, no one knows that Chu Yunfan has stepped into the heavenly realm, only the three people who directly fought with Chu Yunfan know, but they are dead, and there is no time to send a message.

"Who is offering me a reward, can you find out?" Chu Yunfan asked.

You Chuyun shook his head and said, "With the information I got from the court and the sect, I don't know enough. I only know that someone is offering a reward to Lord Hou, but I don't know who it is!"

"It seems that you still have to have your own intelligence network!" Chu Yunfan secretly said, and then he said, "Next, you start to build an intelligence network in the dark. You can come to all the resources you need. If you ask me, we must set up an intelligence network as soon as possible, otherwise, we will be too passive. In a situation like today, we don't even know who the main messenger is behind the scenes!"

"Here!" You Chuyun nodded and said.

Only then did Chu Yunfan begin to check the recent information in the world that You Chuyun had collected.

During the months of Chu Yunfan's retreat, the situation in the world has changed a lot.

The most uproar among them is that Tang Siyu has stepped into the pinnacle of good fortune, which is almost the most eye-catching news in the world in the recent period of time.

After the changes in the information on the daily pride list, the world was shaken and everyone was shocked.

"The contemporary era is really going to have an ancient emperor!"

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