I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2029: Your uncle will always be your uncle!

Everyone was amazed. Although they were in Chu Yunfan's expectation, they didn't know that there was the effect of Rank Six Purple Gold Pill.

But even if there is, Tang Siyu's cultivation speed is really amazing.

He almost completely left his contemporaries behind him, even with the exception of Chu Yunfan, who was mysterious in the eyes of everyone, the strongest of the other people, but they could not touch the edge of the Five Layers of Good Fortune Realm.

This speed is already very appalling.

Even this kind of cultivation level is enough to compare with the Tianjiao in the previous Tianjiao list.

Even in the eyes of many people, Tang Siyu should be the number one in the Tianjiao list. Although Chu Yunfan is Tang Siyu's fiancé, his cultivation level is unlikely to be comparable to Tang Siyu.

It's just that Tianji Pavilion has not revised the comment, so that everyone has no way to be sure that their judgment is true.

After all, Chu Yunfan has a magic weapon that can hide the secrets of heaven. This is something everyone knows, so if they want to judge Chu Yunfan's true strength, the only way is to let Chu Yunfan fight Tang Siyu, who wins and who loses. It determines the ownership of the top of the Tianjiao list.

Many people sadly discovered that the top spot on the Tianjiao list seemed to be a household affair for their couple.

It can be said that in the past few months, Tang Siyu's name can be said to be the leader, and it is even said that he has even alarmed the Daxia Dynasty clan.

After all, Tang Siyu is now considered a member of the clan, this is written on the list of the clan, and he is considered the eldest princess.

Even Chu Yunfan's name has been completely overshadowed. After all, Chu Yunfan's current strength is unknown, but Tang Siyu's strength is real, and everyone can see it.

However, it seems to be stimulated by Tang Siyu's stepping into the pinnacle of Good Fortune Realm. The Tianjiao of the last Tianjiao list that had been far from people's sight for a while appeared one after another.

The news of the battle between the last Tianjiao ranking Tianjiao and the current Tianjiao ranking Tianjiao came from all over the world, almost as if to rectify his name.

One after another, the once famous Tianjiao appeared, it was almost the Tianjiao who was defeated in this session, especially the many top Tianjiao who ranked at the top of the Tianjiao list, and even the candidate Tianjiao who had not been ranked in the previous Tianjiao list was defeated.

Even those Tianjiao who ranked in the top 100 in the previous session have not yet appeared, and they have defeated the current Tianjiao.

It seems to be to illustrate that your uncle will always be your uncle!

The cultivation level of this year's Tianjiao list is still far from the previous year's Tianjiao list.

For this year of Tianjiao, this is simply a shame!

However, the difference in strength makes them difficult to say. Even the realm of the alternate Tianjiao who has not reached the top 100 in the previous session has already entered the sixth layer of the good fortune realm, and many of them are even good fortune realm. Seven-fold cultivation base.

This is obviously impossible to achieve for the current ranking of Tianjiao.

Obviously, time is not on their side.

The last Tianjiao ranking Tianjiao was not inferior to them in terms of talent, not to mention, their practice time was far above this one.

The gap between the two sides was immediately highlighted.

The return of the last Tianjiao list Tianjiao caught everyone by surprise, almost sweeping, only to deflate in one place, it was on Tang Siyu's side.

Among the several Tianjiao who were on the list of the last Tianjiao in the East China Sea, they found Tang Siyu, and the result was different from the other places. When they faced Chu Yunfan, they had almost no power to fight back and were easily defeated. Defeated.

With the spread of the shadow graphics of that battle, several Tianjiao candidates from the previous Tianjiao list surrounded Tang Siyu, and various attacks swept out like a tide.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that these great masters in the sixth layer of good fortune, and even the seventh layer of good fortune, could not help Tang Siyu if they joined forces, and even Tang Siyu's whole body could not break the enchanting barrier.

Tang Siyu's terrifying cultivation level was able to show, and it was many times stronger than the last time when he entered the Demon Territory and even Slashed the Demon Clan's number Tianjiao.

In the drawing graphics, Tang Siyu waited for enough of these people to fight, and then suddenly made a move, easily defeating these candidate Tianjiao from the previous Tianjiao list with a thunderous force.

And this seems to have stimulated the Tianjiao of the previous Tianjiao ranking. When these alternate Tianjiao were easily defeated by Chu Yunfan, the famous Tianjiao appeared on the last Tianjiao ranking.

The 100th in the previous Tianjiao list, Donghai, the young master of Liushamen!

As soon as it appeared, it showed a terrifying strength that was completely different from those alternate Tianjiao, and even crushed those alternate Tianjiao.

The pinnacle of good fortune!

Unlike the previous battle that was completely crushed, this battle can be said to be evenly matched. Both sides are the top masters of the peak of good fortune~www.ltnovel.com~. It is hard to separate. After hundreds of moves, the victory was won. negative.

What everyone didn't expect at all was that in their opinion, although they were all peaks of good fortune realm, it hadn't been long before they had clearly entered this field.

And the Young Master of the Liushamen had obviously stepped into the pinnacle of the good fortune for a long time, and it should be the Little Master of the Liushamen that was stronger.

However, the facts were completely beyond everyone's expectations, and they slapped some prophets severely.

After hundreds of tricks, Tang Siyu showed a profound skill far surpassing the young master of Liushamen.

Then defeat the young master of Liushamen!

"This is the power of the emperor's physique. It is completely crushed. Although it has only been a short time before reaching the peak of the good fortune realm, the accumulated skill is actually less than that of the Liushamen who has reached the peak of the good fortune realm for several years. The Lord has to be deeper, it's a monster!"

"It's worthy of the emperor's physique, invincible among the peers, even in the last Tianjiao list, there were few people who could match!"

"The constitution of the king is already terrifying, and the physique of the king is even more terrifying with countless people. This also prevents us ordinary people from living!"

In the exclamation of countless people, Tang Siyu not only defeated the young master of Liushamen, but also defeated several famous Tianjiao on the previous Tianjiao list.

One strength is more amazing than one, and the ranking is even higher, but Tang Siyu defeated faster. When he defeated the Liushamen Young Master, Tang Siyu also spent hundreds of tricks. When he defeated the second Tianjiao of the previous session, Tang Siyu Only use a hundred moves to completely defeat the opponent.

By the time of the third, it was already controlled within fifty moves, and the fourth Tianjiao was defeated by Tang Siyu with only ten moves.

For a time, Tang Siyu became the only hope in the eyes of this session of Tianjiao.

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