I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2030: Give her an unforgettable gift

Although in this session of Tianjiao, there are many contradictions between each other, and even many fights.

But facing the collective suppression of the previous Tianjiao, the Tianjiao of this session could not help but start to cling together psychologically.

Especially because of the fact that the cultivation time is longer than them, these alternate Tianjiao on the last Tianjiao list can insult them wantonly. This situation has not happened for a long time.

They have always bullied people, when is it their turn to be bullied like this.

Among these people, Tang Siyu was the second person to defeat the last Tianjiao list, and he was naturally regarded as a savior.

Although Chu Yunfan’s jewels were in front, when Chu Yunfan killed Li Weiyuan before, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was relying on the power of the elixir to stimulate his own combat power in a short period of time, and it was not a routine. Strength.

But Tang Siyu was different. She defeated these arrogances in an upright manner with her own strength, and the evaluation in the middle was naturally different.

Many people have even completely ignored Chu Yunfan. It seemed to them that Chu Yunfan could not do what Tang Siyu could do with his own strength.

At these misunderstandings, Chu Yunfan just smirked and didn't take it to heart. Could he still be jealous of his wife?

Moreover, he is not a high-profile person. Although he has gained a great reputation, most of them are not what he wants.

However, after watching the content, Chu Yunfan was full of anger. Tang Siyu defeated several previous Tianjiao in succession, and even when many people rumored that the previous Tianjiao was far inferior to this one.

One of the best in the previous Tianjiao list, the well-known young master of the Tiannv Sect, Donghua Tiannv.

Taking advantage of Tang Siyu's order to go to the imperial capital to meet the king, she was stopped outside the imperial capital, and the two sides broke out a shocking battle.

This battle ended with Tang Siyu's defeat, and it shocked the world.

The Donghua Heavenly Girl had already stepped into the heavenly realm without knowing it, and completely crushed Tang Siyu in terms of combat power.

And this battle also made everyone admire Tang Siyu and Donghua Tiannv. Although Donghua Tiannv was ranked in the forefront of the previous Tianjiao list, it was not one of the top few.

However, she first stepped into the heavenly realm with the little master of Liushamen, Li Jia Li Weiyuan and others.

Once in the heavenly realm, the rest are all ants.

Everyone knows this sentence, but at the beginning of this battle, Tang Siyu was on par with the Donghua Heavenly Girl, and his tyrannical combat power also allowed everyone to see the terrifying power of Fenghuang's physique.

Although they were defeated, they were also glorious, and the Donghua Heavenly Girl was once very embarrassed!

In the end, the Donghua goddess stabbed Tang Siyu with a sword, which made Tang Siyu lose!

All this happened three days ago, just before Chu Yunfan left the customs.

At that time, Chu Yunfan was still in retreat, so naturally he didn't know about it!

Chu Yunfan didn't know why the last tianjiao who had been in retreat and cultivating hard returned one after another, and he chose this shocking return method. He only knew that the Donghua Heavenly Girl had severely inflicted Tang Siyu.

Next to Chu Yunfan, You Chuyun could almost feel Chu Yunfan's killing intent condensed into substance.

"Tian Nv Sect, Dong Hua Tian Nv!"

Chu Yunfan sneered.

"Help me find out where is that Donghua Heavenly Girl now!" Chu Yunfan said in an even more indifferent voice.

After Donghua Tiannv defeated Tang Siyu, all kinds of unbearable rumors exploded from every corner, seeming to verify the claim that the current Tianjiao was nothing more than that. For a time, this battle spread all over the world.

With the prestige of the victory, the Donghua goddess became famous for a time.

"Here!" You Chuyun left quickly. After half a day's effort, You Chuyun went and returned, and handed a piece of information to Chu Yunfan.

"Master Hou, the Heavenly Girl of Donghua will hold a Dao Discussion Conference in three days!" You Chuyun said. "Many of the previous and current Tianjiao have received invitations!"

Chu Yunfan looked at the combined intelligence of the two companies, the Donghua Heavenly Girl is now in the limelight. The other Tianjiao in the previous session had nothing to do with Tang Siyu, but was defeated by her. It can be said that there is no one in the limelight.

Taking advantage of the east wind of the great victory, Donghua Tiannv held a discussion meeting, and many Tianjiao said that they would attend the meeting.

It can be said that this is the most eye-catching conference in the near future!

Chu Yunfan understood that this was the Donghua goddess who was creating momentum. In the Great Xia Dynasty, all kinds of resources were limited, and it was necessary for you to compete for more, including prestige.

The higher the prestige, the more resources you can naturally enjoy and the more followers you get.

After she had just defeated Tang Siyu's power, who would dare not give him face.

"Okay, okay, okay, three days later, I will give him a big gift, I promise to make her unforgettable!" Chu Yunfan grinned ~ www.ltnovel.com~ showing white teeth, the anger in his eyes was burning. .

Donghua Tiannv wanted to gain prestige, and wanted to achieve his wish. Chu Yunfan didn't care about it, but he dared to make an idea to Tang Siyu, which Chu Yunfan absolutely couldn't tolerate.

Otherwise, wouldn't anyone be able to use the two of them as stepping stones, and anyone who wants to gain prestige can step on it.

After You Chuyun left, Chu Yunfan immediately teleported directly to the East China Sea through the teleportation array, and then rushed to Xiaoyao Xianshan as quickly as possible.

"Sorry, Master Chu, the young master is seriously injured now in retreat, it is not convenient to see you!"

Outside of Xiaoyao Xianshan, Chu Yunfan saw Ruoxi.

Ruoxi looked at Chu Yunfan with no expression on her face, but she was extremely shocked in her heart.

However, she hadn't seen it in just over a year, and Chu Yunfan's strength made her feel incredible and unfathomable.

I thought that Young Master Tang Siyu's cultivation speed was already quite astonishing, and it was impossible for anyone to compare it.

But just now, the trace of aura that Chu Yunfan exposed under his urgency made her feel a sense of trepidation.

Although she couldn't feel the extent of Chu Yunfan's strength, there was only an unfathomable feeling.

"It was me who was abrupt. If so, I will leave first. Please help me transfer this healing medicine to Siyu!"

As Chu Yunfan said, he took out a white porcelain bottle from the picture of mountains and rivers and handed it to Ruoxi.

"I understand, I will transfer it to the young master!" Ruoxi said.

"Then I'll leave first!"

Chu Yunfan, after he finished speaking, he left without looking back, and in a moment, he disappeared in the same place.

Ruoxi returned to Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain, a secluded secret territory. Tang Siyu took the porcelain vase and listened to Ruoxi's retelling of Chu Yunfan's words. Beautiful eyes flowed. After a long time, he said: "I know!"

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