I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2041: Celestial Realm Strikes

Almost overnight, Chu Yunfan once again aroused the situation in the world and attracted the attention of many experts in the world.

And almost at the same time, in Zhenyuan City, Zhenyuan Hou Mansion.

An old man in black sat in the place where Chu Yunfan often sat, smiling and looking at Chu Yunfan who had just rushed back from the East China Sea island.

"Zhenyuanhou, you can be regarded as coming back, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The black-clothed old man smiled and looked at Chu Yunfan, but his smile was somewhat indifferent and emotionless, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Chu Yunfan raised his sword eyebrows, and a bit of vigilance rose in his heart. Because someone came, but no one reported to him, the entire Zhenyuan Hou Mansion seemed to have no idea that someone was coming, and it was still operating normally outside. With.

The comer is not good!

Chu Yunfan immediately judged that if it wasn't for the unkind person who came, why should he be so sneaky, he could come and visit in an open and honest manner.

"Who are you? What are you waiting for?" Chu Yunfan looked at the black-clothed old man and asked.

The black-clothed man paused, and then said: "Old man Chi Yun, this time he came here specially, just wanting to ask Zhenyuan Hou to borrow something!"

"Borrowing what?" Chu Yunfan said in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on Chu Yunfan.

"I borrow all your hard work!" The man in black, Chi Yun, said with a grin.

Chu Yunfan's eyes were slightly cold, and he said in a cold voice, "Are you kidding me? Dare to make this joke with me, are you ready to pay for it with your life?"

A burst of light burst into his eyes. The blood in his mind is the so-called essence and blood. It is the essence of the practitioner. For the practitioner, it can be said to be extremely precious, let alone all the blood in the mind. , Even if it is a loss of a little bit, it will make the practitioner feel distressed for a long time.

Like a general good fortune realm level master, losing a drop of effort, may have to work hard for several months, or even a year, to replenish it.

For a practitioner with supernatural powers, even if the blood is all drained in an instant, it is impossible to die. Only the blood of the heart, if all the blood is drained, it will be a dead end.

Wherever this True Person Chiyun came to borrow blood, he clearly came to borrow his life.

Moreover, even if it is a drop of borrowing, Chu Yunfan cannot borrow it. It is obvious that the person who comes is unkind. Who is Chu Yunfan, how could he give up easily.

True person Chi Yun immediately changed his face and snorted coldly, "Toast, not eat or drink fine wine! Since Zhenyuanhou refused to borrow, the old man will take it personally!"

In the next instant, True Person Chi Yun made a move, and in that instant, his whole person disappeared in an instant, and in the next instant, when he reappeared, he was already in front of Chu Yunfan.

He grabbed it with one hand, the whole body was red, as if it were made of light, and he grabbed Chu Yunfan's heart directly, actually trying to grab Chu Yunfan's heart entirely.

"Chiyun **** hands!"

"court death!"

Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, and blasted out with a punch on his backhand.


The fists intersected, and the dazzling divine light wafted away, and the various interiors in the whole room were turned into ashes, but these divine light did not continue to oscillate and were blocked by the enchantment in the room. This was Chu Yun. The enchantment under the arrangement.


The real person Chi Yun stepped back a few steps before finally unloading Chu Yunfan's fist and strength. At this time, his eyes changed slightly when he looked at Chu Yunfan, and he was no longer looking at a dead person as before. Looking at an ant.

Being able to knock him back with one blow was enough to make him admire him.

"That's right, Chu Yunfan, you can be famous all over the world, you really have two sons, but it's only a good fortune realm. You can reach this level with a strange power. There are rumors that you have the emperor physique, and now it seems to be worthwhile!" Chi Yun The real person laughed instead of anger, as if the stronger Chu Yunfan's performance, the happier he was. "It's no wonder that an adult has to ask for your hard work, but no matter how strong you are, it is only good fortune. I will let you see the gap between you and me!"


A burst of mana burst out of True Person Chi Yun, shining with dazzling red light, rippling into slices of sacred fire, extremely terrifying.

This True Person Chiyun had already reached the point of reaching the peak with his fire-type supernatural powers, and he actually stepped into the existence of the heavenly realm with this one action.

"Are you actually in the heavenly realm?" Chu Yunfan looked at the real person Chiyun in front of him. Although it should not have been long before the real person Chiyun entered the heavenly realm, he has actually entered the heavenly realm and surpassed good fortune. territory.

Real Man Chi Yun heard Chu Yunfan point to the things he was most proud of, he couldn't help but laughed, and said, "Yes, I am already in a heavenly position. Unlike you, there is an adult’s guidance, I The future is boundless, and now as long as you take your painstaking efforts to deal with each other, my strength will go even further!"

"That adult? Who is it?" Chu Yunfan squinted his eyes and heard Real Person Chi Yun keep mentioning that adult~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yunfan could feel the one in his mouth. This adult is probably the messenger behind the scenes.

If True Person Chi Yun had no background, Chu Yunfan dared to be sure, and would not dare to attack him so blatantly by giving him ten more bear-hearted leopards.

After all, there is the Flying Immortal Sect behind him. This is something everyone knows. In general casual cultivators, there are not no masters of the Celestial Realm level, but they dare not take it lightly. If you take a shot at him, success or failure is the second thing. , The key is Fei Xianzong's revenge, they can't bear it, let alone ordinary casual cultivation, that is, ordinary sects will be uprooted.

True Person Chi Yun immediately became alert and said, "You don't need to know, anyway, you will be a dead person soon!"

It’s too late. It’s almost time. Real Person Chiyun has made another move. Unlike before, this time, Real Person Chiyun has truly demonstrated a means belonging to the level of the heavenly realm. With a mouth, a horrible divine fire cuts through the sky. The space was shaking violently, and the entire room instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and an overwhelming momentum swept towards Chu Yunfan in an instant.

"Small bugs, dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

Chu Yunfan sneered. He understood that this real Chiyun should have been here for a while, and he didn't know that he had beaten the Donghua Heavenly Girl on the East China Sea for a while, otherwise it would definitely not be so big.

You know, the strength of Donghua Tiannv is much stronger than him.

Approximately in his opinion, there is no reason for an unsuccessful master of a heavenly realm level to personally act on a younger generation of good fortune realm.

"Since you don't say it, then I will fight until you say it!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes were cold.

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The 2041st chapter the heavenly realm strikes (page 1/1)

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