I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2042: In your hands, it's violent

In an instant, Chu Yunfan also broke out in an instant, and countless thunders burst into his body. These thunders swept away, covering the room in an instant, and the sea of ​​flames that originally swept out of the real Chi Yun also took an instant. Was annihilated by the power of Chu Yunfan's thunder.

At the same time, True Person Chi Yun also made a move. One of his hands stretched out, and he turned into a crimson talisman directly. There was a dazzling divine light in the talisman, which was unimaginable. The terrifying ray of light instantly ignited a raging fire, and once again attacked Chu Yunfan.

"Sacred Fire Rune!"

This divine fire talisman of True Person Chi Yun broke through Chu Yunfan's thunder in an instant, and directly fell on Chu Yunfan's body. The terrifying power formed a huge explosion, and almost opened the entire room in an instant. Come.


The terrifying explosion sounded endlessly, and True Person Chi Yun showed a cruel smile on his face, and quickly protected himself with a barrier.

In fact, if it were not for the enchantment arranged by Chu Yunfan in this small room, the aftermath of the battle would be enough to destroy half of the city.

It's so powerful, of course, there is no doubt that this is also his hole card.

This was an adventure he had when he was young, he got the inheritance of an ancient great supernatural power in a lost cave mansion, and his fire attribute supernatural power originated from this.

Once the Sacred Fire Talisman erupts, its power is beyond doubt.

But who knows, before he could think about it, his smile froze, but he saw that in the sea of ​​fire and explosion, a big hand suddenly grabbed it out, and his divine fire talisman was unexpectedly caught by that. A big hand was caught.

Immediately after a seal appeared on the Shenhuo Talisman, he instantly felt that his control of the Shenhuo Talisman had disappeared without a trace, and the original induction between the Shenhuo Talisman and the Shenhuo Talisman had also disappeared invisible.

"How is it possible?" Chi Yun's eyes widened, and an incredible expression appeared on his pleated face.

He had never encountered such an opponent before, ignoring the power of his Divine Fire Talisman, grabbed the Divine Fire Talisman in an instant, and was able to seal his Divine Fire Talisman, so that his induction to the Divine Fire Talisman disappeared.

"This is a divine fire amulet?" Chu Yunfan took the divine fire amulet and looked at it. He was sure that it was indeed a divine fire amulet refined by the ancient divine rune sect.

In the memory of Emperor Pill, he had seen this kind of divine fire amulet, but divine fire amulet is also divided into levels. Even the lower level can be refined even in the supernatural power realm, and the high level can be blasted out with a single blow, and can even severely inflict damage. An emperor-level master.

And the one in front of him should belong to a very high-level Divine Fire Talisman. In the hands of True Person Chi Yun, even one-tenth of the power did not burst out.

"This is a good thing, but in your hands, it is simply a violent thing!" Chu Yunfan grinned and said.

"Little **** is looking for death!" Real Chi Yun suddenly became angry, and Chu Yunfan snatched his divine fire talismans. He even dared to laugh at his control over the divine fire talismans, which was simply deceiving people too much.

In the next instant, True Person Chi Yun made another move. A big scarlet hand grabbed it and grabbed Chu Yunfan's head straight away. He wanted to catch Chu Yunfan to death first.

"I can't help myself!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and blasted his backhand with a punch.


The horrible divine light shone again and turned into a horrible frenzy. True Person Chi Yun retreated several steps, but at this time, his expression was extremely ugly.

His entire arm was shattered by Chu Yunfan's fist, and turned into a cloud of blood in the air.

At this moment, where did he still have the arrogant and domineering color just now, he finally understood that he had made a huge mistake, originally thinking that his strength as a heavenly realm should be to crush the good fortune realm.

Who knows, Chu Yunfan's strength is so abnormal, it is obviously only good fortune realm, but the combat power really fights, even his celestial realm level master is severely injured.

He looked at Chu Yunfan's eyes again, with a somewhat horrified expression, as if he was not looking at a person, but at a terrifying monster in human skin.

How long has passed, the situation has become like this.

He still didn’t know that Chu Yunfan had just beaten the Donghua Heavenly Girl in the East China Sea, otherwise he would leave without looking back. No matter how arrogant he is, he also has absolute confidence in his own strength. If his strength is not enough, he Of course I dare not make such a mess.


True Person Chi Yun had already made a decision immediately, turning around to flee, turning into a flame and trying to flee.

"I want to escape now? It's a bit too late!"

Chu Yunfan let out a loud shout, and then a thunder whip came out of nowhere, and instantly chased after him like an electric snake~www.ltnovel.com~Boom! "

In the next instant, True Person Chi Yun was immediately **** by the thunder whip, and fell to the ground fiercely.

True person Chi Yun ignored the pain of breaking his arm, struggling constantly, trying to escape, but it was of no use at all. He couldn't break free of the thunder lash. On the contrary, as he continued to struggle, the thunder lash was actually tightened. Tighter.

After a while, True Person Chi Yun continued to utter painful screams, and the power of thunder spread all over his body, tearing his flesh apart, making his soul tremble.

At this moment, he looked at Chu Yunfan's eyes, and there was no more arrogance and randomness at the beginning. On the contrary, there was only the color of fear, as if Chu Yunfan was like a **** of Gedai descended to the world, casually shot. If he was able to fight, he could not fight back.

What an amazing strength this is.

Even now, Chu Yunfan still didn't show up, and he couldn't understand what kind of strength Chu Yunfan had.

"Now let's talk about it, what is your background, and who is that adult?" Chu Yunfan walked in front of True Person Chi Yun step by step.

"Don't miss me speaking!"

True Person Chi Yun shook his head immediately. He almost immediately thought of that adult's method. If he betrayed that adult, the consequences would be far more terrifying than death.

He has no other choice.

"If that's the case, don't blame me for using the Soul Contemplating Dafa!" Chu Yunfan said. This is a Dafa that can search for memory. It is simple and rude and has great power. It is also a method that many people like to use in ancient times.

However, this method has a sequelae, that is, once used, almost 100% of the objects used will become idiots.

But for True Person Chiyun, he had nothing to show mercy, after all, he had his own life before.

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