I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2050: The Yu Wei of Chu Yunfan

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The problem of the young man made many people's expressions a bit reminiscent, as if they were thinking of the years back then. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You don't know that they are normal. Those are two legends. Even if compared with the arrogant talents today, they are also two legends!"

"One of them was Chu Yunfan, the number one in the previous Tianjiao list, and the other was the first godsend of the previous Tianjiao list!" The middle-aged man spoke slowly, without saying anything, only one. The first place in the Tianjiao list shows their weight.

Even if it is an alternate Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, for most of the people in the teahouse, it is a big figure that is difficult to match.

However, these two individuals are the number one on the list of Tianjiao in the same era, and their weight is self-evident.

"No, Master, I remember, the last Tianjiao ranking first, isn't Tang Siyu? Why is there another Chu Yunfan?" The young man said in a puzzled way, what he has known since his birth Tang Siyu was already No. 1 on the Tianjiao list.

Where did this Chu Yunfan come from?

It's like a stone monkey emerging out of thin air.

The middle-aged man just smiled and shook his head: "That's after him. When he was in power, he swept his peers and crushed the world's arrogance. Now those big people you have heard of, Da Yi Shen Jiao Zi Without saying a word, Meng Tianren of Haoran Academy, Hu Qingxuan of the Tianhu family, etc. were all defeated by his men back then. He alone killed the world's heroes. There are many legends who died in his hands, and they truly surpassed his peers. Gedai characters!"

After a pause, the middle-aged man continued to speak again, saying: "Even Tang Siyu, who was the number one Tianjiao list before, could only be second when he was in power!"

The young man's expression changed obviously. Although he didn't know how powerful Chu Yunfan was back then, when the current legends faced the man named Chu Yunfan, they all set themselves at the bottom. It was enough. Prove their power.

Many people opened their mouths and didn't say anything after all. Even these defeated opponents of Chu Yunfan at the time hadn't made any moves for several years, or rather, they didn't make any moves in front of the worldly people.

Each of these people's cultivation bases surpassed the Supreme Elders in each sect, and each was more powerful than the other, and some entered the Great Xia Dynasty to serve, with high positions and powerful positions, as if they were already a big boss.

Those Tianjiao figures who were still a little immature in those days are now the giants of the entire world, and the situation has long been completely different.

"In the early days, he was already the only one of the people of that generation who had been a prince, and it was so beautiful!" said the middle-aged man. "Moreover, in terms of age, Chu Yunfan is actually not very old. In fact, he should be regarded as the arrogant of this year's arrogance list, but he has already swept counter-attack more than a decade ago, among his peers. He is invincible in all directions, so Tianji Pavilion also included him on the list of Tianjiao!"

There is an upper limit for the age on the Zhitianjiao list, but there is no requirement for a lower limit. Only when Chu Yunfan's cultivation age is far less than those Tianjiao, he can be on the list.

This kind of situation is rare in ancient times, and it is almost impossible to do. Tianjiao is almost the most outstanding person of a generation, talents, opportunities, inheritance, resources, all of which are top-notch. In this case, I want to Counterattack is to sweep all powerful enemies and become No. 1 on the Tianjiao list, which no one has ever been able to do.

"Now Chu Hong on the list of Tianjiao is his clan brother. The age difference between the two is not that big. Hua Xianyuan is his same sect at the beginning, and he worshipped Fei Xianzong with him, but Hua Xianyuan's radiance was Almost covered by him alone!" Someone next to him said with emotion. "Now Huaxian is far ahead of the Tianjiao list, which proves that his talent is extraordinary, and he will definitely be a big man who will shake the world in the future. But such a person has no light from being suppressed more than ten years ago. Chu Yunfan is simply It's a monster!"

The young man was extremely shocked, and Chu Yunfan's many deeds were already legendary, not to mention that Chu Yunfan's age should actually be regarded as the genius of this generation.

He was a counter-attack and became the number one in the previous generation's Tianjiao list with his amazing talent. This is no different from his current counter-attack and became the number one in the current Tianjiao list. When he thinks about it, he knows that there are some difficulties. How big is impossible to do.

However, Chu Yunfan did it. Such a character is indeed a legend.

"Even Tang Siyu couldn't compete with him back then?" The young man said completely incredible.

In his impression, Tang Siyu is undoubtedly a legendary super genius. He almost grew up listening to many legendary deeds about Tang Siyu. However, such a character was always alive when Chu Yunfan was in power. To be overwhelmed.

This difference made him almost unbelievable.

"Yes, even with Tang Siyu's aptitude to seal the emperor's physique, he could only succumb to it back then, but the relationship between the two of them was a Taoist couple, so no real war broke out. Later, someone said that Tang Siyu came first, even if Chu Yun Fan is still there, and it may not be able to overwhelm her, but after all he cannot be confirmed~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, he is no longer there, and the supporters of Tang Siyu can't confirm it no matter how plausible they are!" The middle-aged man Nodded and said.

He was also extremely emotional. Tang Siyu, who was crowned the emperor, swept all his peers, but after all, he could only rank second in the world. It was not Tang Siyu that was not good, but Chu Yunfan was too enchanting.

All kinds of information about Tang Siyu have been known in succession over the years, knowing that she is the emperor's physique, and her aptitude is shocking, but Chu Yunfan is different, he is too mysterious, and even guessed that he was the emperor's physique. Up to now, it is only speculation and cannot be confirmed.

"He is powerful, you may not be able to imagine it now, but you only need to know that even Chu Hong can have the current achievements, and it depends on his true biography, and you will know it!" The middle-aged man said slowly.

"But since he is so powerful, why I have never heard his name? Where did he go? Did he fall?" The young man digested the shock, but couldn't help but ask what was in his heart. doubt.

How could he have never heard of such a powerful character ever since he was a child? This is totally unscientific. Even if he was active before he was born, as long as he is alive, there will always be news. It is impossible to get news at all. No.

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