I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2051: The duel began, and Chu Yunfan finally appeared

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He also had great curiosity in his heart. For such a legend, just by listening to some of his master’s descriptions, he could tell that he was a Gedai character. The fastest update┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

The middle-aged man paused for a while, and then said: "This is what I said, and it is related to another Tianjiao ranking first Jun Tianci. Back then, it was rumored that Jun Tianci came to Zhenyuan City in person and raided Chu Yunfan. After that, Chu Yunfan didn't know whether he was alive or not, and no one knew whether he was alive or dead!"

"Although Fei Xianzong and Zhenyuan City have always insisted that he is still alive, it has been a full fifteen years since then, and there is no news of him anymore. Everyone thinks that he has fallen!"

Having said this, the middle-aged man couldn't help sighing.

This young man only knew at this time why such a legendary figure has not heard from him, and there is no news at all.

It actually involves another legend. The top of the previous Tianjiao list will be killed by the top of the previous Tianjiao list. This situation, for him, is simply a shocking thing, he never knew. , Those Tianjiao matches on the Tianjiao list will be so fierce.

"Master, doesn't the court care about such a big thing?" The young man couldn't help but said in a puzzled way. The Daxia Dynasty might not care about the fight of ordinary people, but Tianjiao ranked first, that is the essence of the genius of the era. Among the geniuses, the fall of any one is a huge loss to the Great Xia Dynasty.

The middle-aged man sighed, and said, "How could it be possible to leave it alone? At the moment, the imperial court sent an investigation team, and Fei Xianzong also had an investigation team stationed there, but there was no evidence that Chu Yunfan could come out to testify. In addition to the fact that the Zhenyuan City family, referred to as Chu Yunfan, is not dead, the court can only give up in the end!"

"After this is the endless battle, Tang Siyu even declared war on Jun Tianci. According to various uncertain rumors, in more than ten years, Tang Siyu killed more than 20 powerful followers of the Tianci of the Jun Tianci. He had been ambushed by Jun Tianci and was nearly seriously injured and dying. The conflicts and frictions between Feixianzong and Tianmingzong did not stop. The masters who had friendships with Chu Yunfan in those years did not take revenge on Tianmingzong and Jun Tianci. Stop it!"

The young man suddenly flashed his inspiration, and said, "Today's battle between Xiang Feiyun and Chu Hongcai, is it also related to the original matter?"

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Yes, although the battle between the two has factors to compete for the top of the Tianjiao list, in the final analysis, the trace to the source is due to the battle that day gift of the king attacked and killed Chu Yunfan!"

Only then did the boy realize that today's highly anticipated battle, in the final analysis, is actually related to the legendary figure of the year.

At this time, many tea guests' discussions fell into his ears.

"Today's battle, too many people came, and there were a lot of strong people in the world. There were more than one or two people who suffered from Chu Yunfan's losses back then, I'm afraid they were not good intentions!"

"Hey, these people are not good people either. They collapsed when Chu Yunfan was beaten back in the past. They have not attacked Chu Hongcai once or twice in the past few years. They are both obvious and secret, but Chu Yunfan has the power of Chu Yunfan back then. , The more you fight, the stronger!"

"Maybe there will be masters of foreign races coming. Those foreign races suffered a lot from Chu Yunfan back then. No one wants to see Chu Hong rise!"

Suddenly, there was a commotion among the tea guests.

"The duel has begun, and Xiang Feiyun has arrived first!"

This remark immediately caused a commotion, and a group of tea customers disappeared. In a moment, the originally lively teahouse became deserted and deserted. In the corner, a figure sitting alone in a seat looked very different.

This person looked like he was in his twenties, thin, sitting on the seat, straight like a spear.

His face was unremarkable, and he seemed to be able to see such a person anywhere on the street.

But being able to appear in this teahouse means that it is definitely impossible to be an ordinary person.

After a long time, this talent put down the teacup in his hand and sighed: "Unexpectedly, it has been fifteen years in a blink of an eye, and even Hongcai can already compete for the top spot on the list of Tianjiao!"

This person sighed slightly, his face was plain, but his eyes kept bursting with light, showing his unrest in his heart.

Only he himself knows that he is no one else, but Chu Yunfan, the previous generation legend of the hot court that everyone discussed just now.

Chu Yunfan sighed in his heart that the time for the Phoenix Nirvana this time was extraordinarily long. Fifteen years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the people and things that were familiar back then are already very different.

Those who were on the Tianjiao list with him at that time are now well-known big figures in the world, and Chu Hongcai, who followed him back then, and Hua Xianyuan, who joined him in the Flying Immortal Sect, worshipped together with him. They are all famous geniuses on the new Tianjiao list.

This kind of change made him feel like the world has changed!

He still remembered that when he first met Chu Hongcai, he was just a young man, and now he is already a world-famous arrogant.

In more than ten years, the world has changed, and he has finally completed this transformation. The initial attack by Jun Tianci made him too badly injured and almost dying. It was only a few days ago that he finally completed the Phoenix Nirvana. In one fell swoop, he was severely injured and dying.

But he didn't alarm anyone, and even changed his face to become another person.

After hearing of the battle between Chu Hongcai and Xiang Feiyun, he immediately rushed to Zhongzhou City.

Like what many tea guests said~www.ltnovel.com~ This battle spreads all over the world, I am afraid it will attract many masters, many of whom have enemies.

When Chu Yunfan was in the process of rising, he didn't even know how many people he offended.

When Chu Yunfan was there, they couldn't help Chu Yunfan, but they didn't prevent them from attacking Chu Hongcai.

The battle that was attacked and killed by Jun Tianci fifteen years ago also impressed Chu Yunfan. At the same time, he also deeply understood that no matter what kind of talent he has, if he does not grow up, he will eventually be in danger of falling.

The world does not know how many people will kill the existence of genius.

In the battle between Chu Hongcai and Xiang Feiyun, he would not intervene, and there was no need to intervene. Xiang Feiyun was just a stepping stone and a sharpening stone on Chu Hongcai's road ahead.

But it was only used to sharpen Chu Hong, but those top masters shot, it was different.

"It's best if there is nothing wrong, if those people take a shot regardless of their face..." Chu Yunfan's voice became deeper and deeper, inaudible.

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