I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2054: Kill Xiang Feiyun and pull back 1 city

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Chu Yunfan also sighed. From this series of fights, he could see that Chu Hongcai's strength had changed dramatically in the past ten years. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

This kind of change, if you understand Chu Hongcai's strength, will you truly understand how amazing his progress has been in these ten-odd years.

Now Chu Hong was able to confront the top-notch Tianjiao, and he did not lose sight of a peerless genius like Xiang Feiyun, even more powerful.

However, only Chu Yunfan knew that among these people, Chu Hongcai had the worst foundation. Among these people, Chu Hongcai was the youngest.

Moreover, when these Tianjiao had already emerged, Chu Hong just barely worshipped Fei Xianzong, not even a disciple of the inner sect.

Even if the speed of the counterattack all the way is not as good as the original Chu Yunfan, it is not much worse.

Ordinary people may not understand why Chu Hong was able to rise to this point. Only Chu Yunfan knows the most. This is because of the jade slip he left to Chu Hongcai at the beginning, and the set of outstanding merits recorded in the jade slip. Law, indestructible sword body.

This is a special physique similar to the Huangji battle body acquired from cultivation, but unlike the comprehensiveness of the Huangji battle body, the limitation of the indestructible sword body lies in the sword.

After practicing the indestructible sword body, all the swordsmanship techniques can be said to be easy to come by. It is natural to practice swordsmanship. The practice of swordsmanship is very fast. The speed of this technique is not fast when the foundation is laid in the early stage, but in the later stage, the practice starts. Swordsmanship, the faster the speed.

It's just that the exercise method is too clever, and it's not bad compared to the innate special physique, that's why people think that Chu Hong is a born sword bone.

If Chu Hong was a born sword bone, he wouldn't have been silent for so long. A person born with a sword bone is almost a natural kendo wizard. As long as he practiced, he would definitely shine with a huge light.

It is impossible not to be known.

At the beginning, Chu Yunfan decided to pass on the Immortal Sword Body to Chu Hongcai in a single thought, and he didn't even think that Chu Hong would be able to cultivate successfully.

Because the indestructible sword body is gradually improved, gradually cultivated, from acquired to innate, a peerless technique.

A little bit of practice will improve your physique a little bit, even if it's just a semi-finished product, it won't be inferior to ordinary geniuses.

Chu Yunfan's initial expectation was nothing more than that. Who would have thought that Chu Hong would be able to counterattack and cultivate the Immortal Sword Body to the point of being small.

The indestructible sword body that has been cultivated to a small level is enough to be comparable to the constitution of the king, and even in terms of combat power, it is the best in the physique of the king.

And once the cultivation reaches the mastery, the immortal sword body is even comparable to the constitution of the emperor.

It’s just that everything looks beautiful, but according to the memory of the Emperor Dan and the records in the Emperor’s Battle, even in the ancient times when geniuses were born, the one who could cultivate the immortal sword body to great success was just the original pioneer. It's just one, and there aren't many people who have cultivated to Xiaocheng, so they are rare.

Chu Hong did this step. I don’t know how much effort he put into it. You have to know that every step of the cultivation process of the immortal sword body is accompanied by great pain. It is necessary to forcibly reverse the acquired ordinary physique into the innate. The battle body, keeping the sword temperature in the body, may even abandon all previous efforts accidentally, the sword aura rages, and blew to death.

If it were not so painful and dangerous, there would not be so few people who successfully practiced in ancient times.

This is similar to Chu Yunfan's cultivation of the imperial battle body. Unlike those geniuses who possess extremely powerful and special physiques, the degree of difficulty in reversing the gap in aptitude can be imagined.

It can almost be said that if you want to do this, the probability is almost very, very low!

Even Chu Yunfan never thought that Chu Hong could do this!

However, Chu Yunfan's thoughts were quickly attracted by the two fighting on the ring.

The power of the sword almost shredded the space in the ring. Just when everyone was marveling at the strength of both sides, the battlefield changed again, and the entire energy ring burst into pieces.


The energy ring was beaten and collapsed under everyone's eyes.

Both of them are pure martial arts practitioners, and a simple martial arts attack directly knocked down the entire arena.

And it was at this time that the battle between the two sides finally came to a conclusion. In the series of collisions just now, Xiang Feiyun's figure retreated violently, vomiting blood again and again.

Everyone finally saw clearly, Xiang Feiyun had a big hole in his chest, and he was wearing a golden armor, but he was cut out of a huge hole by a sword.

And on Chu Yunfan's palm, a small black flying sword, which turned round and round, exuding a dazzling cold light, it was this flying sword that would hit Feiyun hard with one blow.

"Deep thoughts, this Chu Hong has waited until now before finally making a full move, and he will hit Feiyun badly in one fell swoop!"

"Finally the winner is determined, and the counterattack is now. This is the third battle. Chu Hongcai's skill has become more and more profound, and he has finally reversed the disadvantage of his own age and surpassed Xiang Feiyun in skill!"

"The first place in the Tianjiao list is finally about to be determined. There are actually two No. 1 in the world. What does this look like!"

For a while, everyone seemed to explode the pot, everyone was boiling, and Chu Hong suffered a heavy blow to Feiyun, and the victory was divided.

Suddenly, at this moment, Chu Hong shot again, and the flying sword in his hand instantly turned into a black light~www.ltnovel.com~The black light tore through the sky, and instantly penetrated Xiang Feiyun's head.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded for an instant, and everyone did not expect that Chu Hong would hurt the killer even when the victory was divided. Although the battle has not been over from the scene, in fact, the battle is over. Up.

In the shocking gazes of everyone, Chu Hong just said coldly: "Today this is just a charge of interest. On that day, Jun Tian gave a big bully and raided my brother. Today, Xiang Feiyun's end will be his future. End!"

For a while, everyone was in an uproar. Many people remembered Chu Yunfan's surprise attack by Jun Tianci. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a big bully.

Jun Tianci attacked and killed Chu Yunfan, who had not yet achieved his mastery, and caused so much sensation that year. Everyone thought that the original matter had subsided, but they did not expect to be brought up again in this form.

Even intensified, the grievances and battles between Chu Yunfan and Jun Tianci extended from the two of them to their descendants.

At the beginning, Jun Tianci severely inflicted Chu Yunfan's life and death, leaving Chu Yunfan unclear, which was regarded as a victory. Now, Chu Hong only beheaded Xiang Feiyun, and truly regained his blood.

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