I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2055: The grudge between Chu Yunfan and Juntian has never stopped

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This grudge has never stopped, and the intermittent fight has never stopped, but ordinary people don't know it. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

For ordinary people, Chu Yunfan had already fallen more than ten years ago, and it was basically a past tense.

Even for some younger generations, Chu Yunfan's legend has never been heard.

However, for some people, this grudge has never ceased. Over the years, one after another, the collision of the two camps has never stopped.

Everyone really realized this at this time. I am afraid that this grievance will not end easily, and conflicts erupt continuously until one of the two sides falls.

More importantly, Chu Hongcai officially launched a challenge to Jun Tianci!

Many people realized that the world was about to cause a huge sensation again, and the next generation of successors that the Destiny Sect had done everything possible to train died in the hands of Chu Hongcai.

You know, Tianmingzong is not the Li family where Li Qianyuan was beheaded by Chu Yunfan before.

In terms of power, although the Li family is a family of military officers, it is not even worthy to carry shoes to the Destiny Sect. The death of Li Qianyuan made such a big disturbance at the beginning, but compared with the strength of the Destiny Sect, there is still a big difference. No, strength is not the same.

The Destiny Sect is the number one sect in the world. Even Feixian Sect and the Destiny Sect have a big difference in strength. Although they are both one of the top ten sects, the gap between them is beyond doubt.

Now that Xiang Feiyun is dead, the Heavenly Fate Sect will definitely not give up easily!

Suddenly, when everyone was still shocked, an angry roar came from the void: "You are looking for death!"

A big hand grabbed it from the void, and Ling Kong grabbed it from the void, and directly grabbed it in the direction of Chu Hongcai, and wanted to capture Chu Hongcai to death all at once.

There was a fierce killing intent in this big hand, and it didn't give Chu Hongcai any chance to resist, so he caught Chu Hongcai to death on the spot.

Even the speed at which this big hand grabbed it out was extremely fast, and it surpassed the speed that Chu Hong could react to it, but it was caught in front of Chu Hongcai in an instant.

But at this moment, behind Chu Hongcai, a big handprint took a volley, and he patted the big hand directly.


The big mudra broke the big hand volley.

Everyone only saw that behind Chu Hongcai, there was an extra old man in Xuanyi. Just now he was about to capture Chu Hongcai's big hand and blasted the volley at a critical moment.

"That's... Chu Hongcai's guardian?" Someone couldn't help but said in shock as he looked at the old man in mysterious clothes.

The horrible blood surging from the old man in Xuan Yi, his strength gave people an unfathomable feeling, as if the blood could shatter the entire world.

What he just displayed was the Fei Xianzong's supreme knack, Fei Xian's big mudra, this knack in his hands, exerting a power that ordinary people can't even imagine.

After the black clothed old man appeared, another black clothed old man appeared in front of Chu Hongcai not far away. Unlike the black clothed old man, the black clothed old man exploded with fierce killing intent. This killing intent was all directed at Chu Hongcai.

From the moment he made the shot almost without hesitation, everyone almost guessed his identity for the first time. It was Xiang Feiyun's protector.

Chu Hongcai beheaded Xiang Feiyun. For him, it was the biggest dereliction of duty. The most important thing was that some of the benefits he could have gained through Xiang Feiyun were now all in vain.

Between the protector and the protected Tianjiao, of course it is not a pure obligation, but a relationship of interest. Now Xiang Feiyun is dead, and he hasn't waited until he grows up. It can be said that he has done it in an instant for more than ten years. Useless work.

Even the black-clothed old man did not expect that Chu Hong would actually start so decisively and ruthlessly, and if Xiang Feiyun was defeated, he would directly attack and kill Xiang Feiyun.

My heart was even more anxious and angry. With the power of their Destiny Sect, the number one sect in the world, no one had ever dared to deal with the successor of the Destiny Sect like this.

If it hadn't been blocked by Chu Hongcai's protector just now, it would be impossible to stop his attack with Chu Hongcai's strength.

"Heavenly realm?" Chu Yunfan looked at the two Taoist guards and was stunned to discover that the two Taoist guards were actually experts at the Heavenly Realm level.

Suddenly, it was a little strange. Even Li Qianyuan's guardian was only the peak of the good fortune realm. What kind of concept is the heavenly realm? Even among the ten giant sect-level behemoths, it is also a high-powered, rare existence.

This seemed a little different from what he had known at the beginning.

However, Chu Yunfan didn't know that the reason why he was now like this was greatly related to the sudden attack he received from the Lord that day, and even his almost fall.

It is precisely because even Chu Yunfan's strength is unavoidable to be raided by powerful masters, which has caused a serious sense of crisis in each sect. For those Tianjiao who can be on the list of Tianjiao, their guardians will be transformed from the original good luck. The promotion of the pinnacle of the realm to the realm of heaven is to better protect these arrogances.

"Chu Hongcai~www.ltnovel.com~ you dare to kill my chief disciple of Fei Xianzong, you are dead!" The black-clothed old man roared in a low voice, as if it were a wounded beast.

"Want to kill in front of me? It depends on whether you have this ability!" The old man in Xuanyi, who is the protector of Chu Hongcai, naturally confronted without showing weakness. "Your Fei Xianzong disciple was not good at learning arts and was killed in the ring. Can you find a reason?"

This is also Chu Hongcai's most reasonable place. In the arena, no matter what the victory or defeat, life and death, he has to resign.

"Hmph, I don't care about the ring fight, I only know that Chu Hong killed my chief disciple of Fei Xianzong, and you have to pay for it!" The black-clothed old man snorted coldly. "You think that some of the reputation left by Chu Yunfan can keep you, even Fei Xianzong can't keep you, today you will undoubtedly die!"

"Bullying the big with the small is indeed the tradition of your Destiny Sect, but I am not afraid of you. Now that I am here, I am ready. If you have any means, you may wish to use it!"

Chu Hong made the plan completely. He was going to kill Xiang Feiyun. This was not a temporary intention, but a long deliberate intention. It can be said that he wanted to kill Xiang Feiyun during the first two engagements. It was only at that time. He was not enough to kill Xiang Feiyun.

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